Palibe kuvota pompano, tidikile kaye Bajeti


Bungwe loyendetsa zisankho m’dziko muno la Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) latsindika kuti zisankho za pa dera zomwe zimayembekezeka kuchitika m’ma dera ena a dziko lino zidikira ndondomeko ya za chuma ya boma.

Malingana ndi wapampando wa bungwe la MEC Jane Ansah, ntchito yokonzekera zisankhoyi itenga nthawi chifukwa boma lapereka ndalama zosakwanira ku bungweli kuti limalize ndondomeko zonse za chisankho.

Jane Ansah
Justice Jane Ansah: Boma lilibe ndalama.

Polankhula kwa anthu a dera la Lilongwe City South East lachitatu a Ansah anati iwo adikira ndalama zonse kuchokera ku boma mu ndondomeko ya za chuma yomwe ikubwera, koma iwo anati ndalama zomwe analandira kale azigwiritsa ntchito zina zokonzekera chisankho cha paderachi monga kulemba ndi kuphunzitsa anthu ozagwira ntchito ya kalembera.

“Ndi zofunika kuti ndikudziwitseni kuti yokonzekerayi itengako nthawi kamba koti kuti boma (treasury) lilibe ndalama zoti tipange chisankho malingana ndi ndondomeko yathu yomwe tinakonza kuti tichite chisankho pa 06 June 2017” anatero Jane Ansah.

Wapampandoyu anatsindika kuti boma lakanika kupereka ndalama zokwanira chifukwa cha mavuto ogwa mwadzidzidzi omwe akuta dziko lino.

“Izi zachitika malingana ndi mavuto ogwa mwadzidzidzi amene dziko lino lakhala likukumana nawo monga ng’amba, kusefukira kwa madzi, njala ndi zina zotero kotero kuti tindalama timene tilipo boma ligwiritsa ntchito zina monga kugula mankhwala mu zipatala, ndi zina zofunika mwa nsanga,” anaonjezera choncho a Ansah.

Popereka thima lodekha kwa anthu a derali iwo anatsimikizira anthu a derali kuti iwo akudziwa kufunika kokhala ndi oyimira derali ndipo akuyesetsa kukambirana ndi boma kuti ndondomekozi ziyende mwa m’mangum’mangu

Bungweli limayenera kuchititsa chisankho cha padera ku dera la Lilongwe City South East pa 6 June chaka chino malingana ndi chigamulo cha bwalo la milandu la apilo (Supreme court of Appeal).

Malamulo a bungwe oyendetsa chisankho amati chisankho chapadera chimayenera kuchitika pasanadutse miyezi iwiri kuchokera pamene dera lakhala lopanda oliyimira.



  1. khumbo langa ndikufunisitsa mtadzafikila nthawi ya president winayo ndione ngati Malawi azasinthe chifukwa cha uyo yemwe anthu amusankha chidukwa ine ndikuona kuti anthu alikulimbana zachipani ndi usogoleri ulipo lero kuti mavuto awo abwera kaamba kamenewo pomwe enanso munthawi yomweyo zawo zikuchita bwino ena akuvuti and sindikutha kusiyanitsa ine ayi chomwe ndachiona ine ndikungofunika munthu pawekha ulimbike osadalila boma kapena wina ayi awa ndimavuto akuafrica basi or tingoti dziko lonse lapansi chifukwa enafe tilimaiko akunja koma anthu akuvutika mwinanso bola kwathu kumalawi ndithu

  2. khumbo langa ndikufunisitsa mtadzafikila nthawi ya president winayo ndione ngati Malawi azasinthe chifukwa cha uyo yemwe anthu amusankha chidukwa ine ndikuona kuti anthu alikulimbana zachipani ndi usogoleri ulipo lero kuti mavuto awo abwera kaamba kamenewo pomwe enanso munthawi yomweyo zawo zikuchita bwino ena akuvuti and sindikutha kusiyanitsa ine ayi chomwe ndachiona ine ndikungofunika munthu pawekha ulimbike osadalila boma kapena wina ayi awa ndimavuto akuafrica basi or tingoti dziko lonse lapansi chifukwa enafe tilimaiko akunja koma anthu akuvutika mwinanso bola kwathu kumalawi ndithu


    It may be a common belief now in Malawi that we are a democratic nation by virtue of referendum results in 1994, but the fact that DPP was not there when Malawians were voting for a democratic state, it is one reason they are operating in the opposite of democracy.

    On 10th April 2017, MEC insisted that it will proceed with by-election, which of course was against the declared rerun.

    As if this is not disappointing enough, MEC has emerged with another decision yesterday the 20th April that it will not proceed with the said by-election due to lack of funds.

    However, our source on the ground has revealed to us that MEC has not made this conclusion because of the finances alone but under the influence of DPP.

    DPP’s candidate of 2014 Tripartite elections, Bently Namasasu who MEC rigged elections for is a weak candidate to stand against the opposition candidate Msungama.

    As such DPP have opted for fielding a new candidate by the name of Ruben Ngwenya who was Malawi’s ambassador in Japan during the May 2014 elections.

    Unfortunately, upon consultation with MEC DPP have discovered that their suggested choice Ngwenya is not registered with MEC and did not vote in 2014. This makes their new choice and change of candidates void.

    It is upon this discovery that DPP have approached MEC to find means to manipulate the system at MEC to make Ngwenya appear registered and voted 2014 against all accepted democratic practices.

    Secret meetings between those sent by Ngwenya and APM are set to push this process and find way to electoral registry.

    Until then this democracy in Malawi is just an illusion. Au revoir La démocratie pour le moment


    It may be a common belief now in Malawi that we are a democratic nation by virtue of referendum results in 1994, but the fact that DPP was not there when Malawians were voting for a democratic state, it is one reason they are operating in the opposite of democracy.

    On 10th April 2017, MEC insisted that it will proceed with by-election, which of course was against the declared rerun.

    As if this is not disappointing enough, MEC has emerged with another decision yesterday the 20th April that it will not proceed with the said by-election due to lack of funds.

    However, our source on the ground has revealed to us that MEC has not made this conclusion because of the finances alone but under the influence of DPP.

    DPP’s candidate of 2014 Tripartite elections, Bently Namasasu who MEC rigged elections for is a weak candidate to stand against the opposition candidate Msungama.

    As such DPP have opted for fielding a new candidate by the name of Ruben Ngwenya who was Malawi’s ambassador in Japan during the May 2014 elections.

    Unfortunately, upon consultation with MEC DPP have discovered that their suggested choice Ngwenya is not registered with MEC and did not vote in 2014. This makes their new choice and change of candidates void.

    It is upon this discovery that DPP have approached MEC to find means to manipulate the system at MEC to make Ngwenya appear registered and voted 2014 against all accepted democratic practices.

    Secret meetings between those sent by Ngwenya and APM are set to push this process and find way to electoral registry.

    Until then this democracy in Malawi is just an illusion. Au revoir La démocratie pour le moment

  5. Zitsilu za mec mesa iwo amati ali ndi ndalama koma akufuna zipani zonse ziime nawo aona khoti laletsa ndiye ati alhbe dolla, shupit mec

  6. Zitsilu za mec mesa iwo amati ali ndi ndalama koma akufuna zipani zonse ziime nawo aona khoti laletsa ndiye ati alhbe dolla, shupit mec

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