The Lilongwe magistrate court has sentenced a 49 year-old Malawian man to 9 years imprisonment with hard labour after he was found guilty of raping a 15 year-old boy.
Police prosecutor Sergeant Dyton Phiri identified the rapist as Ephraim Kanyandula from Njalamano village in the area of Traditional Authority Sayimon in Neno district.
Phiri said Kanyandula committed the offence early October last year. He also said the convict was a security adviser at Maka Security in the capital city whilst the victim was a security guard at the same company.
According to Phiri, on this day, Kanyandula told the victim that he was supposed to guard for his office. At night Kanyandula called the boy into a certain room where he raped him and threatened that if he reveals the ordeal to anyone, he will be killed.
Phiri said some days after the incident, the boy was complaining of stomach ache. Upon being asked by his workmate as to what had happened with his stomach, he finally revealed that the evil man had raped him twice in a week.
Later, the boy was taken to the hospital where it was confirmed that he was really raped. Police from Area 36 in the city nabbed Kanyandula.
In court, the convict asked the presiding judge for a lesser punishment saying he is old and he has stayed on remand for a long time but the judge argued that people like him need a stiffer punishment.
More reasons to praise kamuzu now. Azungu azakhala akutilamulilabe till kufikana potiuza kut tizidyana tokhatokha so long as tikuanvera. I m sure askana sanafike posowa kut nkusowa omufunsira, chabwino osapita ku bar bwanji?
Guys! Tisamale2 ma Gay alusa ayamba zawo zija tsopano. Kuteleku mpaka ana tizichita kuwamangira khola kuopa ma Gay achiwewe.
Guys! Tisamale2 ma Gay alusa ayamba zawo zija tsopano. Kuteleku mpaka ana tizichita kuwamangira khola kuopa ma Gay achiwewe.
Mwamumangilanji mesa mukufuna ma gay???
Kkkkkk why just 9? Giv him life prison. Umve basi xxxxxxx
Zayambika zikatero
akanamagwidwa 30 yrs
He he kma ziliko ku malawi akut chan cikatero? Bvuto ndi avomeleza zopusazn
Oh No
Awa ndiye malodza awa!
This is a 15 year old boy risking his life working all night long guarding company properties. Yet there are so many organizations claiming they are protecting children. Minister of labour must do something here coz this security company has broken child labour law.
15 years boy got a job in malawi these days thus child abuse,he desera stiffer punishment indeed we wont tolerate this behavior in ma mother land
9 years its 4year malingana ndikawelengedwe kakundende
mmmh koma dzikoli likupita kut mtsikana agwirilidwe mnyamataso mnyamataso ihhhhh ndichani abale
Aaaaa 9yrs basi sanamupweteke mwanayo sigulu lama gay awa akanangonyongedwa basi.
Must be over 30yrs with hard labour bcoz that one is evil human
Kape ameneyo mukadampatsa 20 Mahule osewa Zautsilu
Maufulu achulukisa awa!
Please why you didn’t give, I can make life sentence in jail.
Ufit chan?
toatally lie
Akungotinamiza tili phee stop stop
They shud have cut his testicles too
Hello! raping a boy not a girl but why malawi?í ½í±í ½í¹
Mh ai mavuto taonani ufulu ambuye mutithandize
Once Virginia Palmer gets wind of the story the rapist wil b released
This is what gays like Peter wants
Devil aponyedwe M’ndende zaka zochuluka
He must die after 5 days,stupid man
God hav mercy..malawi y???
No justice @ all why not life 15 years is just too little
People like this want to test the law kaya anakutuna zikuvuta zakazo zachepa,it cud ve been more dan dat yrs
I reserve my comments for Trapence & Mtambo. Give us your comments you two professors of de human rights.
koma zayamba without parliament
Sodom ndi Gomorrah
Athu osafunika
Zachepa ayenera kuphedwa
Sharia basi ameneyo
Mukamanyengana kuthako zimakoma kma kuphwisirana bwanji shame
Let him be stoned to death
Why would a company employ a minor? The company must be sued. For u who raped shame on u. You deserve to rot in jail. I feel sorry for the young boy
Man raping A Boy????? Mmmmmmmmm???????? Koma inu zafika pamenepa??
