CCJP provides K3.5 million kwacha to VSL groups in Zomba, Machinga 

Catholic Commission Justice for Peace (CCPJ)

Catholic Commission Justice for Peace (CCPJ) in the Zomba Diocese has provided a cheque amounting to K3.5 million to Village Savings and Loan (VSL) groups comprised of persons with albinism (PWAs) from seven traditional authorities in Zomba and Machinga to improve their livelihood.

CCJP provided the cash through a project called Enhancing Socio-economical Rights of Persons with Albinism which is being funded by the Scottish Catholic International Aids Fund ( SCIAF) 

Speaking during the dummy cheque presentation at Group Village Headman Mbalu, Traditional Authority Mwambo in Zomba, CCJP, Project Manager in the Zomba Diocese, Augustine Mailosi said the cash was targeting persons with albinism that are grouped into VSL groups.

He added that CCJP felt that persons with albinism need to be engaged in small-scale business hence the boost.

Mailosi disclosed that each of the seven groups will receive K500,000 which will be in the form of a revolving fund so that other persons with albinism should also benefit.

He therefore called on the beneficiaries to spend the cash for intended purposes that should improve their household’s incomes.

“The K3.5 million is intended for VSL groups comprised of persons with albinism so that they should improve their livelihood through businesses in their respective areas,” Mailosi added.

One of the PWAs William Masapi commended the CCJP in the Zomba Diocese for introducing the project targeting persons with albinism so that they should be economically empowered.

He said the cash will help parents with children with albinism to provide for thchildrenedsd once they get into business.

Masapi therefore urged fellow beneficiaries to make good use of the cash.

Chairperson of the committee responsible for the VSL groups, Christopher Haji said the committee will ensure that every group repay the revolving fund to ensure many persons with albinism benefit from the project.

He therefore hailed CCJP for introducing the project to persons with albinism.


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