President Lazarus Chakwera says the Independence Day decorations placed on roundabouts are “ugly”.
The Malawi leader was speaking today in Lilongwe during the National Service of Worship to commemorate Malawi’s 57th independence.
“When you see people putting ugly decorations on roundabouts, stop and ask them, is what you are doing making Malawi better?” said Chakwera.
In the Chichewa version of his speech, he said the decorations leaves a lot to be desired and can make a person to look away in shame.
“Kuona wena akuti akuika zokongoletsera kuti tikukondwerera zaka 57, koma kuona ntchito yake, yosalozeka ndikulozeka komwe ngati upenye kumbali,” said Chakwera
Chakwera also attacked his ministers over Facebook posts, saying some ministers post nonsense hence should be questioned if their posts are making Malawi better.
“If each of us apply ourselves to doing something that make Malawi better, I tell you economic liberation will not be the dream of our independence, it will be finally our destiny,” said Chakwera.
Every year on July 6, Malawi commemorates the day when Malawi gained independence from Britain.
This year, the celebrations have been commemorated under the theme “Building an Inclusive, Wealthy and Self-reliant Nation through Mindset Change and Servant Leadership”.
Government initially allocated K244 million for the celebrations but the budget was later cut to K50 million covering expenses such as the decorations and the venue used in Lilongwe today.