Hubertus, Bullets sign a new long-term contract for PoTM awards


Hubertus Clausius has signed a new three-year partnership deal with FCB Nyasa Big Bullets which will see the Insurance Broker sponsor the Player of the Month award to the tune of MK300 000 from MK 200 000 which was given to the players last season.

The new agreement was unveiled on Tuesday morning at the company’s offices in Blantyre and will run from 2024 to 2027.

The company’s Finance Director Malinda Chinyama said Hubertus decided to extend the partnership with the Malawi champions as one way of motivating the players.

FCB Nyasa Big Bullets midfielder Patrick Mwaungulu was one of the winners for the Hubertus Clausius Player of the Month award in 2023.

“The objective of this new deal is to motivate the players to perform much better and increase returns to Bullets. From us, is to promote our brand, grow our base, and expose the company to customers hence partnering with Malawi’s biggest brand,” he said.

Speaking on behalf of Bullets, Chief Executive Officer Suzgo Nyirenda said the new deal will push the players to work extra hard than before, saying securing another partnership deal with Hubertus is a plus in the club’s commercialization drive.

“We are very excited with this new gesture from Hubertus. This three-year commitment is something that we have all been looking for because players will be motivated to repeat what they did last season when they won every trophy in the land. As Bullets, we will also support the company to benefit from this partnership for the value of their money. We are a big brand and we also need our partners to benefit.

“We are looking forward to this partnership. This is also an encouragement towards the commercialization drive which we embarked on some years back. Our success last year was highly motivated by the monthly awards that Hubertus was giving to our players hence winning everything because the players were also motivated,” said CEO Suzgo Nyirenda.

Bullets captain Precious Sambani hailed Hubertus for the new deal.

“As players, we are very grateful for this massive commitment to award this monthly individual accolade. We are motivated and we will push for more success because we will have all the reasons to fight for the badge. We are promising our supporters that they will experience something extraordinary this season because MK 300 000 per month is a lot of money,” he expressed his joy.

The new contract is an extension of the previous partnership which the two parties signed in 2022. Fans vote for the player of the month through an SMS platform by sending the name of the player to 441 on all mobile networks.
