Zambia President Edgar Lungu who is being accused of showing dictatorial tendencies has dismissed reports that he is originally Malawian.
According to a Zambian publication Kitwe Times some quarters have alleged that Lungu is not a Zambian but a Malawian.

However, Lungu’s Spokesman Amos Chanda dismissed the rumours.
Appearing on a local TV programme dubbed “Oxygen of Democracy”, Chanda described a question by the host on Lungu’s citizenship as absurd.
When the presenter insisted that an opposition party leader in the country Mike Mulongoti has gone public saying President Lungu is not a Zambian, Chanda said people should not pay attention to disgruntled politicians like him.
“That is absurd, it is just in the interest of freedom of speech why I have allowed you to ask me that question. President Lungu is from Petauke (in Eastern Zambia),” he said.
Ndi bambo anga awa asakane….kkkk
Ndi wathu wathu ameneyu
Palibe vuto ana badilwa kuty ,Zambia so ndiwakuty Zambia
Guys I appreciate that you follow history and you know it better. Kenneth Kaunda the former president ov Zembo, was frm Mpamba in Nkhata – bay. As it is said.
Indeed,Malawians and Zambians We’re One”Sharing One Father & One Mother”
We’re Bloodline Connected by Birth & Spiritual!
During the Ancient of Days,,,, if We go Deep with Our Spiritual Overstanding,,,From Abraham,Isaac & Grand – Pah Jacob,,,Our Great Tribes Formed!
Our Grand Mother”RACHEL” gave Birth to Two Handsome Well Polited Sons”Joseph & Benjamin”(MALAWIAN/ZAMBIAN)
Among all the Tribes of Israel/Jacob”Our Grand-Pa Jacob had HIS own Favourite Sons whom He used to Admire due to Their Intelligence,Humbleness,Strength & Leadership!
Out of 12 Sons of Jacob,,, JUDAH”ITIOPIAN”
After Sharing de Fathers & Mothers,,,,, Our Kingdoms formed,,whereby JUDAH,Joseph,Benjamin & Ruben Share the Direct Kingdom!
Examples,,,,Think more about the Mberwa 1 to the Current Mberwa 4th Whom both are Presented in Malawi & Zambia!
What about the Chewa Kingdom & The ZULU Kingdom from Both Malawi,Zambia & Azania,,,,
What’s wrong then??? Nothing will change. Him to be a Malawian or ñot things will be the same…am not a Malawian2
….and he is my uncle…kkkkkk..mmm
So what? Nothing to be proud of, he is not bringing anything to malawi. He didnt even build ahouse in malawi and you are busy entertaining he is amalawian. Zazii
Honestly,he is not Malawian. His parents might be connected to Malawian background but the fact that he was born in Zambia is Zambian.
It depends on how questionier asked and the Nation is.
Kkkkkkk i like Zambians. All their Presidents are Malawians except Mwanawasha maybe.
Malawi and Zambia are historically known for out sourcing leaders. Kamuzu was from Ghana. Bakili Muluzu, Joyce Banda, Bingu and Peter Mutharika are all Mozambicans.
Kkkkkkkkkk outsourcing mwati llkk
Kkkkkkkk take this out osamenyewa ndife amodzi basi whether u lyk or not
Hon Payne Mwamba Kapema
The Malawian government accepted that he is Malawian.
Hon Payne Mwamba Kapema
Oky siize ya bho…
Come on, Zambians, don’t act as if you’ve never been ruled by a Malawian before. We, Malawians, won’t complain if a Zambian comes to rule us, coz we are one people. Our borders were created by Europeans without our consent
So….Northern Malawi has produced presidents then, Kenneth Kaunda and now Chagwa Lungu…hehehe….be proud “WANGANYA MWE!!!”
Ungadye bwanji mbunyani ku Zambia uli waku Malawi!
guyz is thut true..??
what is so good about Malawi to be alwez at the Tops of grooming Leaders?
It shows How clever are Malawians ,they manage to become leaders in other nation!
Akungoona kukana simesa kwawo ndi Ku KAFUKULI eyeyu…kikikikikk
koma yah
But malawi will always be his home, if he is a malawian♂️
You can easily see from his failures that the Hyner is not a Zambian but a Malawian.
Don’t be stupid naimwe ECL is azambian not amalawian and is doing agud job its too early to judge him
Shut up you little fool.what do you know about governance
Kkkk cum down my nigga there’s no need 4 that
now iknow ican vote in zambia or malawi or zimbabwe but not in mozambique,kkkkkkkkkk
Malawians has been ruling Zambia for a minute.
So what ? Our great grannies came from Malawi but who cares. We don’t even know where exactly but we were born in Zambia and we are therefore Zambians. We can’t deny the Malawi connection
And Ecl is our president take it or leave it
zimbabwe_zambia -malawi we are one people……..
