Mtsogoleri wa dziko lino amenenso ndi mtsogoleri wa chipani cholamula cha Democratic Progressive (DPP) wati chipani chotsutsa cha Kongeresi chinazolowela kugonja pa chisankho.
Mutharika ananena izi ku nyumba ya boma mu mzinda wa Lilongwe pamene chipani chake chinakonza mgonero.

A Mutharika polankhula kwa otsatira chipani chawo ananena kuti iwo ndi chipani chawo apambananso chisankho cha 2019.
“Ikafika 2019, wina asakunamizeni iyayi, tikupambana chisankho,” anatelo a Mutharika.
Iwo anati chipani chawo chilimbika ndi kuchita kampeni mwa khama ndipo pamapeto pake azapambana.
“A Kongeresi musawaope, aja ndi olephela basi. Chimene amadziwa ndi kulila kuti abeledwa chisankho. Alilanso 2019.”
“Paja 1999 analira kuti abeledwa. 2004 analilanso. 2009 chimodzi-modzi. 2014 analilanso, muwaona 2019 akulilanso kuti abeledwa,” anatelo a Mutharika.
mmmmmmm angatitukwanepo apa anthu,,,ndimafuna ndiithire mphepo nganga imeneyi km basi tinganyule
maliro amapepuka akakhala kukhomo lina koma akafika nyumba mwanu pomwe mumaona kuipa kwa ifa.mau omwe akuyakhula iwowa ali bwino kwaiwo poti ali boma koma akazaluza mau omwewa azasandulika woipa kwaiwo ili ndidziko zithu zimasitha amadziwa ndani kuti iwowa nkukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko
Abakha ali kuntundako akudesa manzi.
Ukuzinamizatu APM!!!
You lie Muthalika this time people will not vote for parties,will vote for someone who can bring hope to malawi nation,,this time malawi is a wokeup nation they know how you have mangled and crippled Malawi to wheelchair,malawi is nothing now bcoz you,,,careful! Don’t talk about MCP first look at the mess you’re doing there
Wina afune asafune Dr Luzarus Chakwera 2019 akulamulira
Atibulidwa sadati,chipanichi chidapita ndi a kamuzu
Olo atandithira doom mkamwa, sindingavotere kongeresi,, mcp,, UFITI CHANI???,
Atibula ndani galu ameneyi
Nkhawa njeee boma lozawina 2019 lizatilamulira bas or tinyozane ndife amalawi bas
Ife Tili PaMbuyo Pa Ung’onoung’ono
Awa Siwofunika Kulamulira Dziko Ndiwaphokoso Osati Chitukuko. In This His Term Tivutika Guyz Munthu Uyu Adazolowela Ku Amerika
Malo Mothetsa Umphawi Mukulimbana Ndiife A Mcp , Kod Zinthu Zimene Mukugwiritsa Ntchito Adapanga Ndani? Miseu, Milatho, Maofesi Aboma, Air Pot Etc. Mbuli Iyi Late Bingu Adali Wachitukuko Osat Izi Ati Okuti Ndiwasukulu Aaa Kaya , Akuchita Matha Ndi Mcp Kapeyu Pano Ndalama Odatsekela Ku Bank Ndi School Yawoyi. Mcp Boma 2019!!
Malawi @53
moti akonze .mavuto ali ndziko muno busy kulimbana ndi mcp basi zinthu zikudula ndalama / ntchito kusowa zipangizo za ulimi kukwela mtengo koma mbewu muli akalima kumakagulitsa motchipa pali mzelu apa musamapange zomatitosa dala cholinga tidzitukwa stpd!
Kulankhulaku nde manthawo amenewo
kuluza nde uwonera 2019
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kuno ndi ku Malawi paja eti anthu ake amasankha zilekwa
Mutharika Mbudzi Ya Munthu
Inyenyedwe basi
Unawinapo Liti nyepete iwe?
Phala mu mtoto simunadye koma mukuthamangira chikokoto mmmmhu! Wat a shame.Thanani kaye ndi mavutowa.
