Malawi police are looking for three armed robbers who have robbed a 35-year-old man of God of 12 million Malawi Kwacha.
Confirming the development was Nsanje Malawi police publicist Sergeant Agnes Zalakoma who identified the victim as Pastor Venson Ngulube.
Zalakoma said the armed robbery happened on Thursday at around 5PM at Chibuli village in the area of Traditional Authority Ndamera in Nsanje which is not far from Mozambique border.
According to the publicist, Ngulube went to the said area to buy precious stones from the suspects.
It is alleged that the victim was shown the stones and he took a bag containing money from his vehicle to pay for the stones.
Zalakoma added that in the process of giving the buyers the money, he was threatened with a small firearm suspected to be a star pistol and robbed of the bag which contained K12,078,000 plus the stones.
However, as the three robbers were running away using their Toyota Hilux double cabin vehicle registration number ACT 736, they got involved in a road accident but they later fled, leaving the vehicle at the scene.
The thieves, suspected to be from Mozambique, only managed to go away with the robbed money and the precious stones.
Meanwhile, the suspects’ vehicle has been driven to Nsanje police.
Ngulube, who is a Pastor in Nsnje, hails from Chinombo village in the area of Traditional Authority Mpherembe in Mzimba district.
Sanalakwitse Popeza Nayenso Amawabera Anthu Ku Church Koma Kutsagwidwa Koma Apa Ndiyeno Wazigwiritsa Yenkha Ofunikanso Naye Akamagwidwe.
Man of God involved in precious stone business. That business is for gamblers.
Angopephera zipezeka kkkkk
Angozisiya manja mwa Mulungu basi
Munthu wa mulungu paka ku police
He must have stolen it from the poor desperate people so he deserves it and why should the police waste time for a thief like him tell him to get a real job
Ngati Mulibe Zolemba Dont Create~false Stories To Atract Peoples Atention
Whose prophet is that????????????
Let them be God will punish them
the so called man of God robbed the church members,no case was opened agaist him. Now 3men took wat the man of God stole from the people, its now a police case??????? shame
Modern day prophets and pastors involved in shoddy deals. That is the price you pay. Kapena osadzichitira prophecy yoti ndalamazo zipezeka bwanji???
Modern day prophets and pastors involved in shoddy deals. That is the price you pay. Kapena osadzichitira prophecy yoti ndalamazo zipezeka bwanji???
Consult The police well and u will retrieve it
Waste no time let man consul
Akuba akumana. Zili bwino ndithudi, osati kubela anthu abwino.
Wina nde uziti eee don’t be foolish, kusiruka ndi mafellowish kumene mukhalira yomweyo yomangoyimba ma keyboard anzanu mkumakulemerera, kupanda kum’bera mukanadziwa kuti anali ndi thumba lotero shine your eyes in dying minute anything is a weapon to destruct self poverty, don’t get suprised when your so called man of GOD demand your wife kkk
Aliyense ali ndi nthawi yomwe Ambuye anamuikila yodzachita bwino u can’t force somebody’s to be yours there’s time for everything
the bad mee ts evil pay back time big up robbers these robs people quite smart, its just a little punishment next expect terminator 2 judgement day
Let the police stop this hunting rubbish! The prophet is claimed so bcoz he’s been performing ‘miracles’ which include protecting his subjects from such misfortunes. This is just a hoax! Am sure the police have pressing cases to investigate on their table
Does it mean that the robbers performed miracles to rob the man of God? Wonders shall never end!
Okuba waberedwa
He could have prophesied the coming of those robbers,
That money has gone…exactly the way it was obtained. Sure signs that God sees all….
Let me help some people by telling you that when God wants to test a prophet. He first of all closes his eyes.
Do not be FOOLISH and say why did he not see.
Prophet robbed? I wonder why we have so many rich prophets these days? These are just thieves stealing from faithless believers.
Since he calls himself Prophet,tell him to make his miracles
Why he did nt prophesy about it.he cn only prophesy about other pipo liars.
Mumuuze apite kwa asing’anga amakhala ndi vidiyo yokuonesa amene wakubera
A man of God seeking police’ s help kkkkkkk zachingambwe yesu anati mpovuta wachuma kukalowa ku mparadaizo.uyu si prophet koma prosperous business man,prophet anali ngati achina malemu mbale mbuu don’t worry k12 000 000 ikathandiza nkhosa zosauka za mulungu, sapatsa pa manja mulungu,AMEN
Akuba abelana
Achita bwino
Let him pray
let the man see the robbers in the spirit realm as he does when he is on the pulpit hahahahaha
Nayeso ndalama zonsezo wazitenga kuti?
