Mayiko onse a padziko lapansi akusilila Malawi – watelo Mutharika

Peter Mutharika

A Malawi ati muziyenda mapewa mmwamba, tukumutukumu, uku mozipopa ngati finye chifukwa pa dziko lonse lapansi nkhani ndi ya Malawi.

Mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Peter Mutharika wati anthu a pa dziko lapansi akuyang’ana ndi chidwi dziko la Malawi.

Polankhula atafika kuchoka mu dziko la United

Peter Mutharika
Mutharika: Mayiko onse a padziko lapansi akusilila Malawi.

States of America kumene anakakhala nawo pa msonkhano wa atsogoleri a mayiko onse, a Mutharika anati ku msonkhanoko mayiko ambiri amasilila Malawi.

“Anthu akutigomela kamba koti tagwila ntchito yopambana pothetsa maukwati a ana achichepele,” anatelo a Mutharika.

Iwo anaonjezelapo kuti a Malawi akusililidwanso kamba kogwila ntchito yopambana pofuna kuthana ndi kachilombo ka HIV.

A Mutharika anapempha a Malawi kuti asiye mtima ozidelela ndipo ayambe kuzindikila kuti ali ndi kuthekela.




  1. Malawi ndiyopusa tsogoleli alibe mzelu amakhala ngati wadya chamba akamalankhula ndi anthu koma adziwe ichi chaka cha 2019 sawina pampando akhalap president

  2. Mayiko onse akusilira kushipa kwa chimanga ndi nandolo komanso kukwera mitengo kwa malata ndi cement kuphatikizanso kuthima thima kwa magesi

  3. That could be a big joke. The main roads in Malawi are like street roads in many loxion of other countries. Malawi is still far behind interms of development.

  4. Tikudziwa pomwe anthu ambiri akudandawula ndipamene ena ochepa akunjoya mdziko muno.Mulungu akuwonen poti ndi nthawi yanu

  5. Umbuli ndiomwe wakuvutani and mulibe mzimu ndi nzeru coz dziko losaukitsitsa likusaukilabe anthu akuvutika ndemuziti mayiko akusilila

  6. Always Malawian complaining instead of working but talking about, bad things of someone. U don’t see that Jesus is come but looking someone problems. Malawi sazatheka how many presidents have we change. But nothing changes it means any president is long and who is light yourself or who?

  7. Its either you are telling akunjawo zabodza about our country or akunjawo sakulidziwitsitsa dziko LA Malawi. Eni akefe we regret being Malawians ndiye wina angamatsirire dziko lotero?

  8. Kkkkkkk Malawi wa lero koma nafenso funso nkumati akusirila chan makamaka? Coz kunalembedwa kale kuti masiku osiriza kuzakhala kuzikindikira wekha chuma and mtundu nditundu kuukirana KKK siinetu kma baibulo and Sir solder Lucia’s Banda anaimba kt Mukakwera mumtengo musatukwane pansi kd nanga mukagwa atakutolen ndan look nw Malawi wangosanduka mbiri yamake dzana ife tikuchita kusowa mtengo wogwira while mukuyembekezeraso mavoti kuchoka kwa ife kkkk muzizabweraso nditikhan tanu topeka eeti mpaka ife kukopeka kutitola uchisiri sichoncho man ndapota nanu zomwe mukuchita timveren chifundo ngt munganthe, Tiuziwa kt simugwira ntchito Ku Escom kapenanso muzipatala kma mphamvu yonse iri m’ manja mwanu plix plix tikupepha coz pali mwambi okt ukatha mano usaswe phale

  9. wandya njinga ameneyu muthu wamkulukulu chimutu chachikulu koma kuganiza mopelewela mayiko enewa ngati ndizowona zoti akukhumbila dziko lamalawi mwina chifukwa choti sikumakhala khondotu nanga paliso zina zomwe angakhumbile

