Concerned Citizens Rally Against Election Rigging Plans in Malawi’s Upcoming General Polls


A group known as “Concerned Citizens” has launched a mission aimed at thwarting any attempts to rig the upcoming 2025 Malawi General Elections. 

Kick-starting their mission, the group has initiated an investigation into the ongoing National ID Registration process, to assess its appropriateness as a prerequisite for voting in the 2025 elections. 

Edward Kambanje, the chairperson of the group, expressed concerns over reports of registration challenges and lengthy queues.

Speaking to Malawi24, Kambanje emphasized the importance of firsthand understanding these challenges and addressing them. 

“We want to see for ourselves and talk to the people what are the challenges. People are queuing for several days not getting even a registration form.

“We are told that they want to use this National ID as a prerequisite for one to cast a vote. For this reason, we need to see if that can work well looking at the process of getting the ID, and later we will address the nation our findings and recommendation,” said  Kabambe.

The group intends to compile their findings and recommendations regarding the feasibility of using the National ID for voting in the upcoming elections. 

Amidst worries about potential political manipulation, Kambanje stressed the need to safeguard the integrity of the registration process and prevent any misuse by politicians. 

The inspection, currently underway in Blantyre until June 3rd, is set to extend to Lilongwe, Mzuzu, and Mangochi starting June 10th.

These efforts are in response to rumours of minor registration, which the National Registration Bureau (NRB) has denied.
