Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish… ”
In life you cannot progress if there is no direction. If you dont know where you are going, you may think that every road is the right one. You first of all need to know where you are going and then can choose the right path to lead you to your destination.
Vision is the divine plan on your life. It is having a supernatural insight into one’s placement in life. Vision is not an ambition, but a discovery of God set plan for your life. Ambition is merely one’s expectation or what one looks forward to achieving.
Thus, it is a self-made plan. There is nothing wrong with ambition as long as it is in line with the set plan of God on your life.
Hoever an ambition without vision make the people perish. Only ambition that falls in line with God’s drawn-out plan becomes fruitful. This is the reason why Absalom the ambitious son of David who wanted to become a King without any set dovine plan died young. Your self imposed ambitions can lead you to early death.
You get your vision through the Word, the Spirit and gathering with fellow believers. When you are in fellowship with the Spirit, He will reveal the divine plan on your life. When you study the Word and gather with fellow believers, God will also reveal to you His divine plan on your life.
Those who know their divine plan never compare themselves with anybody. They never feel jealous of anybody because they know that no two people have same divine plan. Only people without vision or only those with self ambitious compare themselves and feel jealous of others. Move in your vision and be a success. There are things you need to do to be a success and excel in your vision(For more teaching on Success and Excellence in vision, be at our service this Sunday)
Dear Father, thank you for teaching me your Word. I will operate in my vision and will excel and be a success. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Worship with us at 130pm at Global United Belivers (GUB)Ministries. Venue is Baptist media center opposite Wanderers football club house close to Eastern side of Kamuzu stadium along Lali Lubani Road. Catch us live at 8am every Sunday at Radio Power 101Fm. Like our fb page Pastor Daniel Walusa.
Join us tonight in Pretoria RSA for the whole night of Word, Miracles, Healings and Impartations
Be born again. Contacts+265999426247. +265881283524 +265997538098