Where do you get such news ai ????
Edgar is a Zambian by birth although his “roots “maybe traced in Malawi.therefore, we can not doubt his citizenship. Wat we can put on the table is his dictatorship tendencies at the moment.
Not only Zambia,even Malawi, has been ruled by Zimbabweans
Even Obama is a malawi bt he denounced
We are one
Most Zambians are originally Malawian Mr. President there’s nothing wrong with your roots.
Who cares about you Sir
Has any president been Zambian in Zambia?
Kikkii who can accept that am Amalawian mavuto ake amenewa.Pochoka ku drc ena anapita ku Zimbabwe ena ku Malawi ena anatsalira ku Zambia,dxiko lilibe mwinimwini tonse ndiwobwera moni.Koma upresident Atumbuka ndi Achewa iwalani zimenezo mudziwe Lero.
Malawi is ruling even in Zimbabwe and southafrica kkk,ANC was formed by northern Malawians kk
Zambia is Malawi no wonder all the leaders are Malawians kkkkkk
Edgar Lungu is a Zambian citizen regardless where his parents originated from. Born and educated in Zambia why more complaints now .What i have noted is surrounded by jealous politicians.
Edgar Lungu is a Zambian citizen regardless where his parents originated from. Born and educated in Zambia why more complaints now .What i have noted is surrounded by jealous politicians.
We gave them keneth kaunda and edgar lungu. Now we will give them Singin
Kkkkkkk Mr.President u are not malawian???? Okay fine!!!!
Jacob Zuma is from Mchinji
It’s true Malawians like exile too much
zambia and malawi are sister countries the only true zambians are soli and early settlers are tongas who came from east africa rwanda the rest our forefathers are not from zambia but congo and south africa
I dont see any problem there Remember Barrack Obama Ruled USA but he’s Kenyan
Barack Obama,s mom was white American and he was born in America and not Kenya
.get your shot straight.you don’t know how the American justice works.
Mukamaliza zonse ine ndibwera ndizatenge ndalama yomwe mukugwiritsa ntchitoyo musaiwale paja kwacha mukugwiritsa ntchitoyo is also originating from Malawi
Inde ndiwathu ameneyo mutumizeni
Lungu wathu wathu uyu
He is a pure Zambia citizen not Malawian why is it to say Malawi? Even Mugabe, Kenneth kaunda also they said from Malawi whyyyy?
What’s the main issue here? So when I will become a leader, I will be also called a Malawian isn’t. We are all one.
I know him just ask me he is my uncle from my Mather’s family it’s wrong store guys
Thats not big deal. In Malawi we had kamuzu as president for 31 years yet he came from Ghana. US had obama from Kenya and so on. Let lungu rule
Bodza nanani zomveka makolo ake mumawadziwa Ku Ghana ko? Munavapo kuti alindi azibale Ku Ghana? Bwanji azibale ake Aku Ghana sanabwere Ku Malawi? Osakamba zinthu zopanda umboni.
The real issue here is boundaries: The real former boundary between Malawi & Zambia was the river LUANGWA: Therefore all the people to the EAST of that river were & are ACHEWA,ANGONI, ACHIPETA,ATUMBUKA etc. and belonged to NYASALAND!! That is why customs & traditions of that part of Zambia are all the same of those in MALAWI: Now when we come to the modern artificial boundary, true let’s agree to recognise them as ZAMBIAN CITIZENS BONAFIDE TO ZAMBIAN CONSTITUTION, & LUNGU IS RIGHT & CORRECT TO DENY THAT HE IS NOT A MALAWIAN THOUGH DNA MAY REVEAL HIM TO B SO!! REMEMBER NOT TO MEDDLE IN OTHER SOVEREIGN COUNTRY’S POLITICS: THEY HAD THEIR FIRST PRESIDENT DR. DAVID KENNETH KAUNDA, IT WAS THE SAME CHORUS!! THEY R NOT FAR-AWAY FROM MALAWIAN IDEOLOGY, BECAUSE IN MALAWI ALL PRESIDENTS WE HAVE HAD NONE HAS BEEN A MALAWIA, EITHER FROM GHANA OR MOZAMBIQUE: INDEED THUS POLITICS AT ITS BEST!!!
