Escom lies on Malawi’s improved blackout situation


The Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (Escom) has cheated Malawians by saying the blackout situation in the country has improved lately.

As monitored by Malawi24, the blackout situation has still stuck to the 24 hour length and not being reduced as recently claimed by Escom officials in the local media.

Malawians still in the dark.

The reports claimed that Escom had upped its power output to 200 Mega Watts from around 140 Mega Watts. This news led to a revelation by the electricity supplier that the situation was swiftly improving.

But the situation in locations and townships is not as Escom says it is. For example, in locations in the Soche Area, neighborhood that include Chitawira, Njamba, Nkolokosa and Zingwangwa still have the 24 hour long blackouts that Escom claims have improved.

The defence Escom has been making is that they are supplying the power equally in the country.
Increased demand for power and decreasing water levels for hydropower remain the main reasons for the current blackout situation in Malawi.

At the moment, government has said the situation will be over by end of this year and with a little over ten days left before the end of the year, it by far seems another lie as the one claiming the situation has improved.




  1. Dzagalu idzi.I think kulibe wanzeru ku Escom.Mposo afufute pa magalimoto awo paja adalemba “power everyday “zautsiru!!!!!!!!

  2. Vuto ndilakuti chomwe amalawi timadziwa zithu zikamalakwika ndikutukwana and calling each other names malo moti tigwirane mania tipange umodzi ndikugwirizana zochita.apapa chomwe timaenera kuchita ndi mademo basi dziko lonse coz munthu modzi sangapange demo,zamagetsizi angotinamiza,madera ena akumachita kudabwa tikamawauza kuti magetsi kwathu kuno akuvuta Iwo ndikumaona kuti ndizachilendo koma mmalawi mommunotu.

  3. Komatu malume cheLazalo ananena kuti anthuwa ndiaboza mukatowatsutsa lero siizi. Madzi akachulukanso kwambiri mumva zinyalala zikusokoneza khazikhazi anyani ayamba kuzimisa magetsi m’mene anali kudya magwafa mtchire

  4. This shit is getting worse everyday. I know this may not be APM’s fault, but he’s a goddamn liar.. He promised last year that the situation would improve by November this year. Ain’t no way he’s getting my vote. Lies too much, can’t even keep a promise. so arrogant and naive!

  5. Escom palibe kusiyana ndi boma la DPP.. Muwone kuti wina akadzalamulira malawi.. Escom yomweyi idzalongosola zonse, kumbukani JB boma lake tidayiwala blackout

  6. So what’s the way forward malawians please do something for your beloved country for how long are you going to accept this shit just being thrown in your face and you sit back and say you are used to this shit. Where are all the youths? Yes every country has it’s own problems but this blackouts thing disgusts me. How can a country operate when there is 24hours blackouts?

  7. These guys even talked of Gen sets to be distributed in all cities, where are they?..The media are also silent on this. I think you people in authorities you’re lucky coz Malawians are used to be fooled with your lies; some coz of blind and dead loyalty while others coz of fear.

  8. kod mesa abwana anatiuza kut vuto lamagetsi litha December……….. mbali inayi ena anatiuza kut vuto lamagetsi litha by end march……. ndekut palibe wachilungamo ett??

  9. Onse Ogwira Ntchito Ku Escom Achoke Abwele Ena, Ngat Mkaz Sadziwa Kusamala Mamuna Wake Ndiye Kut Mkaziyo Sakufuna Banja Olo Escom Ithe Ibwele Company Ya Sola Escom Iyambe Zina Eg, Kuyeta Nkhumba,kuphika Zitumbuwa,koma Asayambe Opharnage Coz Anao Sadziapasa Chakudya Your Boss Is Phalao?Pliz Respect My Mind

  10. Yes there is improvement in blackout. Listen!, in the past we just have blackout for few hours like 2hrs/day as of now its 24hra blackout. Escom is taking this as thier improvement

  11. This means Escom has failed.Thrre has been blackout here at dema, mtupi, ngala, banga and surroinding TCs for a good 24hours. What improvrment are they talkin about?

  12. Oh yes they have improved because it was half day but now its okay better than it dear do not be cheated every country they have there own problem so its pain but we must accept than fighting for nothing and it was there before.

    1. so umean we shuld accept ma black out ndinu achitsiru, chindele dziko lake liti unapita black out mphaka 24 hrs shupiti zako dziko litukuka bwanji

    2. Thanks my dear because its what you beleve in your life yet you are the one who opose every thing what government want to can wait the good results yet you are the one destroy thing what you have been sorounded with hey god work up it must start with by you to some one amen.

    3. Mr Alufandika, think first before you come out and speak in public, people are dying in the hospitals and poverty levels are even growing at an alarming rate! Well, if you are a DPP Cadet, then lick my middle finger

  13. I Have Seen That Goverment And Electricity R Totaly Liers On Us I Hate Dpp If It Will Win In 2019 Something Will Happen ,Kukhala Ku Malawi Mkulimba Mtima

  14. U cannot talk about improvement as if everything is ok. What is the real problem? Has the government told people what they re missing. Is it not having enough water in the Shire river or outdated hydro engines? And why can’t they buy new machines/generators? No money?

  15. komatu miyoyo ya a Malawi ikupita ndipo inanso ili pachiopsyezo chifukwa mzipatalamu ndiye sizilibwino. Ndiye mukamalankhula mabodza anuwo mukamalankhula muziganizila chifukwa sitonse a Malawi amene tili ogona.

  16. Anthu abodza awa ntcto kukhalira kutinamiza palibe chanzeru olo cha mphindu chimene ikuchita Escom….Amalawi tanzunzika ife kutipsetsa mtima daily,,,,,magetsi osayaka anthu amene adapanga apply kut mwaikile magetsi mukufunaso ziphuphu palibe chaphindu ungapeze ku Escom tidzasangalala lit ife mu dziko lathuli shiiiiiiiiit!

  17. How would a service provider claim to have improved a service? Leave it to consumers! to provide feedback if there is a change! thats why this dull ESCOM will never improve. All these lies are aimed at entertaining the useless leadership soon you will hear someone making incoherent speech guided by a tooth-drought mouth claiming that in his leadership electricity situation has improved

  18. Ine ndili pheeee kumudzi kuno ndi 200 Wts Solar Panel,Battery lamphamvu pambalipa Invetor kumangou3la bac ndi Plasma yanga plus Home Theatre System kuunikila pamenepo akakhala ma 4n nde sinkhani kumango charger bac bola dzuwa.

    Inu aku Town ko nkhani ndi imeneyo ine za magetsi ndimangomvela pa TV ndi a Malawi24 hahahaha kukhala Mmaalawi ndikulimba mtimadi

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