  10. hede ulu,Malawi wache uti.wanthawi ya Kamuzutu mwima.koma wa a mambalayu aaaah palibe chokoma olo olo ataaaaa.mene dzikoli libowela eeeeeh.zoti mkulisililanso nde nthabwalatu izi.mwina anapyozako iti tizakumwa towawasati,tosasati.nanganso mkusililako chani kuno kumalo otsalira ngati ano pilizi chonde

  11. What’s the world saying about Malawi on other issues like unemployment,cashgate,maizegate and many more?

  12. Malawitu wake ndi ufiti, nsanje, kuba ndalama za boma, ndi mabodza basi. Ndiye mayiko akasilire zimenezo??! Zachamba basi. Ine kuvaya pa jozi kukanthamanga ayambapo mabodza. Zanu izo ine ndiye ndadzutsa kanga ku 36 uko pano kali cha mchiunomu kkkkkkkkkk

  13. Zovuta kobas kkkkkk olo ku luwanda sangasilire dziko ngt lamalawi ataa , umphawi osatha ndmagetsi amene ativute nde anthu azislira ufiti wathuwu kapena ??? Kkkkkk president uyu abale iiiiii ……vuto ndi ife amalawi sitimva ata nkulu wakeso ankaima pachulu kumauza maiko kut Malawi si dzko losauka pamene anthu ake akufa ndi njala

  14. Malawi is the best place to live. Simuziwa? Even if you talk bad about Malawi ,there is no country that you were given by God to stay. Be proud of our country. Am proud to be malawian.long live Malawi

    1. I won’t go anywhere. I was born in Malawi. Raised in Malawi .working in Malawi. Prospering in my own country Malawi. Being blessed in Malawi. I mean my have seen great things just because I don’t worst my time waiting the government to change my life.

  15. You dont tell them the truth hence the admiration. Let them come and experience the misery Malawians are going through if they will not return right at the airport.

  16. Kkkkkkk oh my God, dziko lake lit lingasilire nyasland chikuyenda ndi chiti ; uphawi,kuzima kwa magets nde ndikosaneneka, ndizina zambiri zot kukamba wekha manyazi kukygwira

  17. It is not that he
    (APM),don’t know the solution,it is
    because he
    can’t see the
    problem that has
    crippled Malawi.
    It is very pathetic & unfortunate to
    hear that unrealistic & sorrowful statement from the president of this country.#mukasuta #chamba,kumwa #mowa kapenaso ma #drug,muzingocheza ndi #akazi anu.

  18. Ngati magesi akuthima thima chifukwa chakusowa kwa madzi mumafuna presdent azikatunga madzi ku indian ocen ndikumathira mu shire kuti magesi asamathime?

  19. eeeeeee guyz osanamizana dziko la malawi lavuta ili chilichose sichikuyenda bolaso nthawi ya joyce banda zithu zimayenda koma vuto ndi cashgate

  20. Remember he was given ministry in his brother’s cabinet and he failed kuyendetsa ndiye do u expect this guy to lead the country?zafodya basi.Check corruption,kukwela fees ku University,kuononga government money kuchipani,magetsi kuthimathima,kupha albino,kupopa magazi,#mwina akunena kunudzi kwawo not Malawi that I know.

  21. What kind of stupid President are you Pitala? Maiko ake ati amene angasilile matuvi amene ukupanga iwe ku Malawi? Voti yanga ndinabesa kuvotera iwe

  22. Komatu zinazi mukamalemba muzkhala ngati muli ndi azibale anu omwe akusauka kumuzi kuno .m’mene anthu tikusaukiramu munganene kt america ingatikhumbire ife .kufuna kutukwanidwatu uku

  23. Ellina Roosevelt said. “If you don’t want to be criticized say nothing do……SO WHAT ZUSIYANA PATI KUNDENDE NDI KUNJA KUNO”…Luscious Banda

  24. Komadi 89%. kwinako tingoti umphawi tipelekeko 11%. Mulungu amatikonda. Ndibwino dziko kukhala la umphawi nkusiyani nkulemelaku. Maiko olemelawa mm mm mm mtendele mulibe. Amalawi tilibwino. Mulungu dalitsa mtunduwanga