Yes the truth is needed, all Zambians in the east are Malawians my friend if you can go to Lundazi district of Zambia is only Tumbukas go to Chama and Uyombe same thing you speak Tumbuka like you are in Mzimba, Rumphi etc Lundazi is a Tumbuka district but is base in Zambia, what about Chipata is same like Mchinji too, now my quastion is why Malawi is sleeping like this every body is just stealing our land now……..Tanzania start to provoke us on lake issue now then we will surrend to it
Kodi Zambia and Malawi timasiyana chiyani? We share almost everything starting from currency to language, traditional dances, etc ndi malire chabe amatisiyanitsa koma kunakakhala bwino likanangokhala dziko likanakhala limodzi
Zambia is much developed and far much ahead
Though it’s far much developed but the truth is that we are almost the same
ndie Ngat Malawi Mukufuna Ikhale Zambia? Kkkk… Kapena Mukaganiza Kuti Ma Zambians Alora Kukhala Malawians? Kkkk Musandiseketse Ine.
Wakwithu uyu
Mugabe and Lungu by birth are from Malawi
Wangu ndeipi
Andre Mumia Mtetwa ndirbho wena parisei paNyasa,
Heavy wangu kungomhanya nebasa rakuda kupera manje
Mwatiyenjeza nanutu
hie everyone!
Edger Lungu is a Malawian i would like to make this declaration.
you need to recall about Kaunda he grew up in Zambia n get education there….still he doesn’t change the citizenship why not Edger?
If they say so in Zambia then it confirms what Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda used to say that the boundary between Malawi and Zambia is Luangwa River. Let them surrender that part of the country to us which includes Lundazi area as well.
we are the children of jah!!
Kkkkkkkkk…no loading
Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, people ended up living permanently where they had there permanent work places. It might be true that the man’s parents originated from Northern Malawi to the Copperbelt during the federation years of the 3 countries.
Evern Mokola The-first this guy is yours we only knw Kaunda and Banda kkk
Nah banda and lungu are yours
Hahhahah naa Kaunda and Banda fine this one is not….. And the Mlongoti guy thats a Malawian name as well he is beafing his fellow foreigner kkkk
Not every chichewa ngoni , tumbuka name is malawian
Hahahahha they all have Malawian roots
Or zambian roots it depends
5% may hav Zambian roots
Anyone who sounds of Eastern Origin is Malawian????
Lungu, kaunda onsewa ndi amalawi from northen region. Anapita kukaweka makolo ku zambia.
Kaunda, Lungu, Banda, Bakili these tribe is frm malawi, Bingu was not a Zimbabwean was amalawian, Peter muthalika also is amalawian people thy think that there frm Zimbabwe no Bingu was married alady frm Zimbabwe so some people thy think that was coming frm Zimbabwe is not true the name wamuthalika is alomwe name is not shonna name
Everyone who shows bad leadership tendencies in their country this southern part of Africa is made to be from Malawi eventually. Mudzifunse a Malawi why?
Iwe thom chipinda, are you out of words? Why do you hate Malawi? F#¥+ck
We were ruled by chiuuba a congolese
There’s nothing new there, for years they were ruled by a Malawian ……it’s just history repeating itself
We are one Malawi na Zambia Mr Lungu is a real subweni mwatandala from Euthini
Malawians have always found it easy to rule Zambia, Kaunda, Banda Rupiah and now Lungu.
Proud to be Malawian, even Obama is Malawian & Donald Trump has Malawian roots!
There’s Tumbuka n Nyanjas in Zambia, old Malawians leave Zambians alone
Malawi the warm heart of Africa. Zimbabwe got Malawian president same like Mozambique, Zambia ….look at the Vice president of Tanzania is also a Malawian kkkkkkkkk
Hahahaha why fighting for something that u know already, malawi n zambia was one at first, but becoz of Westerners are the ones who came n divide it ,thats why we sharing , mother languages, like chewa, tumbuka, tonga, nkhonde just to mention few , so why fighting brothers n sisters? Lets just live in peace , after all we are one africa
Africa having borders was a mistake of colonialism. Especially Zambia and Malawi.
Even Kamuzu idon’t think he was a real Malawian bt money n power made him to rule us for Lungu’s case he is truely a Malawian by tribe coz his parents are Malawians he himself is a true Zambian by birth.It applies to kaunda,chissano,nyerere,mugabe,obama so let it be blessed is mama Malawi 4 producing presidents to rule beyond our boarders
There is no way Zambia and Malawi can be separated. We are one, we share tongue and tone. We share culture and tradition. We share food and foot. Everything in Zambia is either Zambian or Malawian. Zambia is indeed Malawi. Malawi is Zambia. Kaunda was accused of being Malawian, so was Lupia Banda, so is Lungu and so is everybody else. Kkkkkkk…. Mugabe is being accused of being Malawian, so was Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, so was Mobutu Maseko Joseph, so was Chisano…..kkkkkk the list is not least. Everybody and every president in the Region is Malawian. I am proud of that..
Because Malawians are not staying at home.Everywhere they go kukwatila basi.kiki
Kkkkkkk…. Mwatero amfumu???? It is hard work I think.
