I will contest as an independent – Jane Ansah

Jane Ansah Malawi elections

Former Chairperson of the Malawi Electoral Commission Jane Ansah has confirmed that she will be seeking office as a Parliamentarian. She will be gunning for a newly created Ntcheu North West seat.

However, contrary to earlier reports, Ansah has said that she will be seeking the office as an independent candidate, distancing herself from reports that she will be in bed with the former ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

In media reports monitored by Malawi24, Jane Ansah has already started campaigning in the area. In one video clip, Ansah is heard promising the people of the area a new way of doing things.

Ansah who served as an Attorney General in the government of late Bingu wa Mutharika before he was eventually appointed to head the Electoral Commission had moved to the United Kingdom after being disgraced at MEC. However, she is now back leading her own campaign.

A source however has told Malawi24 that despite her nonpartisan stance, she is aligning herself to the former ruling DPP.

“Both her and the DPP know that she is one of them, it is just for office purposes that she will be seeking the seat as an independent,” the source said.

Ansah’s colours are so far blue, similar to the ones used by the DPP. This, however, has been rubbished as mere coincidence by those working for her.