  25. KKK kkkkkkk. I am Malawian yes BT no one can say I wish I could be amalawian.that’s big NO.Mr president listen this or read this.In Africa the first country to work hard in terms of H.I.V is ugander under the leader Yoweli museven.up to now Uganda has low populated of peoeple who have aids.Not Malawi NO.Mr president do you think we re fools?yes people they voted you for reason and for sure expect to see the back side of Malawians come 2019.when people leaving their own nation and going outside to look for greener leaves u think they are idiots?if u have nothing to say u better say hie gyz I’m back.Don’t be ashamed of yourself

  26. Wiles bitoni ukumuyamikira m bale wako opanda mano mkamwa yu nawenso ukudya nawo bwino chuma cha boma et?no wonder but shame on u and ur stupid government go to hell wth u

  27. He is a very stupid , useless man i never cee where he was all this tym jst cum frm no where and took da leadership u 2 Malawi hw u can allow this asshole to lead us. Where is Kamlepo?

  28. Inu Chinthu chikakhala Chotchuka ndiye kuti Chatha,,,Palibe Dziko lomwe lingasilire umphawi,,, kuvuta kwa magetsi ndi zina,,,,,I don’t know kuti povota timavotera munthu mmodzi mmodzi yemweyo bwanji…Ndikukuuzani kuti 2019 muzaonanso kuti DPP Woooooyeeeee…WAVOTA NDINDANI…??? MMESA NDIFE TOMWE

  29. 70% living in poverty,high HIV AIDS infection,70% of population has no back account,less than 20% has access to poor quality services of electricity,poor access to clean and safe water,High illiteracy levels,very high unemployment levels,Poor and very low quality education,high and rapid growing population,very high early marriages,poor road network,poor and very little infrastructure, poor and unreliable healthcare,Famine and annual shortage of food,80% agriculture dependent economy which is subsistence, poor livelihood, high rates of malaria and death due to curable disease s ndatopa kwinako you can add… Chosilila nchani pamenepa

  30. Tiziyenda monyada nkhani yake imeneyoyo?.Akonze kaye democrancy ndiye tizawombera coz pakali pano palibe akulankhula zakukhosi kwake

  31. A mutalika koma mutu wanu umagwira ndani angasilire malawi pa dziko lapansi dziko lomvetsa chisoni loni olo ana aphunzire koma kusowa chochita zofunika pa moyo wa munthu kulibe mkumati maiko akutisilira akusilira chani bwana ngati munadzimbidwa ndi superget bwanji osangopitilira kumagona ku state house apatu mwaonetsa kupanda mzeru caus olo mwana akutha kudziwa kuti ku malawi kuli mabvuto adzaoneni

  32. Akunena zoonadi,Malawi watchuka ndi Cashgate,Maizegate,Chapondagate,kupopamagazigate,blackoutgate,umphawigate ndi zambiri.

  33. atsogoleli athu akakhuta amabwekela kwambiri dziko losauka ngati limeneli sinalionepo anthu ku area 18 akumwa manyi mukufuna kunena chani inu

  34. Ndikudabwa ngati Malawi wake amanena wathuyu coz madzi,magetsi,mankhwala mzipatala,kukwera kwa katundu,kusowa kwa ntchito/ndalama,kuchedwa kwa malipiro kuchuluka kwa umphawi ……….ndizimene zatikwanazi ndiye mukuti …….ndadabwa nanu atsogo!

  35. Andisamare kuyankhula ngati chitsiru Malawi wake kuti ukalima kogulisa mbeu kusowa magesi dairy black out ndiye lero ife tizienda mapewa m,mwamba mapazi ako foreigner

  36. Kkkkkkkk this president is indeed stupid….. by just looking at him you wouldnt expect anything sensible to come out of his mouth…… my wish to have doctors to check him if he has brains….. stupid stupid stupid

  37. Many people are living below poverty line. The gap btwn the rich & poor is too wide. Takusenzera ma bulangete nde muzichapanso ali pa mutu wathu???