Even matupi anthu amachita kuoneka kuti ndife amodzi….tiwanthu ting’onotin’gono. Some one even went satirical- ngakhale mapusidwe
Even Gaddafi was accused of being a Malawian…..Lol
President Zuma…..
mumvanso kuti ndi waku Malawi
Oky Northerners Are Failing To Rule This Country But N Zambia Things Are Workng A Plea To Malawians Give The Northerners A Chance Things Will Work 4 The Better Zambias Economy Z On Track Give Us A Chance U Will Never Regrete As To Edgar Ur A True Malawian Come Back Home
Ha ha ha…..!!!! Ndi wa ku Thyolo….
Bet me, a relative to Mpanda-mano uja.
Kkkkkk wathu wathu uyuuu
And I like this, the greatest of them all….
Robert Gabriel Mugabe was born to a Malawian father,
Gabriel Matibili, and a Shona mother, Bona, a daughter
Chief Gutu of the Karanga tribe and Gumbo mutupo
(totem) Masvingo Province at St. Anne’s Hospital in
Nhkotakota, one of the oldest hospitals in Malawi. The
large fig tree immediately in front of the hospital gate
was the site of a meeting between David Livingstone
and the Jumbe (chief) in 1863 to forge an agreement
to end the slave trade in the region. The hospital
opened in 1894. Since then it has gone through several
cycles of expansion and contraction. Opening a nursing
school closed previously is being considered. There are
sections of inpatient beds which are not in use
because of lack of patients. The hospital was once the
region’s prime maternity and neonatal unit, including a
midwifery school begun in 1944. Even though it is not
as much utilized as in the past, deliveries and
Caesarean sections continue to be a significant part of
the hospital activity.
Both Robert Mugabe’s parents, Matibili and Bona, were
Roman Catholic. He was the third of six children. He
had two older brothers, Michael (1919–34) and
Raphael. Both his older brothers died when he was
young, leaving Robert and his younger brother, Donato
(1926–2007), and two younger sisters – Sabina and
Matibili and Bona left Malawi and later moved to
Zvimba with young Robert Gabriel, just outside Harare
where Matibili continued to do carpentry work for the
local missionary schools and churches. Fed up with the
rural life of Zvimba, Mugabe’s father abandoned the
family in 1934 after Michael died, in search of work in
U seems u know realy Mugabe’s family history.Thanx 4 letting all de pple to know
I like it thanks brother now at least I know that Robert is my grand father (Malawian )
thanks, we got it.
More history pliz ,keep it up
You started very well. Plz continue
And tell us about the munthalikas plz..Are they real Malawians?
Kkkkkkkkk indeed tell us about the Muthalika’s family history
Malawi seems to be blessed interms of donating leaders to other countries.Kaunda, Rupiah Banda, Lungu and Robert Mugabe all from Malawi.
Kkkkk Meaning to say all the malawian presidents dectators kkkkkk chipongwe
Bufi naimwe
How many foreign president will accused of being Malawians,Kaunda,Lungu,Banda only in Zambia three presidents are being accused of being Malawian citizens Mugabe pa Zimbabwe naye akuti ndi wakwathu
This is HILARIOUS. We have bunches of Undis and Kalongas here. Are they also to send back Kalonga gawa Undi? We all know he settled here first before moving on to Zambia
Aaaaaa Edina Lungu is Originally Munyasa uyo
Simply ndingoti Edga Lungu ndimwana wamtumbuka
We are o one.
We are o one.
Malawians are leading Central Africa, kkkkkkkkkkkk
We are o one.
So there it goes malawian bred leaders are dictators.What a wild flight of fantasy.People behave as if they don’t know originally we were one people these boundaries were imposed by colonialists.If chewa can be spoken from malawi to beitbridge what else do you want to prove.
The British people saw this problem a long time ago and that’s why they wanted Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe to be one nation (Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland).
Akukana chifukwa malawi ndi wosawuka. If USA RSA he would easily announce his citizenship
Sounds true. Another alleged Malawian,Robert Mugabe is a bloody dictator.
Eesh, what is wrong of originating from Malawi? Few months ago you were putting up a proof that Mugabe was from Nkhotakota. So what? Let them do whatever they are doing.
Chase him indeed he is destroying a prospering Zambia time for dictators in Africa is long gone
What about Zimbabwean president
The Malawians naturally are intelligent and wise and has best leader. Unfortunately the Malawians themselves oppress each other, through corruption and jealousy. Some prefer to use their World Class Talents outside the country, and some prefer to keep quiet because of fear, otherwise the country would have been one of the best in the World.
100% Trut & Right!
