Bullets seek strong action on MAFCO FC players to avoid future misconduct


FCB Nyasa Big Bullets Football Club has appealed to the Super League of Malawi (SULOM) to take decisive action against Mafco FC players following Sunday’s violent incident, to prevent a recurrence of such misconduct in the future.

Speaking at a press briefing in Blantyre on Tuesday, Bullets Chief Executive Officer Albert Chigoga condemned Mafco FC players’ unsportsmanlike conduct during their Super League match at Kamuzu Stadium on Sunday, which left their player, Wongani Lungu, with career-threatening injuries.

Chigoga revealed that the club has officially lodged a complaint with SULOM and expressed optimism that the governing body will take appropriate action to prevent similar incidents in Malawian football.

“Our wish as a football club is to ensure that SULOM’s determination sets a new tone for all football stakeholders in Malawi, especially clubs and players, that there is no room for such misconduct in the game,” Chigoga said.

However, the club has commended Mafco FC for sending an apology to both the team and the victim but Chigoga was quick to urge Mafco to walk the tall on their promise to discipline the players internally.

Bullets President Konrad Buckle echoed these sentiments, describing the incident as “barbaric reactions by players on another player to end his career.”

“I wonder to myself if this happened in any international league outside of Malawi, how the regulators would have reacted,” said Buckle. “They would have banned those players and not make them see the light of day on another football pitch ever.”

He also joined Director of Supporters Mphatso Kamzingeni in thanking their supporters for their restraint, noting that the situation could have escalated if fans had broken down fences and engaged in a full-scale battle on the field.


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