  38. Many people are living below poverty line. The gap btwn the rich & poor is too wide. Takusenzera ma bulangete nde muzichapanso ali pa mutu wathu???

  39. i thnk anthunu mukatengera za petar yu mupenga zoona dziko lake liti likusilira umphawi wathuwu. Zopusa a dpp kumpoto akukhapa anthu ndiye kusililako zimenezi zaugalu mwandikwiyitsa

  40. I still don’t know if we have a president in this country judging from what we often hear from this man. It’s a pity. This man is retarded and stunted…. It’s unimaginable

  41. Peace is not just the absence of war. The mind needs more peace. Most Malawians don’t have peace of mind because of a number of factors that are highly contributed by others especially those holding positions in different sectors. We can’t blame it all on politicians though they play a bigger role .

  42. Ofinika ku mental nkuluyi mutu sukugwila ayi mugabe wangokalamba koma nzeru alinazo siizinazi ayi ndi mavuto awa why God aaaa ufumu wanu ukuchedwa

  43. Ruling the country is not an easy thing as passing judgment as what he was doing in America. This is not American Idiot

  44. Koma mkuluyu sindikudziwa kuti akuganiza bwanji motion iyeu angamakwere pachulu mkumati tidzienda ngati fine aaaaa koma ndakhumudwa dziko lopanda magetsilo

  45. Zoona Munthu Wa Mzimu Wa Mulungu Amakhutitsidwa Ndi Chimene Chili Chake ,ndipo Ngati Pali Mavuto Sachinyoza Koma Kupemphera Kuti Mulungu Athandize , Isupport The President Bcoz Mu Zonse Iam Postive , And God Is Of Positive . Malawi Ndi Dziko Langa Labwino , Shame On Devil Wa Negative.

  46. Malawi Ndi Dziko La bwino Lo Dzadza Ndi Anthu Ozikundikira Chuma,osakonda Dziko Lawo Azunguwo Amene Amawabweletsa Kuno Abwili Amakhara Kut Kwawoko Anapalamulako Ena Wosowa Zochita AKabwera Kuno Amayambitsa Tima Bizinez Tawo Ife Kumatipatsa K2

  47. Akunena zoona coz ever since i was born sindinamve kut malawians are camping at any countries in the world as refugees

  48. Mkulu ameneyi amaganinza ngati wamisala Dziko lake liti loti Munthu uzikanyadira chanzeru chapanga iye ndi chani m’zaka zapitazi .Amalawi tiyeni tizionako Patali.Nanga anzunguwo sangomulamula panga ichi iye ndikumapanga ndie asamuyamikire zopusa basi.

  49. Dziko lopanda magesi ngati ili sindinaliwone lomwa madzi akusuweji ena kumalikhumbiranso awuzeni abwere adzawone zili mkati mwake apedza kuti muli nyasi zeni zeni

  50. Haha this flimsy type of propaganda can only work to illiterate, poverty-stricken people that don’t move.. and only watch local content…no sane person would plause this type of nonsense!

  51. Kkkkkkk! We really have a cartoon for a president. Maiko ake meaning Giliati? With these blackouts angasilire kuno ndani?

  52. Kusonyezadi kuti nzeru akuluwa nzopelewela anzao amawaseka pogwilitsa ntchito mikuluwiko. Chomwe amatanthauza ndi mavuto azaoneni omwe a malawi akukumana nawo tsiku ndi tsiku,

  53. Mr Peter. Please keep quiet cos u know nothing. we are struggling here cos of u and 20 cow called minister . we have no job , school fees higher, no medicine at hospital .so take care!

  54. before talking mr president you need to look some problems malawi is facing eg blackout of electricity this is aserious problem all over the country nde mukuzichemela nosense!!!!


  56. The first person who react first or who feels pain when a child is crying is a #mother…..Mayi Joyce Banda leadership was better than his leadership…..atlist that time we use to have some changes of money in our pockets but now we can’t even differentiate between middle of a month and End of the month !!!!!