Time is on Our Doorsteps,,,, there’s time When the Sleeping Talented of Malawian Majorities arise & Do something in their own Land” Flames”
As far as we are neighbours we are related but that doesnt mean Lungu is from here,he might have those malawi roots but was born in zambia!
edger might be connected ti malawi through parental system but he himself is a product of zambia.edger lungu was born here in zambia (copperbelt) he grew up here and atain his education in zambia he never leaved in malawi and nothing about about leaving in malawi above all he cant speak any malawian languanges.
Even yourself come back home.Mumba’s are Malawians.
Its true
imwe malawi and zambia is one country y making up a big deal.any malawi leaving here are considered family members a malawian citzen can be proudly say am a malawian infront of imigration officers withought any fear.
edger might be connected ti malawi through parental system but he himself is a product of zambia.edger lungu was born here in zambia (copperbelt)
How was Kaunda restricted to becoming president after Chiluba’s new laws if you can remember?
Thats true @ Joshua
kaunda was restricted because of a new which was indruduced by chiluba that a person to aspare for presidence need to hv both parents zambia which was the case for kaunda.
why cant u get it! we were once one country but different provinces. and when whites were done with our resources they divided us. Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia were under British protectorate and it had one of the best vibrant economy in Africa. I think its high time to unite and get back to where we were but this this under our own administration blacks
kikikiki asibweni welerani kuchikaya chakwinu ki
Kikiki Mwati Apa Bangazomwera Kusama Nakaudindo Aka Balinako Kikiki.Yai Tiyezge Kubapempha Panji Wangapakila Kikiki
Kkkkkkkk kasi apo nthe bakana kuti kukaya nkhu Malawi yai kkkkkk mukuti wangazomeraso kkkkk
Kikikikiki Aaaaaa Nad Uyu Dada Walikita Mbavi Pa Khalang’anjo Kukana Chkaya Chabawiske Kikiki Yai Tionele Lumo Umo Watewaganizle Kikiki
Please don’t say no Mr Lungu kkkkkk
So Malawi is breeding ground for dictators, right?
Lungu is our own Malawian product from northern region no doubt at all
Saka wese anorambira pahutongi ndewe kuMalawi kkkkl here?
its not de frst time malawians ruling zambian`s,kaunda does de sem & now edga lungu.it really mins dat malawians are capable of producing productive leaders in zambia. all de best #edgarlungu
Kkkkkkk its true Zambia is ruled by Malawians from Kaunda_Banda now is Lungu
Kkkkkk after Lungu you will see another Malawian coming there to stand az president and again u will vote 4 him
What about Mugabe? it seems like is ours too..
Posachedwapa muzamva kuti nayo joni ikulamulidwa ndi m’malawi
Northerners find it hard to rule Malawi but in Zambia its so easy and its happening.Kaunda and Lungu
Original Kamuzu was killed by his GANIAN friend abroad.tinalamulidwa ndi chigewenga cha ku GANA.BAKILI, aku Mozamhique, BINGUZ zimbabwe origins,JOICE MUKHULU ee! Mozambique.tasiyana pati?
Mya komaso iwe umbuliwake, imeneyo history??
Ya kamuzu kkkkkkkkkkk….!!!
Mwe bantu why museweza boza Lungu ni mu Zambian ka.
Ok Zambians, I’m willing to testify in court that said gentleman is in fact from my village here in Malawi. But nothing for nothing: we’ll have to do a deal, these are difficult times. How much are you prepared to cough?
Poor politiking..let him be…
deport him kkkkkkk awele kukwao koma neba zimene wayamba
No laoding
Thats why malawi and zambia there is good relationship because we are real brothers and sisters, we have similar names like Phiri, Gondwe, Sibale, Banda, Lungu, chipofya, Nyirenda, Kaunda etc, we have many malawians from northern in zambia, and even some from Mchinji, so it might be possible that Edger Lungu is from malawi, but since he obtained a zambian citizenship through birth then he lose his citizenship here in malawi, and consider him as a zambian now because he was born there and he grew up there the rest is just the story!
It depends on the laws of Zambia as well….Not all countries have Jus Soli law meaning birth right citizenship….some countries have laws which restrict people from becoming presidents when their parents are not of the land. Such law was adopted by Chiluba when he wanted to restrict Kenneth Kaunda from becoming president i believe.
Chipofya is not Malawian
@Abasi, we have the Chipofyas in Rumphi, so what are u talking about? Iam a half-cast, my mother is from Rumphi and My Father is from Machinga, in my mum’s side are the Gondwes and we have chipofya and chipetas there, like I have my Aunt Anya Chipofya there.
Kkkk waziba bwanji am a zambian but stays in chitipa
Infact he didn’t lose His citizenship, since he was born there then he’s a pure Zambian.
He is Zambian just like prophet Bushiri is also a Zambian, even me my mother is Zambian
Aaa chawama mwe wayende ku malawi wa Lungu….
