Kalindo says MCP victory in Mangochi a danger warning sign

Bon Kalindo

Political activist Bon Kalindo has described the MCP victory in Mwansa -M’baluku ward in Mangochi as a dangerous warning sign to opposition parties saying they are sleeping too much and they need to wake up.

Kalindo said as the writings are on the wall, the MCP has brought in untold pain and suffering to Malawians, no one can give a chance to the MCP that it can be winning elections, and the party does not deserve to be given votes.

He said the opposition parties are to blame for giving a chance the to continue inflicting pain on the citizens through bad governance, skyrocketing prices of essential goods and above all, the MCP has no welfare of its citizens at heart.

Speaking through an audio clip circulating in various social media platforms, Kalindo said vote rigging is a process claiming that the MCP is well prepared to win every election in Malawi because it has taken advantage of the opposition parties’ sleeping.

Kalindo has congratulated an MCP candidate in Mangochi for winning the by-elections saying his victory will call the opposition parties to unite and strategize on their way forward warning opposition parties that if the situation continues to be like this, they should expect to cry with loud voices in 2025.

He has reminded opposition parties of his calls to open their eyes that MCP is appointing the Chewas in strategic positions in ministries, Departments and Agencies as well as in parastatal organizations, but they did not listen.

The activist said at one time, he advised the opposition parties in Mangochi to watch out that MCP was registering voters not from the constituency, they did not listen and handouts won the hearts of many voters after the official campaign period was closed.

“The electoral body has been quiet on handouts by the party in government-MCP, Mec cannot be trusted, it is yet another mouthpiece of government, if the handouts were dished by the opposition candidates, they would have all been disqualified,” said Kalindo.

He has again advised the opposition parties to hold an emergency meeting to find out where they are getting it wrong for corrections even going to court to obtain an injunction to stop Mec from conducting the 2025 elections for an independent Electoral Commission.