  57. Koma abale,zoti azungu ndi amwano,amamuwonetsa munthu ngati ngati akumukonda kapena akuwachitila zabwino bwanawa sakuziwa zimenenzi?sibwino kuti azitiyika pa phiri pomwe tikukanika mkukwera m’mpachulu pomwe.tithokoze kuti mwatiuza bwana,koma anthu amenewa ayang’anitsitseni ngati amanenanzo ndizowonadi.

  58. Mkuluyu Peter Mtharika ndiwamisala pafunika kumutengera ku Zomba mwachangu asanalondole msewu.Currently am not in Malawi but story of Malawi is pathetic many people asks me where is Malawi and those who knows Malawi describes it as a small poor country in central Africa governs by corruptive and pathetic liars just like Mtharika

  59. Nkhani yabwino ndipo yosangalatsa chongofunika kuvalazilimbe kuti tithane ndi m a short fall tili nawowo tiwathe basi .Ndikukhulupirira kuti zinthu zitha kuyenda bwino .

  60. Angasilile dziko limeneli ndani kupopedwa magadzi kuli thoo kulilongwe ndie anthu akukhalila kumwa madzi amanyi ndie akusilila zimenezo? Kapena nao akufuna azizaba nao ma cash gate?

  61. Yaah they talk about malawi because is 1 of very poorest country in the world and ndi dziko lomwe lili losalira ndi chitukuko pa world,dont lie to pipo mr niga,malawi is very far to be recognised by the world,shame on u mr no problem

  62. Although anthu ena akuti Malawi is a peaceful country komano tangoganizani anthu akusowa ntchito ,zinthu kudula , ma shop malipilo awanthu muzi ntchito ochepa kuyelekezera ndi zinthu zili muma shop daily anthu kuthawa dziko lili lawo lomwe kupita kumayiko ena kukafuna ntchito, magetsi kumangothimathima ndiye wina azinena kuti maiko onse padziko lapansi akumasilila dziko LA Malawi , ayi Ilo ndi bodza leni leni tangoganizani munthu ukakhala watuluka uli Ku dziko lina kumachita kuchititsa manyazi kutchula kuti kwanthu ndi kumalawi chifukwa cha zinthu kuvuta mdziko ,bola anakanena kuti Zambia bola osati Malawi atsogoleri achulukitsa kuzikundikila chuma mwayiwo okha kuyiwala anthu akumudzi

  63. Palibe dziko lomwe lingasilile Malawi,mavuto too much,magetsi kuzima dairly,,udindo umenewo mwaukanika lakuvutani kuyendetsa dziko,dzituleni pansi ayeseso anzanu,zatikwana ife,your making life worse from bad

  64. Akusilira Malawi pokhara ndi anthu opusa who can’t demand their rights from the duty bearers and that’s bad from the president

  65. Koma gayz palichazeru pamenepa angasirile malawi ndindani ma biziness sakuyenda kamba kamagetsi madzi akuvuta zithu siziribino magets akuyaka usiku tamuganizirani wa buble shop angakamete usikuowo o

  66. Koma apulezidemti nsati mtelo. Ozanga Malawi wake yemwe ndikumudziwa ineyo kapena Pali winaso? MTIMA SUVALA NSANZA. CHITSIRU CHIRI NDI MWINI

  67. Atsogoleri a dziko la akugogwensa kwacha,dzinthu Ku kwera mmmmmm mudziwe kuti mumatinyodzensa @kutitukwaninsa ndipo timaoneka ngati si ife anthu m’maiko amzanthuwa kamba kakufoila ka kwacha. Bola kumatinso Tanzania its better ndyopanda mphamvu koma dziko lawo muli dzinthu zimawabwerensera ndrama .koma Malawi eeeeeeew kumaliza xul aii kumafanana ndiomawe sanapitenso Ku xul komwe aaaaaaaa Malawi kugochula kuti ndiine mmalawi maiko ena eeeeeeeeeee walakwa andi wazionogera mbili kusalidwa konsayamba .