He is 100% wapaZ if not Maputo, Even MUGABE maShona azake akumati ndi waku Malawi,paja malawi ndi ku Exil Lol, shaaa!
Dr Kamuzu Banda,Robert Mugabe,Kenneth Kaunda and now Edgar Lungu.It shows that Malawi is blessed with producing ‘good’ leaders.
Are you sure. Kkkk!
Why is he even denying it? He is a Lungu period. Zambians have Mwanawasa , Chiluba and Sata of their own. We have one untouchable of all times ruling Zimbabwe.
You are naughty you mean Mugabe comes from Malawi he goes to zim and becomes a dictator then there comes this Lungu character also from there becoming a hardcore dictator each passing day hahahahahahahahaha like your thinking
Mugawe just like Nguluwe are from MW kkkkkkkkkkkk.
Robert Gabriel Mugabe was born to a Malawian father, Gabriel Matibili, and a Shona mother, Bona, a daughter Chief Gutu of the Karanga tribe and Gumbo mutupo (totem) Masvingo Province at St. Anne’s Hospital in Nhkotakota, one of the oldest hospitals in Malawi. The large fig tree immediately in front of the hospital gate was the site of a meeting between David Livingstone and the Jumbe (chief) in 1863 to forge an agreement to end the slave trade in the region. The hospital opened in 1894. Since then it has gone through several cycles of expansion and contraction. Opening a nursing school closed previously is being considered. There are sections of inpatient beds which are not in use because of lack of patients. The hospital was once the region’s prime maternity and neonatal unit, including a midwifery school begun in 1944. Even though it is not as much utilized as in the past, deliveries and Caesarean sections continue to be a significant part of the hospital activity. Both Robert Mugabe’s parents, Matibili and Bona, were Roman Catholic. He was the third of six children. He had two older brothers, Michael (1919–34) and Raphael. Both his older brothers died when he was young, leaving Robert and his younger brother, Donato (1926–2007), and two younger sisters – Sabina and Bridgette. Matibili and Bona left Malawi and later moved to Zvimba with young Robert Gabriel, just outside Harare where Matibili continued to do carpentry work for the local missionary schools and churches. Fed up with the rural life of Zvimba, Mugabe’s father abandoned the family in 1934 after Michael died, in search of work in Bulawayo.
Harvey…Reference please( sources).
where did the tumbukaz originate from? Malawi?
Kkkk one of the stratagies of ones tobecome acitizen of the country,is by birth if he was born there nomatter the parents are malawians,he himself is a zambian kkk
Different countries have different laws….The Malawian law says that if you are born in Malawi then you have the right to citizenship as long as your parents are from the north-east of Zambezi, meaning Malawians.
Kkkkk true on that so if himself he is claiming that he is azambian wat else can be done??….
The zambian laws restrict people from becoming presidents when their parents are found not to be Zambian…the law was put in place during Chiluba’s time, and was meant to restrict Kaunda from becoming president again.
Yeah understood
you can read Kaunda’s history on wikipedia and go to were it says post presidency.
Laws are different go to SA there are plenty of citizens who don’t have ID’s no matter they born there but if u don’t have proper birth certificate you’re foreigner.Malawi laws says if you stay in Malawi continuously for 7 yrs then automatically you’re a Malawian.Other countries there laws are very strict.
Very true bredas
Zambian laws allow people from Malawi to be presidents and whenever Zambians are not ruled by Malawians, they feel Headache
Kkkkk ok
Iwe lungu zakuno ku Nyasaland ndiko kwako kutipusika yayi
Iam ready to imprecate EDGAR LUNGU before court.He is the citizen of warm heart of africa.the COUSEN TO MY UNCLE
To say the trueth Lungu is a Malawi eastern Zambia people are Malawians eastern is full of Tumbuka, Chewa and ngoni people which origineted from Malawi thats why we say Malawi must see itsborder
Now you are talking, that’s true.
Very true bro I do agree with you osangoliphatikiza Malawi ndi ZAMBIA kkkkk ndiife amodzi
Kkkkk Malawi and Zambia we are one people soon we will form Zambia_ Malawi nation
Not interested…!
Kkkkkk why
That’s the point man, Malawi must check its borders very soon, these people robbed our land Zambia/Mozambique kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkk guys guys malawi and zambia we are to gather tiyeni tigwilane manja ndife amodzi palibe kawalala
I chose to disagree with you to say they were originated from Malawi, that’s wrong….let me say like this, chewa’s are native in east Zambia especially nkaika,chipata and some places and tumbuka are mostly in northern east of Zambia especially Lundaz they never originated from Malawi that’s their land when colonial masters created borders those people were still same land in Zambian.what about chewa’s in Mozambique? It’s same don’t claim them they are Zambians.
