Bushiri Turns Habakkuk Into a Millionaire

Prophet Habakkuk Malawi

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri yesterday blessed controversial Prophet Habakkuk with 6 Million Kwacha.

The man of God blessed fellow man of God during ECG service Mzuzu last night.

Speaking during the service Prophet Bushiri said “I want anyone to bless Prophet Habakkuk with 1000 US dollars anyone in this room please bless this man.”

After the prophet asked, 3 people stood up and each one gave Prophet Habakkuk 1000 us dollars making it a total of 6 Million Kwacha.

Some days ago Prophet Habakkuk through a short video asked Prophet Bushiri to help him with one Million Kwacha to pay rent and also buy some food.

Prophet Habbakkuk is well known on social media with his comedies and viral begging videos. He is based in Rumphi district.

Clever ladies have already started texting Prophet Habakkuk now and others are calling him some names like daddy.