  68. haha haha someone wl be saying foreign investors will b running from our country
    yaaaa they must run there’s no way u can nid a strange person to punch on your economy status
    n most of investments in America are done by Americans n you also want Americans to do investment in your country””””” go to hell

  69. Am not an politician and am not living in Malawi currently but am a Malawian. And I visited a country last month , but to be honestly APM is doing great job . but what I notice is only load shading which can be fixed also . so let’s give brake to President and lift your shoulders.

  70. This mutharika was in America since childhood, anabwela cz of his brother meaning he don’t kno anything about the poor of Malawi and the problem we are facing,vuto lina ndi athu omwe amuzungulila ndi asasamba okhaokha amamuza kt bwana zithu zikuyenda yet this DPP is doing 0 pa 100 about developing malawi, we have useless government.

  71. Osusayo chikumupangisa ndi kusayenda wabadwa kukulila mMalawi sangaziwi zikunenedwa mmayiko mwinamu Malawi ndiziko la mtendere kwambiri sakunama

    1. Malawi z not peaceful country, mene mukuphera athu ndie uzuti is peaceful, American government yachosa athu UN maboma akumwera kwa Malawi cz of athu akuphedwa ati khn yopopa magazi.

  72. Sindimakonda kupanga comment nkhani za anthu andale chifukwa inenso si wandale komano poti nkhani iyi ikukhudza u moyo wa wina aliyense ndiyankhulako . A president amuthalika ndi amzimzawo adpp ose sakhala ku Malawi yemwe tonse tikumudziwayu ndatelo chifukwa kwa munthu amene akumudziwa nyasalande palibe ngakhale chinthu chimodzi chomwe ungachinyadile ku mayiko ena chopambana umphawi kuba kupondeleza osauka ndi kuphangira chuma. Amuthalika mwakhala mayiko ambiri kuphatikizapo azungu koma mulibe mzeru simungapusitse anthu kuti ku nyasalande kuli chomwe anthu amaiko ena angasilire dziko lotsalira ngati limenero kubwinja

  73. Akusilira kapena akudabwa nafe?Dziko lotani mpaka zaka 53 chanzeru osachiona!Ali munthu wolembedwa ntchito at 53 retirement yayandikira ndipo tsogolo lakanika.

    We only believe that God can)))will turn things around and not these selfish leaders!

  74. Kikikikikikikikikikikiki…..joke of the year, as iam talking now they is black out since yesterday, there’s nothing you can invest here with this black out!

  75. There are few Malawians who have difficulties in appreciating the efforts of their fellow citizens. The country was on the verge of total destruction in all aspects. All Malawians are feeling the pangs of the wrong direction our country plunged into. The woes of Malawi are a result of long negligence and poor decisions culminated over the years. It requires sanity to understand where we are coming from and where we were going and where dramatically we are now. It isn’t a simple task to stir an almost capsized boat back to the dock. The plane (Malawi) was nosediving and APM has managed to cling on the throttles and is nearly landing the plane safe on the airport. No wonder we should walk shoulders high. No matter what hustles are there but believe me APM has saved this country from total collapse. The wise will understand me. BRAVO APM!

    1. Mercy Phiri, I ain’t blind at all. The most touted water problems, electricity, land, population, health, education problems are a result of long time negligence. You don’t expect an overhaul within 3 years, nope. If it ain’t Salima-Lilongwe, Likhubula Water projects, Nkula ANDRiTz hydroelectric project(Kamwamba, Chingeni, Nkhoma, Mzuzu), University projects, Community Colleges project, Chileka & KIA upgrade, KCH cancer center project, road network Mangochi-Liwonde, Livingstonia, Parliament-Crossroads 4 lane road projects and numerous other projects then tell me what your eyes would have appreciated as the right direction. Don’t forget the robust economy ever achieved.

    2. u deserve a bg hand. when renovelting a roof,the offcuts and wastage are more and only who knows the activity is only knows how magnifecent the roof might look,i wll gv u a woman kkk

    3. the death of Njaunju as well is a milestone,people being denied the right to demonstrate,black-outs,the people of area 18 in the capital served with contaminated water{sewer},political intolerance in areas where by_elections are to be held,maizegate,poor timing of ADMARC activities,MBC being run as a party entity violating MACRA rules and regulations(biased),torching of Agricultural offices at capital Hill,pity sentiments towards people in the opposition…all these?worth to boast about??