Maloto a chumba
yankhulani fundo za chitukuko
Kodi Ndi Manfesto Amene Mudatiuza Ngati Ayi Mukananena poyamba Kut Ndizalimbana Ndi Mcp Ndikazawina Sikanakuvotelani Nenani Zveka Osati Kunyoza Azako Ayi.
kodi mbuli zalomwe mukuti mcp idzalowela kuluza, kodi dpp isanalowe m’boma poyamba amalamula ndani? Muzithokoza mulungu chifukwa kamuzu adalindimoyo wawumunthu adakakhala ndimoyo ngati mugabe sibwezi akatangalenu mukulamula. Timavota ndife tilindiwufulu kuchotsa wava chigendele chamlomwe.
Kkkkkkkkk koma ndaseka!nde inazoliowera kuluza?@kkk koma ndale adha!
bolani zitukuko tikuziona..full stop
85 year of age koma akuti ayimaso pampando yet mumati achinyamata ndi atsogoleni amawa,, mawa lake liti?? zimandiwawa kwambiri!! wabkhura mopusa Pitala
Ngati mukuti anabela Ali kunja kwa boma nanga poti panopa akulamulirira ndiye mumutha mmmmm Alomwe ndi Madolo
Kwalini sambano
M c p will never rule until this generation gone believe me there is no any Dolo in that party D p p is full of dolois wake up and see far
adzawina pot adavota kale ukhala ufumu wakumwamba bwez tasilila kma wapadziko aaa mzotsala zmenezo monga mmene amakhali mulundo wapanyumba yamunthu mwini nyumbayo akamupanga trasfa samutenga amamsiya
President wa chipani cha Devilcratic Progressive Party
president amawoneka chonchi kkkkkk mumtima NDE mowoneka bwanji?
joka yeni-yeni man kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Chisiru cha munthu Peter
Ndipo usazinvute sungawine munthalika uzawa iwe wakwa merica
Instead of fighting development, busy fighting congress, nonsense
Koma nyikwi iyi…
Mwazoliwela kuibela MCP ulendo uno mukuchalira kubanso kachikena tiitibula???? Muziti muzabela
if you are failing to run government we better join tanzania or zambia as one country.
ingokhala south tanzania.
100% mr president amenewo sazalamulaso mpaka muyaya
Kkkkkk Maloto
Ugly face mr peter mutharika
Vote wanga muchoselepo
Zimene mukukangana apa mkungovutika mcp ndibomakale 2019
Ndiye chikuwavuta ndi chiyani a president panopa tikungomva za MCP mmalo mowaudaza anthu mmene athanire ndi maviuto akuta Malawi panowa
Anazolowera kuba a DPP this time sitilola kuti abereso
Boring President Malawi Eve had, bring development to the people not fighting with opposition.. Majority of Malawians are really tired with this idiot.
KKKKK mutharika misala imeneyo uzalira koopsa 2019, suna wine mavoti 2014 unabela,
M’malo mokoza njira zotukulira dziko la malawi muli bizy kulimbana ndichipani chotsutsa pali nzeru pamenepo i thnk ur going mad mr man blaz mericano mulomwe iwe
Musalimbane ndi MCP ai,Thetsani umphawi katangale.Alim akuvutika kumudzi inu mukuchedwa ndi zinthu zopanda phindu.
Khokhokho!awuzen man phiko,ndipo 2019akulimbanilanayo kodi sakudziwa kuti munawina kale opanda opikitsana naye, PHIKO 2019 BOMA ILOOO!!!
Congress inazolowela kuberedwa ndipo 2019 tiyibelanso.
Mmalo momapanga chitukuku busy kumaganiza za competition ndi opposition ndimavananu chisoni kwambir
wakhunyu ameneyu musamumvere
Maso pa Tambala wakuda mantha etiiiiiiii osangothesa umphawi ndi zinazo bwa
Kkkkkk DePeCo ikukang’anthani nose!
Kkkkkkk koma APM
Hahaha kani azazivotera yenkha akuchita kuima pachulu tiziona
Apeter mmmmmmmm………. Madzi anu anaola see 100% 90% for McP and 10% for dpp mudzayeseleso Ku bera tidzaona gati Ndi ma bodgard akowo sakakuukila mwatikwana Ndi bodza myapapi iwe
Sidaziwone Adacezela Kuziwona Dikilani Pang;ono Adpp Muziwona Moti Inu Adpp Mukuganiza Kuti Amalawi Akusangalala Nawo Ulamulilo Wanuwu? M Malawi Wozindikila Sangavoteleso Dpp Koma Yekhayo Amene Mutu Wake Nsukuyenda Bwino
it shows tha our reader is focus on their possition and yet is not over instead of
focucing on how they can pull up the govnmt
Chifukwa chongozolowera kuti ndi oluza 2019 anthu adzadabwa walayi who can vote for Peter again?????
