The news involving Malawi Congress Party President (MCP) Lazarus Chakwera over mismanagement of public resources at Parliament has taken another twist as party founders have threatened to dismiss Times Media Group Managing Director Leonard Chikadya.
According to a local online news outlet, the party is certain that the institution has some journalists who are Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) sympathizers and who are working to demean Chakwera.

The local paper has further divulged that Chikadya should be approving publication of negative stories about MCP and Its leader in any of the group’s subsidiary brands.
“Among the named journalists are Deogratias Mmana , Gregory Gondwe and Charles Mpaka.
“The family has been informed that some journalists at Times Group are being used as mercenaries for monetary gains to degrade the brand of Chakwera and MCP through the newspapers. This has angered the family who in turn have asked Chikadya to do something or face the chop himself, ” he said .
Recently, Chakwera, Speaker of Parliament Richard Msowoya, and his two deputies were accused of using vehicles worth MK 300 million at a time Malawians are lamenting of the current socio-economic downturn.
Times group also brought out the issue involving National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) condemning Chakwera for funding demonstrations against DPP.
But some political analyst have said that these stories are intended to cover up and divert people’s minds from Mutharika’s United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) saga.
Times Group, is owned by the Kamuzu Banda family and it publishes three newspapers namely: Daily Times , Malawi News and The Sunday Times . It also has Times TV and the newly bought Times Radio.
Guyz km zomwe akuchta andalewa amamuwopadi Mulungu awa.
Waba chani Chakwera? Mukhala opusabe mpaka liti? Magalimoto akugwira ntchito ndipo tuona, nanga za k577B?
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My question is who approved the budget to buy the so called vehicles and who signed the approval? Is it not the finance minister and the president themselves? So who Is to blame in this scenario? Be honest
Atolonkhani tiyeni nawo amenewa asamawoneke abwino akamakamba zaanzawo iyayi. Adziwe kuti okumbira nzake dzenje amagweramoyekha.
Zoba sangawine no matter what siine wa dpp ndangonena.
If u want 2 blackmail any Part u r nt gd journalist,even if it is de way 2 attract attention this is nt de way? Ngat u r belonging 2 a certain party mind ur pin cod of ur professionalism.
Kkkkkkkk Tiye nazoni mukudziwana
Akupanga zopusa?
koma guiz blakout imeney yabowa
malawi24 ndinuzitsiru eti
kodi paja ndinu munalemba kut Viola fired?
Follow follow follow follow the leader chakwera is jst 4lowng wht de przdnt z doin
Timlore Mulungu Alamulire Fuko Lamalawi
Anali Chakwera ali m’busa pano ndi #Chatsika
Kkkkkkkkk kma abale, tizigwila ntchito mwamantha eti!
Its arsenal 1=chelsea5
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kuchipatara kulibe juju inu mulemba zina kkkkkk
Abusd kumtsoloku muyamba using’anga nanga 2019 sipano
zauchitsiru basi iye chakwelayo ndani kuti akaopyeze
kkkkkkkkkkkk eeeeesh daily times ili pamototu
Kodi Times is MCP. Political stunt
kkk mwaziyambira kutali zolimbana ndi mamedia daily times mwaziwa lero kuti imalemba zabodza mmesa ndiyomweyi inkakuuzani za ku united nations inu mkumazitengera pamutu?ndie yaipa lero kamba koti yalemba nkhani yanu?
I think Chakwera and Richard are threats to the government because its not on for the whole government which budgeted and allocated funds for the purchasing of those cars to the speaker and his deputies, leader of oppositon and other people who have not been mentioned here. Those are their benefits and they deserve it and why only mentioning the two instead of all including the two deputy speakers? Is it because they are from government side then they are angels, why do you want to fool Malawians on issues that are just straight forward and you are busy making noise of Chakwera and Msowoya dont you know that you are making them famous and celebrities? Instead of implementing development project basi daily tizingomva zimenezo mpaka MBC TV kuononga ndi nkhani zimenezo, musatibowe nazo please we are tired of that please.
Oooooh paja dairy times ndi ya mcp kkkkkk mwana waluma chala cha mayi kkkk ….shame on u.so the fact that u hv bribed some stupid and childish media houses u thought some individuals dont see the right thing to speak about?…U will never rule malawi…lazalo siya kuvina lekodi inatha pa 20Th may …Mbuzi ya chinthu…
Takura tatha tiziona
Hahahaha abusa pants down
cheap propaganda at its best
cheap propaganda at its best
I hate politics and politicians as well
Abuxa zayamba kuvuta isanafike 2019 kkkkk koma muzalimba?
kkkkkk my be iam not understand, Admin u say Chakwela Threating to withdraw readership!!!!!?kkkkkkk DPP woyeeee!!!.
Viola akufunanso 250million MK mulimba a times group?
