FAM Holds MA’s Capacity Building Workshop, AGM


The Football Association of Malawi will from tomorrow hold a two-day Member Association capacity building workshop as a continuation of its bottom-up approach in strengthening the operational deliverables of the transforming the game strategy.

The exercise will precede the 20232 FAM ordinarily Annual General Meeting on Saturday in Mangochi.

The workshop comes a week after FAM held similar workshops for district committees.

This is the Association’s deliberate approach to building the capacity of its key internal stakeholders in its effort to transform the game in Malawi.

“These workshops are crucial for achieving effective results in transforming the game agenda.

“When we talk about transforming the game, it has to be a bottom-up approach and not top-down. This is why after working with districts last week we are now progressing with Regional and National MAs

“For a long time, we have elected leaders for this committee, but we have not oriented them or given them any training on what is expected of them. But now we need well-capacitated administrators at the district level who should be talking the same language about our bigger picture at the top level. If the districts understand the agenda, it will be easy to implement it across the board,” said FAM General Secretary Alfred Gunda.

Each of the Nine Member Associations will send 10 participants who will have an opportunity to attend the AGM as observers since Member Associations delegates will stand as enshrined in the Fam statutes.

The workshop will be facilitated by experienced international sports administrator Ashford Mamelodi from Botswana.

It will focus on Leadership and good governance.