Km okavota MCP ndy ndindani mmm ky km ine ndimuzi wanga tonse DPP bx
kkkķkkkjjj mmmnnmmnmm koma
Concentrate on development mr man,we don’t eat and wear politics Okay
Mongokumbusana ma vote Atheka kale DPP still going on kay ufune usafune ine ndakamba mark that comment
koma akhokhola zikukuyendelani its like chieftaincy keep on killing the warm heart of Africa.
Malawi mukukhala ngati ma vote ali next month .nkhani zanuzi zatopetsa ine ndikavotela chipani cha Yesu
Kkkkk iwe ndiwe munthalika auze ndipo uwatibuleso.
Mutharika osamalankhula ngati unawina.mbava
he is mentally ill,!
There is something called MISTAKE that put him in presidency
Zafodya zimenezo, uwawuze a MBC azikuonesa zomwe adpp akuchita Ku msonkhano was MCP? Akumalowa chipani chimwecho chikunenedwacho
Let the water goes n said am blessed
The voters will bring the verdict because he will not be able to steal vote he will be surprised this time around
A Tcheya ananena kale kuti ndani sakuziwa nkhanza za kokoliko ife tikupita chitsogolo osati kubwerela m’mbuyo this country is moving followard 2019 maso pa Blue colour
Ku Chiladzulu kuja dziwalo ankadulidwa aja inali MCP m’boma eti? Kupha njaunju,Chasowa komanso anthu ku mpoto nanga ma Albino ndi MCP paja?
If the voters will only come from his party otherwise most of us shall not vote for him.
No party in malawi will be best naver chakwela is like judas watch out him
Buluzi wachabechabe amwene, kape uyu.
Ine nde nonsenu mwandikwana
Mwina ngati wapeza mbendela wina
uziona ulendouno kubela kodi ndiye wawina
Mcp inapita ndimwini wake Kamuzu will naver win again in malawie
2019 sindingalore kut mbava ziloweso m’boma tsiku lovota sitizalora kut internet izagwire ntchito apo biii tizathamangitsana ndi zikwanje muno
Mwitha Emanuel don’t you see that your president is afraid of Chakwera? there is AFORD, PP,NASAF, jst to mention few political parties, so why targetting MCP only? akuopa Chakwera MCP 2019 bomaaaaaaa!
Kodi peter yo amaona ngati anthu aja amabwera kuzamva fundo zake? Anazindikramochedwa anthu kuti amene uja amangopanga ma jokes basi. 2019 chakwera basi
Palibe cha phindu amakamba pa nsonkhano,ntchito kunyoza congeresi,ma donors,ma NG0s eish or ayale mwala wa madziko or kukweza ufumu.Dziko silingatukuke nd zimenezi
Kodi akamati mcp inazolowela kuluza, 2019 akaponya mabvuti onse a dpp ndiiyeyo pitatayo?.
ndpo ine nkuvomeleza coz palibemalo atambala wakuda boma kod mukufuna pta apangechan kula mulilaziko sikofewa munthu akupanga kaye zamsewu them
Ndikanakonda muziima pasanja kuwakumbutasa anthu zitukuko zomwe mwapanga chifukwa anthu akuona okha osawapangira zochita, Ikakhala voti tikasankha maligna ndintchito zachipani osati chifukwa choto auje ndikwadziwa ayi.
u r not God,,
Bull shit!!!! My father will resurrect from dead if u win 2019 elections mxiiiiill
No one stays on power forever, learn to treat everyone equal coz you never know what tomorrow will bring,
Days r counting
Sounds like a comedian talking!
Wat a waist of time!
ndikubwera ndi chipani changa uona ndikuthothola pa 2019 pano ngat mwala wa legeni …
kuchere nkhani zandale basi malo momagwira ntchito yotukula pankhomo panu.
Mr presdent or wateva they call u..
