Three people found with 158 national IDs

Three people found with 158 national IDs

Police in Dowa have seized K2,356,000 cash,  38 bags of Fertilizer as well as 158 national identity cards (IDs) which three suspects wanted to use to buy fertilizer under Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP).

The three have been identified as  Precious Kenani, 30, Jonas Lukiyo, 29 and Victor Phiri aged 25.

Mponela Police Spokesperson MacPatson Msadala said the suspects were arrested on Satruday at a Smallholder Farmers Fertilizer Revolving Fund(SFRRFM) Chinsepo Depot in the district.

According to Msadala, Police received information that the three were keeping the said IDs belonging to different people under AIP Program at a certain house in the area.

The IDs are believed to have been brought by vendors who wanted to buy fertilizer at the market at the expense of the original AIP beneficiaries.

After receiving the information, Police went to the house where they found the suspects in  possession of the cards plus money amounting to K2,356,000 as well as 38 bags of Urea bags of Fertilizer.

The three are in custody and are expected to appear in court soon.
