2 Kings 5:1 “Now Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master, because by him the Lord had given victory to Syria. He was also a mighty man of valor, but a leper.”
Money can answer physical problems but money fails in spiritual problems. For example, the best of the best hospitals in the world cannot drive out a demon even the weakest demon. Panado has no power over any demon. Which means if the sickness is caused by demonic attacks, money will fail to give a solution.
In the opening scripture, Naaman a very influential person in Syria with all his wealth which included precious metals could not heal of skin problem. Nowadays many rich people have some issues that cling to them for many years. Many have gone to all best hospitals but have failed and eventually have accepted them as part of their life. When you invite such people for spiritual solution, some don’t accept. They think that because their money hasn’t worked then nothing else can work.
But we know that we have a solution. Jesus is still the solution. Whether your money has worked or failed, look unto God. Jeremiah 32:27 ”Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too difficult for me?”
You quit depending on your strength, power, riches, connections to top officials and so on. These are all temporary and subject to fail. Depend on God. Zechariah 4:6 “So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts.”
Don’t accept illegal foreigners in your life. Sickness, infirmity, poverty and anything not put by God are foreigners and aren’t allowed in your life. Your body is the temple of God and not of failure, poverty, perpetual problems, and other sicknesses. Ensure that you don’t accept them in you. Drive them out regardless of how long they have been.
Learn to work out the Word of God. As a believer you have power to cast out demons and any undesirables (Mark 16:17-18).
Don’t live a normal life in abnormal situations. Abnormality remains abnormality regardless of how long you have been in that problem. Time cannot normalize the abnormal condition. Time doesn’t heal. Ask those who have suffered for 60 years if time has healed them.
I walk in the light of the Word. I walk in divine health. I refuse foreigners in my body and in my life. In Jesus name. Amen