…I did not know the other 2 people who died in that accident
South African based Prophet, Shepherd Bushiri, has come out with all guns blazing, saying he is fed up and tired of being attacked and slewed like a criminal by Malawians.

The Malawian born prophet and founding father of Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG), is reportedly pissed off with allegations leveled against him on social media following the recent fatal accident that claimed the lives of James Nee and two other members of ECG, Beston Khamba and Brain Gondwe.
Bushiri, speaking through his publicist, Ephraim Nyondo, claims he feels underappreciated and has decided to send back most Malawians who were working for him in the Rainbow nation.
“Prophet Bushiri is doing so much for Malawi. However, it is shocking to note how he is attacked and slewed like a criminal” Nyondo has been quoted as saying by local media.
“He subsists so many people in South Africa. Nobody talks about it.But when something wrong happens to these people, all the blame goes to him. The death of James Nee, Beston and Brain is the case in point. Prophet Bushiri only knew James (the Church worshiper)” said Nyondo.
According to the publicists, Bushiri has come under heavy attack despite taking responsibility of meeting funeral costs.
“When that accident happened, Prophet Bushiri took responsibility of meeting every rising cost. Instead of being appreciated for it, people from Malawi are leading in attacking him. He is also a human being. He feels pain. He feels bad” wailed the publicist who said “cutting back on Malawi is the best thing Bushiri can do now”.
Update: Has Prophet Bushiri lied?
A video, currently going viral on social media, appears to reveals (through the arrows that have been perforated in) that Beston Khamba and Brain Gondwe who also lost their lives in that accident but have been disowned by Prophet Bushiri as his workers might have been ECG employees.
Lying Prophet? #Bushiri insists only knowing James Nee of the 3 ECG members who died in an accident. He claims, as reported in this story, https://t.co/Z2hTN5TZGF that the other 2 were just mere ECG members and that they were not working for him. Evidence to the contrary emerges pic.twitter.com/1JPxEgjCmb
— Malawi24 (@Malawi24) October 10, 2018
Johanna,I am not gonna say anything fleshly but will also refer you to scriptures just as you qoute.
To answer the grandfather question….God is not a grandfather. If you notice in Acts 3:25.the bible speaks of “you’re the sons of the prophets etc etc”
Philimone 1:10 as well,just to mention but a few. There’s nothing wrong about a spiritual father,for that points out to one who is a leader in spiritual things and the bible supports that.
One needs to just get equipped enough with the word of God. God is God and none is like him nor greater than him.
The miracle Elisha performed in the book of kings..regarding the woman who had debts and was instructed to go borrow jars to put oil in them. (That woman said to the Prophet…”my husband was one of your sons…he died and left me in debts and now the debtors want to take my children” etc etc…
It was then the prophet said..”what do you have in your house” ..my point here is the issue of she mentioned that her husband was one of the sons of the prophet and the prophet didn’t rebuke nor reprimand her.
Apostle Paul said “what I say is not my own opinion nor eloquent speech of words etc etc..” He(Apostle Paul) said “Onesimus is my son in the faith we have in JESUS CHRST/CHRISTIAN WALK etc etc.
Leave our prophet if you were reading the bible carefully u would understand tht death is God secret and who are u to judge men of God
please stop accusing Prophet Shepherd Bushiri,He is true Man of God,You people you try to find some bad things about him ,you tried by all means,But I don’t even remember scandal about him ,please please leave major 1 alone with peace
Leave my father my oracle alone ppl hes a real man og god.and i as a south african i love him as we are all children of god.
Prophet Bushiri is a true man of God and people should just stop these false accusations.He loved James Nee as his very own son.
I just feel like if anyone is really your topic of interest why dwell on the bad criticism(as if it exists anyways) and not mention the good things too. Be careful you all accusing my father of all those things, the bible says touch not my annointed ones… If you never read the bible maybe start there.
I have not known prophet bushiri in person rather I have met his elder brother Rev. Otis Bushiri here in Cape Town, from the botom of my heart I know that prophet Bushiri loved James Nee so much. Therefore my heart tells me that all people abusing prophet Bushiri must stop that nonsense . I am very proud of his success as a citizen of my country and happy of his accomplishments. He is as heart broken as you are but he can’t show it to the word as he is a leader and also a figure . I am proud of him as our prophet , a leader and a successful business man of our country . I am not comenting because of his ss