Viola akufunanso 250million MK mulimba a times group?
inu amalawi24 simungalembe za chitukuko busy ndi politics asiyeni azinyozano nanuso atolankhani mwanyanya kudaniza azikuphani zilibe kanthu
Ndizopusa zokhazokha bas palibe emwe angadzalongosoleso osewa zawo ndizimodz bas palibeso wabwino apa.
the headline is parallel to the actual story hahaha malawian journalists when are u going to learn. the headline is a catchy summary of the whole story and it shudnt be different from the outline
Wayankhulira kuti zimenezof?
Chakwela ndi munthu ndiye ngati munthu ali olephela palibe chimene angachite ok
Azibusa amasiku ano kuba ………big up a times group musamabise chilungamo mudziwawulura anyani amenewa akufuna adziba
you Malawi 24 don’t twist stories, I have read carefully your article and there is no quotation which says Chakwera threatens the media, it is the family of kamuzu. Please be straight forward don’t dent the image of MCP leader. Is Chakwera the owner of Times TV?
Ndikuti ali mtulo lazalo wagona iwe lazalo lazalo dzuka
Its unfair to dismiss the director coz he is doing what he knows.Remember, u will not be voted into power unless u go back to ur previous mission
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa nkhuku iyi vikawa vyachi kufuma kuubusa kwiza ku ndale? Aaaaaa ukwib
God only knows all!
God only knows all!
shame on u chakwela!
Zabodza a 24
Hahaha bakha uyuuuuuuuuuu
Haha bakha mpakana?
Ine amandikwana ameneyu aaa
Kkkkkk ndi busatu
Kkk wakwawo nda kazi aqe kkk
Malawi, eish
magesi ku malawi kuno alipo okwanila koma daily black out wy? Nthawi ya amayi zidachepa why? Kkkkkkkk. answer yopezeka moona mtima ndiya kuti malipilo ndi amene akuvuta tawapaseni 100 percent incriment a escom muone ma black out atha kapena achepa in so doing chitukuko chiyenda koma ndale too much. pa malawi aaaaa kaya kkkkk
magetsi kuno kumalawi analowa ndale …….joyce banda anayesetsa ndipo magetsi samavuta ngati chotchi……………bingu =magetsi +mafuta….peter=magetsi+madzi
kkkkkkk nde kuti mayi aja kumagesi anaikako mtima kwambiri eti! Akanapitiliza pano titaona kusitha kwambiri pankhani yachitukuko.
go and collect amayi anuwo
not go and collect amayi anuwo bt we should focus on development issues man. escom plays abig low in development if u dont know being with powers i would prioties energey sect for vast delopment. by good pays to these guys who work with the sector kkkkkk @ david.
nde atati alowe mboma mwati sadzatseka immigration kusiyaso kulowetsa anthu akunja kkkK koma lazaro
vuto si chakwera bt boma. asithe malamulo aku parliament. magalimoto agulidwawa akhale apalamenti coz come 2019 magalimotowa asazatengedwe ndi amene akugwilisa ntchito panopa. coz aformer speaker anatenga galimoto imene akagwilisa ntchito at pamutengo ozizila. kkkkkkk malawi sazatheka.
chakwera ndi mbuli…ngati akundiva chi mutu chake
Kkkkkk kma yona sizikukhala wamva bwererani ku ubusa basi
Anapeza Yotentha
Aaaa asiyire anzake akoponderexa azake ameneyu
mayitanidwe safutidwa
Aaaa davi wat do u mean?
awachose ntchito ana opusa::::amithenga a dpp
Mmmmmmm mwalemba bodza
Your title is misleading Malawi 24! Nowhere is it mentioned in your story that Chakwera threated Times Group. Avoid sensationalisation of issues please……
Abusa alero thupi la Esau koma mawu a Yakobo kkkkkk ziwanda zenizeni
No one is an angel indeed. So Chakwera should not intimidate the media. The media is there to reveal the concealed evil things that politicians are doing!
Abusa alero thupi la Esau koma mawu a Yakobo kkkkkk ziwanda zenizeni
atolankhani muziganiza bwino musadapange chiganizo choulutsa nkhani zomwe mwalemba. Muzikumbuka za udindo wanu chifukwa nthawi zina ndinu mumayambitsa mikangano pakati pa anthu.
palibe osaba paja mmati mcp ndi aangelo eti? nayeni pasitala okubayo
is kaliati ur moda???I hop she is the one stealing mone.liv our chakwela alone
Hahahahahahahaha chakwera is not GOD or god, so why leaving him alone? Nayenso amve kuwawa mene akumatokotera za ma president ena
Musatipweteketse mutu mwamva!mxiiw
Unless we change our country name imagine flames of fire’ , Kkkkkkkk
Shupit! Osakambako zotukula dziko bwanji daily tizingomva mfwe mfwe wa DPP ndi MCP? When are you going to talk something sense zotipindulira ife ngati mzika??? Shatapu!
Kma yaaa zilikoliko