The company has also to answer charges of employing children
Why 9 yrs? Timva kut amumasula kapena akanakhala kut anachita kugwirizana eti? Eish zovuta izi a Malawi.
aaa they sud hav given 14 years.
Mesa inu a court mukukhalilaso zoti anthu azikwatilana aziwalo zofanana nde awotu akwatilanaso nde muwaimba mulanduso aaa nde simunatitu muzenga milandu ingati akalola ufuluwawowo
Boma likuziwapo kanthu apa
abwera Bankmoon azamutuluse,
Only 9 yrs? Very shame judgment
Akaz mbweeeeeeeee paliponse kumalimbana ndi mwamuna nzako kkkkkk kupupela kwenekweni
Akaz mbweeeeeeeee paliponse kumalimbana ndi mwamuna nzako kkkkkk kupupela kwenekweni
Mayiii malawi kutha kwaziko
Mayiii malawi kutha kwaziko
What are Twopence and his friend Chimtambo saying?
What are Twopence and his friend Chimtambo saying?
uyu akufunika zaka zochulukirapo.
uyu akufunika zaka zochulukirapo.
Azikalowa mukholamo(Maula prison).
Azikalowa mukholamo(Maula prison).
Do l hear ryt??? Is it 19 or 9???
Do l hear ryt??? Is it 19 or 9???
10-1= ?
10-1= ?
Amalawi why?
Amalawi why?
Akazi ali mbwee kusaukira amuna, zoona kumakalimbana ndi mwana? Mwana wakenso wammuna, koma zovuta kumvetsa ndithu.
Akazi ali mbwee kusaukira amuna, zoona kumakalimbana ndi mwana? Mwana wakenso wammuna, koma zovuta kumvetsa ndithu.
Sister iyi tu ndithawi yotsiliza Bible linalosera kale.Demonse evil
Why dint he rape his mother
Why dint he rape his mother
Nkhani ndi maufulu anyanyirawa; MALAWI for sale kuyimba kwa bige mani #RUFEYO DZOMBE
Nkhani ndi maufulu anyanyirawa; MALAWI for sale kuyimba kwa bige mani #RUFEYO DZOMBE
Eeh uku nde kukanika uku!
Eeh uku nde kukanika uku!
9 yrs ? Ooh shame he must bring vaseline with him! Bustard deserve to lot in jail!! Satan.
9 yrs ? Ooh shame he must bring vaseline with him! Bustard deserve to lot in jail!! Satan.
Kumapeto kwa dziko uko ndithu
Kumapeto kwa dziko uko ndithu
15yrs bng a guard??..oky but the news is bad indeed.
15yrs bng a guard??..oky but the news is bad indeed.
i gues we must expect mo of dis now..
i gues we must expect mo of dis now..
Zangoyambika ndipo ziyenera kutero popeza zikapanda kuchitika izi ndekuti bible linama. Chonde tigwiritse mlungu wathu
ofunika kumangowapha basi
ofunika kumangowapha basi
weaked generation,sies
weaked generation,sies
Ofunika kumupititsa kwa pastor foster mbale akamuchotse ziwanda
Hahaha mphatso waganiza bwaaaaa?
Ofunika kumupititsa kwa pastor foster mbale akamuchotse ziwanda
Hahaha mphatso waganiza bwaaaaa?
excute him basi
excute him basi
Africa we had our own culture, it was almost the same in every country, but tinalolela kutengela za khalidwe laku western countries, we agreed to adopt the agenda of gender equity, whereby they used to say amuna ndi akazi palibe kusiyana, but does this mean kusasiyana kumeneku ndekut ma ukwati azichitika mulimose… Watch out Africa for you might end up being a total powerless fool…
Kulibe kothawira, ma gay nawoso ayamba kugwirirana. Shame on you Trapence