Nurse commits suicide after raping pregnant girl


A 49-year-old Nurse/Midwife Technician at Kasinje Health Centre in Ntcheu district has committed suicide by taking poison days after he allegedly defiled a 15-year-old pregnant girl who was due to deliver.

According to Ntcheu Police Station Public Relations Officer, Inspector Jacob Khembo, the deceased has been identified as Moses Chimalizeni from Mambala Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kwataine in Ntcheu District.

Inspector Khembo reported that Chimalizeni who committed suicide on Sunday was on the night of September 11/12, 2023 attending to an expectant young girl aged 15 who was due for delivery.

“In the course of helping the pregnant girl, it is alleged that Chimalizeni defiled her. On the next day, the patient went to Balaka District Hospital for further medical help and narrated her previous ordeal to one of the health personnel who later advised her to report the matter to police,” said Khembo.

The police publicist further said on September 16, 2023, the young mother reported the matter to police at Sharpvalle Police Post who later summoned Chimalizeni.

Khembo further said the police later heard that the nurse together with his family had left Kasinje for his home village, Mambala which is located near Ntcheu Boma.

The accused, according to the police report, later disappeared after he also informed his daughter through a text message that he had taken poison.

People in the village conducted a search and found him unconscious at Mambala graveyard and they later rushed him to Ntcheu District Hospital where he died while receiving treatment.

Postmortem conducted at Ntcheu District Hospital revealed that death was due to poisoning.