Let success fight for u kulimbana ndi.opposition kukubwereserani nthenda yachirendi ya kadya nka Gert
That’s original fire man mutharika kkkkkk ever!!!! akakhala mavuto azachuma ndi kulikonse pano
Kuvota or kusavota pali phindu lomwe ndikuonapo
Unvr win ustall ppl vote now bcz idont have anything now ur bluffing ulost how cm mp was for another party president another uthink ppl are doom like b4
Amisala inu…shit
shameful president, he don’t have ideas of how to run the country, hence fighting opposition, your days of staying in palice are numbered. Ufumuwu ukuperekedwa kwa ena Mwakanika baba.
Linda madzi apite……..
Koma na ya ine sazaiwona nyoooh
koma agalu inu uciclu,umbli pa chizungu kugodomala,kudontha ndi uchidempete,ukulemerani/ukukhwephani kumangoti kubera! kubera! inu mudali kuti? where were u? a MEC nkuti asadabadwe? mbuli sipeza mpata apa ingaononge sha!! Dpp 2019 boma!!!
iwe kanyimbi wamunthu.pajadi anthu akummwera mukaphunzira kwambiri mumasiyira standad 4 eti?
mackson mbendera alikuti?
simunamuphetsa ndinu ndichisoni mutamulumbiritsa mokakamiza chosecho mwabera?
muzithokoza omwe adakuthandizani poberawo kuti adakuchotsani umphwawi.
mpoti mudyeretu.mbava zawanthu ngati inu.
what about u, if i’m kanymbi? he? am not CDSS student wava? ngati ukufuna lira kma Dpp 2019 boma!!! ngati chikulira tachionani.
what about u, if i’m kanymbi? he? am not CDSS student wava? ngati ukufuna lira kma Dpp 2019 boma!!! ngati chikulira tachionani.
Never say Never
Ineyo mkavotere Tambala wakuda(black cock) iiiiiiiish ndasowa chochita!
Ineyo mkavotere Tambala wakuda(black cock) iiiiiiiish ndasowa chochita!
Kkkk zilongolozanani zitsilu inu,ife tili nthaw yovota ambon za,,,,,,
Ndale izi mpira mpa ground
matha yakupeza msp moto
Nanga ngati akunama ngati
Just renew the green card, 2019 back to my roots.
Ali nje,nje,nje kunjenjemera achite kubaso we have tired with fucken shit
Kkkk tamuwneni Pakamwa pakulupo
Ndipo bige zomwe mwathyakulazo ndi zoona congiresi inazilowela kuluza mzosatheka kuti angakalowenso m’boma, boma lake liti Malawi? aaaa anthufetu sitinaiwale nkhanza za congiresi tabwezedwapo Ife Ku school, nkhani take khadi, aaaa iyai abapuma nthawi sinati
Ooooooh ife will vote for it…2019 MCP boma…
dpp 2019 boma
MCP 2019 Boma Maya wina afune olo asafune
Kaya wina afune olo adafune MCP bomaaa
MCP Bomaaa
team mcp
Mcp basi iweyo ndiwe zoba
Zakale kale papita dzaka zingatiii…..?
Vuto ndi anthu ife akummwera ongovotera kamba ka mtundu ndi chigawo or ndi madeya omwe otherwise zinthu zinazi si bwenzi zikuchitika
komadi ase sukunama kumwera kuno ndife anthu ovetsa chisoni kwambiri tidasiyana ndi anthu a chigawo cha pakati ndi kumpoto amava chifukwa cha fundu za munthu osati kumwe munthu akuchoka,vuto kuno ndi school
Eetu ife school inatuvutirapo nchifukwa timapanga zopeperazi
sukunama vuto ku mpoto anthu ndi ochepa koma amavota molondola
Sakhala ndi tsankho koma voting ya nzeru koma kuno eish
zako! kuno tmafuna u prezdent
Apresdent mmalo motuuza mfundo zomanga dziko inu muli busy kutifotokozera za otsutsa,,,,,, Tinakusankhani tokha tidzakuchotsaniso tokha ndiye chonde musathe mau chifukwa mpandowo ndiosiilana…..
Dont follw up politics is just wast yr time
Kusankha koti bola ndamalume, mjomba kunasawukitsa dziko.
