Aphunzitsi m'dziko muno awopseza kuti ayambilaso kunyanyala ntchito ngati kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri (7) akubwerawa boma silipanga zomwe anagwirizana kumayambiliro kwa mwezi uno. Pa 8 March chaka chino boma kudzera ku unduna wazamaphunziro linagwirizana… ...
The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has confirmed that a flight that was scheduled to bring ballot papers for the forthcoming by-elections on Sunday was cancelled. Late last week, MEC announced a change for the arrival… ...
Fourteen buses carrying 828 self-repatriated Malawian returnees and deportees, are scheduled to arrive in the country through the Mwanza border formation today. Confirming the development was Mwanza border public publicist Inspector Pasqually Zulu who said… ...