The chewa of in Mkaika came from Mankhamba in Malawi. The same applies to the chewas of Mozambique.
He is a pure malawian from northen region, their parents went there to work in coper bilt!
Edgar chagwa Lungu isn’t from northern part of Malawi if he is truely malawian that means he is from central region coz he is from chipata which is bordered by mchinji.
The Lungu are from Northern part of malawi, we don’t have the Lungu’s in central region of malawi, those Lungus who are found in central region of malawi they orginated came from north!
J Kay Luciano….thats vague….Chipata has Chewa people…..Is Lungu a Chewa name?
You don’t know what u talking about what about banda’s are tumbuka names?
Banda is a big Bantu clan meaning to say that it is found in almost all tribes, just like the Phiri’s…but Lungu’s are strictly tumbuka just like the Gondwe’s and the Nyirongo’s
What you have to understand is that Even in kasungu, nkhotakota and mchinji they borrowed tumbuka names but definitely they are not true tumbukas.Banda’s, phiri’s,and mwale’s are not tumbuka names, they are chewa’s most of these are used in northern region why?
@ Lucian, Banda and phiri are most common names in malawi, are usually found every where, but most of them are from Northern part of malawi, like many Bandas are found in Nkhata-bay, the ” adha Banda” in Nkhata, and most of these are tongas, but as for Lungus these are pure from Northern part of malawi!
Go to history of malavi kingdom and mlowoka kingdom/ nkhamanga find real names of tumbuka’s and chewa’s .
Uncle, is the name ” Lungu” found in central region of malawi? Kennedy M. Gondwe
Tonga are offsprings of tumbuka’s and chewa’s go deeper you will find that I’m talking true.
We have the likes of ” O banda, O phiri, O Gama etc” in central region of malawi, but the name ” Lungu” is pure from Northern part of malawi, and these Lungus can be found in kasungu in central region who also came from north, beause many tumbukas are also found in kasungu Nkhamenya, we have chirwas and Lungus in Kasungu who just went there!
If he was born in Zambia then he is Zambian it doesn’t matter where his parents or name is from..
With that being said, why argue about which name is from which side. These days that not a big deal.
Zimbabweans were saying we must go and get our Mugabe,I asked them why now?
Kaunda and Banda,Tonga surnames and Lungu is a Tumbuka surname. Mugabe is Sena?(Mgawe)
Don’t mislead people Harold..Banda is not a Tonga name. This is purely chewa name alongside phiri, mwale, mbewe, nkhoma and others..Tonga names are manda, mhone, ngwira and others..Bandas, phiris, and mwales are found in Nkhatabay because there are also chewas there. Infact, all traditional leaders in Nkhatabay are chewa like Fukamapiri, kabunduli, fukamalaza, malengamzoma, malanda.. If you go to areas under Kalonga Gawa Undi in Eastern Zambia, you will meet bandas, phiris, mwales, nkhomas because they are chewa whilst if you go to southern Zambia where tongas are, you will not find names such as bandas, phiris. They have tonga names there such as HIchirema.. Please Harold, read history again..
Lungu is predominantly a northern region name with ofcourse certain traces in Kasungu but even then they are a fluck from Mzimba and Rumphi.
Ku Zambia so atumbuka aliko.
Lungu’s are ngoni’s that’s true fact, most of names which are used north are not tumbuka’s. You will find Lungu’s in mchinji.
Whatever.He is ruling Zambia now
A Malawian Ruling Zambia A Thing We Must B Proud Of
JKay ….you are suffering from ignorance syndrome ??
Mind you there Tumbukas and Chewas in Zambia in the eastern region of Zambia, better keep quiet than comment on something you are not sure about.
So what? Leave him alone
#Frank, there are lots of tumbukas in Zambia. Especially in Eastern Province e.g Lundadzi district its tumbuka only. The Nyanjas and Bembas are just the visitors in Lundadzi. If you go there you will feel like you are in Mzimba. Its Tumbuka Everywhere and Lots of Lungus as well in Lundadzi. So I think Lungu originally is a Malawian.
its not true that Lundazi is all Tumbuka.. Lundazi has Chewas also whom in Zambia, they are called Nyanja..Infact, most of the traditional leaders there are chewa, subjects of Kalonga Gawa Undi..Leaders such as Mwase Lundazi, mwase mphangwe, kapichira, zumwanda and others..Read history please..
You are the one who is suffering ignorance syndrome by using names without understand where it originated from…. History says tumbuka’s started using names like mwale’s, phiri’s and Banda’s 60 years ago in order to dominate universities and officers when Kamuzu kicked them from central region and Southern region.
Look at Baraka Obama was president in America he was born there but parents from Africa SO WHAT?????? Leave Lungu to rule the zambiaans as long as he is good…….