That’s hundreds bro
u r right MCP simawina chifukwa Ku mmwela anthu samaisankha pongoyang’ana kochokera
2019 tisintha izi bambo Tambala wakuda basi
anthunso apakat alindvuto amangovotera mcp bas
l hope u know what it can be like if we the southerners dare to let the presidential position go north or central
lets see
Klkk ttengas boma! !!
Ngakhale Wakufa Samadziwa Kuti Akafa. Tiziona 2019 Yomweyo. Paja Manga Amati Machechewu Kkkkk.
MCP yanyamuka 2019 boma
The real government never worst its time with opposition…fight corruption and poverty bwana President tikudalira inu dzilemekezeni….titukule dzikoli….otherwise this time ndayang,anna maso ku Tambala wakuda Dr Chakwera my Final hope!!!! osati Chona wamantha Pitala
kkkkk akuona kuti adzabelanso eti sizaulendo uno moti aziuzilatu asilikali ndi apolice kukozeka kupha athu chifukwa zitidzaiva olo pang’ono pomwe iwe ukusiya udindo pansi team mcp
Ngati anakwanitsa kuba alipa oppostn ndiye lero ali m,boma ziwavuta pati? Iwalani za mcp cuz zinazolowela kuluza.
@willard u will weep ma dia friend Malawias hv oped there ayez they no longer sleeping there will be no such hacking information anymore we are watching with interest otherwise u will nt belive whn the real winner will be announced with ought the electrol chief crying kkkkk mark ma word
Ulendo uno khondo
Says the president who fails to fix shit pipes in lilongwe,pipo are drinking unclean water and u have power to stand up n talk shit to opposition!maaaaaad!
so is the presdents duty?
What is his duty then?
I did not know that peter is plumber at LWB
Peter Mutharika is not a plumber
he is in charge
Motinso kwanu mukadyera therere ndi peter yemweyo eti?
How do u understand the head of state?
Mbuzi ya President
chitsilu pitala
kkk ovota ndife
zimenezo muzisiyla ma supporter kapena mukulimbila
Iwe Jimmy ovota ulipo wekha ? Or mbumba yakwanu itati isavote kuphatikiza ndi ambwiyako omwe ukuganiza kuti Amuthalika sangawine ? Uzinena zoti a2 akumve bwinobwino sizotinunkhisa mkamwa apa tiye ukooo ! Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Mmaso mwako wamva iwe mbuzi .
Azachita kubela ndani akuchifuna chipani cha anthu okutha mkamwa mano, akuba ngati amenewa. Akafunse anzawo ankadzitcha ati mtunda wina pano mtundawo unatha anthu anausandusa madimba akulima mpiru ndi tomato, chipan chawo anachipinyurisa ndi mulandu wa ndalama za 1.4 billion
Dont fight MCP fight poverty, unemployment ,inflation,nepotism,good salaries ,workers rights etc oppossition parties are your development partners remember government is made up three arms . Work together
the opposition don’t want to work together…ur arguments unemployment,poverty and the like exist even in the US.Its time for malawians to be smart and avoid dependency
Christopher Ndovie what you see on the papers is not what actually happens on the ground . check with parliament as to how many trips have the members of the opposition made this year representing Malawi govt. They always work together only that at times they differ in policies . And even the countries you have mentioned their battle is against poverty. Making America again will not happen by winning against democrats but by making sure the basics are provided.
on point @ inkosi don’t fight MCP fight against poverty,unemployement osati kumatiwuza zausilu ife tired with trash he is a big failure
Mmmm koma mcp ndiye aamwene eeèeee
Mcp ndiye ayi!!!!
Christopher Ndovie wake up and smell the coffee. .. don’t compare USA with our small country Malawi. ..
