Teenager jailed for robbery in Limbe


Midima Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court in Limbe has sentenced 19-year-old Andrew Jailos to 14 years in prison for attacking a motorcycle kabaza operator and stealing his motorcycle.

According to Limbe Police Station Public Relations Officer Sergeant Aubrey Singanyama, State prosecutor, Sergeant Nowa Rapozo narrated in court that, in March this year, the teenager hit the motorcyclist with a heavy stick on his face, and he immediately collapsed.

Taking advantage of the victim’s condition, the convict made away with the motorcycle.

Upon receipt of the matter, Bvumbwe police instituted investigations which led to the robber’s arrest.

After being convicted, Jailos asked the court for a lesser sentence, citing that he has family which will suffer if he gets a stiffer sentence.

The state however, asked the court to mete out a stiffer punishment, arguing that robbery cases within the township are rampant.

Passing sentence, magistrate Lawrence Mchilima agreed with the state, and sentenced Jailos to 14 years jail term as a deterrent factor to other would-be offenders.

Jailos hails from Folisi Village, Traditional Authority Chimaliro in Thyolo district.

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