@ Giftie, one parent not both of them
Zambians must forget that Lungu is a Zambian but the Malawian breed
He is Malawian
Even Keneth Kaunda was also from NkhataBay malawi again so no wonder guys we re all same.
So what my great grand father came from Malawi but am Zambian
So….Northern Malawi has produced presidents then, Kenneth Kaunda and now Chagwa Lungu…hehehe….be proud “WANGANYA MWE!!!?”
Future’e Abubukar Mdeza, I can see that you so confused with tribal names. The fact that we have the Banda, Phiri, Mwale, Chirwa, Mwenda and many other names in The Northern region, does not make people of such names, tumbukas. They are the chewa names, and for your information, the majority of the population of people in Nkhatabay is comprised of the Chewa people. 13 T/As in Nkhatabay are Chewa chiefs.
There is a good population of chewa people in Mzimba. Lead the history of Mberwa and Mwase of Kasungu and learn how The chewa were incorporated in Mzimba kingdom.
#Daud# naseka,,,, our own Malawians they hav not trusted us,,and won trust in a foreign country
Abubakar Mdeza is a Nigerian tribalist living in Malawi kkkkkkk
Lungus from Northern part of Malawi
Edgar chagwa Lungu and rupiah bwezan Banda are both from chipata which is boarded by mchinji how come to be from north of Malawi?
Lungu uyo ngwaku malawi kuno mwee
Every one he know’s you u r malawian
Whtas strange about that?
Zambia has always been ruled by Malawians. Starting from Kaunda, Bwezani Banda and now Lungu….does it Mean that the Zambian system is easily penetrative?
No they are Zambians chewa tribe to be specific.
Have you heard a Chewa being a Lungu or a chewa being a Kaunda?
Lungu is not Chewa these are northern Malawi people
Kkkkkkk zikufunikanso omwa inki izi kkkk
palibe za a Ink apa koma true speaking he is Zambian fullStop
Eastern Zambians are Malawians indeed cause is full of these tribes Chewa and Tumbukas, Malawi must make its borders nicely becsuse Mozambique and Zambia robbed us
Yeah i think a referendum should take place in those Chewa, tumbuka areas for the people to choose whether to remain in Zambia or Mozambique,,,or to be part of Malawi…that’s the only way instead of war….however our relationships would be ruined
Even Malawi has been ruled by foreigners at a certain point. Lol
Let’s not forget in Zambia there are tumbukas also.
@ Harold, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk thats true, I was also about to say the same thing!
Even US was ruled by Obama
You what’s wrong with you. Africa being divided is a mistake of colonialism, especially Malawi and Zambia. Many people are born along the border and rightfully consider themselves both. Stop making such insulting comments about our brothers on the other side.
Do you also know there are tumbukas in eastern Zambia? This is ignorance.
hahaha Vitu Ngwira…There is no such thing as dual citizenship in Malawi. Yes they are Tumbukas…i’m however sure that Kaunda had Malawian parents but the rest i’m not sure man
With referendum issue no body will choose Malawi for sure ??
Stamford hahahaha then why are many Mozambicans rushing to get the national IDs here
Kenneth Kaunda was from Nkhatabay. That is a fact that is known. But this man is not. Just because he has a tumbuka name. And Mozambicans along the border have Malawian relatives like Sam Mpasu (the politician). These borders are based colonialism.
yeap that’s true Vitu. Tribe and citizeship should be separated in such cases but we are one people. Just that laws of citizenship differ in each one of our countries.
We also have namwanga, names in Tz. Just like names from Eastern province, ngonis are also in Tz. We’re are all Africans.
Joshua maybe we have an African citizenship bill to remove that problem
All Malawians are Zambians full stop.
Hes of Malawian origin
It may mean that Malawian are cleverful. But He is not from Malawi. We don’t know Him here, No history trace nothing
Dont forget that there wz federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland by th whites,,, Nyasaland was a source of labour to Northern and Southern Rhodesia,, its possible Lungu went to zambia from Malawi to work there, and later on settled there,,,
brenda….thats long ago…are u talking about him or his parents maybe?
All Zambians are Malawians
so you mean wen a president shows Dictatorship altitude then definitely they originated from Malawi?? a neba , why mukambaso?
kkkkkkk my brother aneba akutionjeza2
tikamati tili ndi neba timanena iwowa koma pano akutigenda ndi njerwa za moto kkk
He is a Malawian Man .
This is the pure malawian
Even if he was a malawian it wouldn’t be something new. their icon former president Kenneth Kaunda is also a Malawian.
Eya uyu ni mwana wa agogo awo a malume awo a mai awo a chimwene awo awo a zakhali anga. Kwao ni chakummawa kwa Zambia chakumadzulo kwa Mchinji.