Bertha Hawells Beza…u should also wake up and smell that coffee urself all am saying is unemployment is a problem everywhere.we waste our time with the gvmt instead of finding ways on how to survive ourselves
@chris the word gvnmt means pipo and in za its nt all pipo can rule we chose then those who are chosen and opposition must find solution as u hv said we must find solution hv u ever go to the bank asking loan to start business and wht thingz they want thats the job of the ruling to soften them if u said even America got no jobs bt find hw many percent do americans hv compared to us be serious as gvnmt they hv failed the youth the eldery yap we dont want them to do 100percent bt try avoid chaponda system
This Govrm is a bunch of thieves,corupt,nepotists and it must fall
ndakuona maki ndiwe Wa kongolesi iya
Mwayi Masah Banda a president ananena kuti mdani wawo ndi zimene ndatchulazi pa convention mu manifesto komanso mmisonkhano yoyamba now party politics ikumusokoneza ma dreams amene anali nawo poyamba
Its time for development not for politics
A dpp apangako mbaliyao nanga inu a mcp mwapanga chan kupatulapo zomwe anapanga Kamuzu?.Munamva kut chipan chikakhala chosutsa ndye kut sichithandza pazitukuko?mukudikila kulowa m’boma kae? kkk ndye liti pot 2019 dpp ikuwinanso musunge mau angawa muzawakumbuka #Peter atawinanso mukhalira yomweyo yomangolotayo
midoli yomwe mukumwa a dpp dziwani kuti ikubwererani posachedwapa.mufa ndi agogo anuwo ndipo asowa okuponyerani nthano. ziri ndi aeni ake izi. mia,chakwera ndi msowoya sakukugonesani tulo dziko likudziwa.dpp yonse munthu wopanda mbiri yoyipa mkukhala chilima yekha? zamanyazi.
50KGS Maize bag =K4000 come 2019 YOSWA WA LERO adzalamulanso.Mulungu mutamandike munatipatsa mtsongoleri wa bwino
Kkkkkk but how much is a bag of fertilizer? For ur on information most of pipo here in malawi they depend on their harvested yields to buy fertilizer and the like so if u estimate urself how many bags of maize can a farmer sell just to access one bag of fertilizer?.i surely tel u most pipo will not cultivate if that nonsense k4000 will continue which will result in famine
Nzanga wakambako za nzeru lero am VERY PULAUDI in Jacob Zuma’s tone.
What is the different? Pumbwa iwe
@phiri Good…not even if the banks are softened up,u cannot just wake up and get a loan from the banks not even in the countries where they are financially stable.its a lose game to keep on talking about the govt rather individually start developing skills of survival urself coz if u dont in the end ur the one to suffer.
Paja Goliath naye a mkatelo pomunyoza David !!! Let’s wait til the time but plz don’t bring the past remember time changes. Moreover u knw nothing about tomorrow so for now zip up yo mouth
Kkkkkkk i connect if u
Mbuzi zakumalawi chomwe mumaziwa ndi kukumana ndi kudyana malo mopanga zinthu zooneka
Chizolowezi cha nankholowa chinazulisa dpp
kkkkkkk..hi hi hi hi hi..kkkkkk..lebwede lebwede..kkkkk…haaa haaa haaa
Zandikwana izi ndichinkhalamba chanu chakubachi dzikoli ngati lili lambuyake 2019 adzalamulilaso
Mumadana ndi chilungamo bwanji inu a nyau party
Manyaka ake amenewa ????? Kkkkkkkkm banja linthapo apa
Lebwedelebwede party kkkk
Akunena zowona xi boza ai mcp singawine inu aaaaaa. Mmafuna azinena boza???????????????????????????? Mcp iwala zowina. Dpp moto kuti buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!
kkkkkk…awumbuzidwe basi..kkkk
Zimenezi muzikamba mutayamba mwatifunsa ife anthu ovota. Osamakamba mwa inu nokha ayi.
aaaa..ka vote kako tidzangoponyapo ma vote 1000.. kkkkkk..sikadzaphula kanthu ataaa..kkkkkk..hi hi hi hi hii….kkkkkk
Kodi garu ameneyo akunjenjema ndichiyani una zomwe adaona achimwene akuto mulungu akukuona
transfer letter inatuluka kale. 2019 out of state house
kkkkkkkk rebwedelebwede party kuzolowera kuluza eti?
Nkhani kumangobweleza imodzi modzi imeneyi ndiyo iti kodi? Admin wa tsamba ili ndi kape kwabasi ndale zikutanthauzira chani?
Mr Mutharika phiri sitikukufuna
Uziti sukumufuna not siti (meaning ndi anthu enafe).Dpp woyeeeeeeee
Mantha awa
ukunama iwe ulira 2019 balalata
kkk kaya zanu izo!