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk anyamula chakhumi mwati munthu sazatheka God will provide
Him himself is a robber iya
Thats what happens to ppl who pretend like doing Gods work but in reality are just milking desperate ppl in the name of God.
mxonse yamikani mulungu dont prophet GOD will provide kkkkkkkkkk
Lota wakubera ndani
Waganiza bwanji?
Mesa amalosera ma deal ndiye abaledwa bwanji ?
Adzichenjera! Amchita bwino!
Was the son called man of God keeping the whole cash?
I like those robber hahahahahah go deepr Robbers
Hahahaa wat a joke, prophet robbed? Where are the powers u claim u have?
False prophets
Amuchita bwino bwanji sanalote yekha…was satanic
kodi ndi prft ndani?ndi bushiri kapena?
bamuyenze kahle
azoba strong
jah mfwethu kkk??adha anyapapi amenewa akumaziba kuti dollarz aah?
Chopeleka adha kkkk mbuzi zimenezi adha…akuti kugulisa magazi aYesu kkk annointed madzi
????anthu amenewa aaa nyapapi zeni zeni kkkk
Amuchita bwino obera anzake naye aberedwe these fake prophets are ripping poor people off with nonsense stuff
Mhm guys , God reviews only what he wants you to see for a purpose I tell you and not what you want on your own, lets not judge him coz we don’t know wat will happen to the thieves or man of Gold ,bt wat I blv i! its the start of the new chapter to both parties !!
you are right sir but only what i know about these peole of ours is spilitual ignorant they think that God can reveiw everything
Bwanji sanalosere? Kumangozipasa u prophet kusewera ndi namalengatu kumeko
angamasunge dollar yoseyo pa den…… Yapita basi
angamasunge dollar yoseyo pa den…… Yapita basi
Kodi bwanji atumbuka kubera anthu mudzina la ambuye mwaonjeza. Ndikaonetsetsa maprophet ambiri ndi akumpoto chifukwa chani?
Choka iwe chamba eti
You Are Out Of Order
Mmm u r false if say like dat,wherever u will go, u wil see the prophets like those
Ulindivuto man go to mars plz
profit of god kkkk
Mukati Man of God ena ife ndiye a ndani?
giving back to the community
why did he not prophecy kuti this day kuli robbery so that he could prevent it huhuhuhuhu
kkkkk ayayaya pastor
He will prophecy where the money is
how this lobers :knows that this Man he have this so much money like that ? we can say it was plan or no , ZAMANYAZ HAHAHAHA
Have u read the who story?
some one anabweleka fon apa wandibwezela chachitika nd chiyan
Can u prophecy
Iyeyo wazitenga kuti?
Ngati zasala zina atenge ampase wabayo ichi ndichiphunziso cha yesu akakumenya saya limozi mpaseso linalo amenyeso
Yes yes yes… They robbed the poor people first… They just getting back their money
Why didn’t he prophesize and must prophesize where his money is,
Gud job
prophet wandalama, nonsese…..his supposed to be serving God not crying for the money and profits
Iwe wati amubela man of God are you man of Satan?
mavuto ake amenewo!
Koma anthu enawa iyeyo amati miyala ndiyachan oti ali kale ndi ndalama
hahahahha why ddnt he prophesize about the calamity that was to befall him?
Za kaisala zipite konko basi ndiye akulira chani is it a business capital that he suffers a lot to earn or zomwezi zoperekazi???? Mundiyankhe a prophet isanakwane mawa 12 noon that’s my ultimatum to u
Ndizimenezo ma prophet kubeledwa mpaka kukachita repot ku police kumene yesu anabadwila ndi kulalika mau simudzamva za ma prophet koma ku africa kuno mmmmmm, angodyetsa wanthu njoka maudzu achule. mwini wache wakwiya nazo ntchito zanu.
Zinakakhala bwino anakamubera Bushiri, poti ndi uyu!! oky any way poti osewa njira zawo ndi zimodzi.
He got de stones…ts 50 kwa 50 game
Analekelanji kulota kuti kubwera akuba?
Kkkkkkk prophet nkumapangaso business ya miyala ?
Prophet yo ndiopusa… busines yogula precious stones simayenda chomcho
Ndalama zakuba zimathaso ndi kubedwa
Prophet involved in illegal business mmmmm waziona
Hahaha…..but these prophets of our generation, u can’t understand them, he want to build his church, and buy a car with that money, thats mirracle money!
Tax free
abela bwnj okhara prphet ndekt mulungu sanamuonesera hahaha paja nkhani ndikuber wanthu matsiku ano
why is the so called “prophet” involving the popo in this??? Cant he just ask god who took it?? hahahahaha some BS
mind yo speech
He is a thief prophet..doing an illigal busines
and wat will happen if i dont???
mhhhh man watch what you say
and wat will happen if i dont watch it???
Samapereka chakhumi ameneyo,mulungu watengapo zache.