A 19-year-old student in Namiwawa Township in Blantyre died on Thursday afternoon after being washed away in Mudi River while coming from school. Confirming the development was Blantyre police deputy publicist Sub Inspector Dorrah Chathyoka… ...
Bon Kalindo
Eastern Region chief resident magistrate Mzondi Mvula has today granted bail to UTM Director of Youth Bon Kalindo. The UTM Mulanje South legislator was arrested Thursday for invading Balaka Police Station where two aides of… ...
A bus belonging to Ulemu Bus Service on Saturday hit to death a 60 year old pedal cyclist in Dedza. Dedza police deputy spokesperson Constable Cassim Manda said the accident occurred on Saturday at around… ...
Elections MEC
The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) says it will not conduct by-elections in Dedza South following the death of the constituency’s Member of Parliament (MP). The seat has fallen vacant following the death of Honorable Patrick… ...