    4. You hit the nail bro…you illustrate the facts and well documented…to others,instead doing similar..they start playing man leaving the ball rolling.

    5. musiyeni wadya Bonya watchipayu ……Boma loti ..nsima yambiri koma kumasowa ndarama ya ndiwo what kind of economy…..tell me please…

    6. Good at mentioning names yet no tangible work on most of these projects. Busy clapping hands. Why initiating several projects when it is clear you only do one or two. And somebody calls that progress. That is retrogressive and lack of wisdom. Very sad.

    7. nde bolanso ukananena kut JB ndi amene anatipulumutsa….kunalibe forex, kunali ma black outs, mafuta kunalibe & wothin ka period kochepa..mavuto amenewa anatha….

    8. I wish if only JB won the elections. You would have known the proper truth about her. She didn’t care at all about Malawi the period she inadvertently became the president after the demise of Bingu(MHSRIP). Her care was to impress Malawians to win the elections. So she did several harmful shortcuts just to lip ice Malawians. That left total destruction of the nation. Unfortunately she lost. And the burden was put on the shoulders of APM. No wonder she run away because she expected total collapse of the nation. APM has done a wonderful job to keep Malawi at her present status and JB inwardly cannot believe her eyes. APM has done a tremendous job to keep Malawi at least floating. That’s the reason why international technocrats applaud him. That’s the reason why he urged us to walk shoulders high. Sometimes he cries when he sees Malawians who can’t appreciate his efforts. Most of us only know Malawi at the bubbles on top and are completely unaware of her dregs deep down. ONE DAY YOUR EYES WILL GET OPENED AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND MALAWI. A country traumatized by inexplicable jealous. A country infested with Cains and yearns to slay all the Abels from sheer jealous. GOD SAVE US.

    9. Good things done by someone ain’t appreciated instead people end up just looking at the bad things,although here there are too many blackouts APM is doing his best anytime this whole shit will be over….

    10. I think this person has never been out of this country because if he did he would appreciate what a sorry state Malawi is. Palinso zoyamikira apa?

    11. which Malawi is this dude talking about?ur APM and the entire DPP thugs en thieves are clueless.Malawi is worse than it was three..four years ago.u cant quech fire by adding petro.thats wat dpp is has nothing to do with Makawians.wat it knows is how to accumulate wealth for the next elections.always campaigning.when r they gona govern Malawi?in short APM has failed to govern little Malawi.I c no reason to walk shoulder hi.we r the tail of everythingin the world.

    12. George Chipanda learn to comprehend. In Malawi I’ve taken meals in houses one wouldn’t believe they exist in this poor country. But l’ve something to appreciate in my own house through my own efforts and according to my level. So I don’t get frustrated. I have also travelled my best stay was Washington DC capital of America. Only a fool would compare places like these with Malawi. As Malawi we travel our own designed path. We’ve got our own efforts. We fight our own battles of development. We can’t be distracted by developments in other countries. We can benchmark but crying foul after seeing the elegance of other countries is foolish. So I have a lot to appreciate in the country of my birth. I’m a Malawian and just love my country.

    13. Goodwin Tfg Shumba the best thing to do then is stop giving DPP a damn. It’s just a year to go. So concentrate on your foundation to lean on when you take over. Wasting energy on DPP zikuchedwesani.

  76. Chipani chomwecho chinayambisa kuti Ana akazi azaka 16 atha kukwatira lero mukuima pachulu kuti mwathesa mmalo muyambi mkupepesa Kaye kuti zomwe munapanga ndizolakwisa ndi achimwene ako anakumba manda woka anja .

  77. apapa akupindan inu osaziwa ndimawu otsutsana matanthaudz kusoyeza kt akutinena kuti palibe chimene akuchita mtlk alemekeze amenewa maziwa kuzembayis mau ndikathundud madawa

  78. Vuto mangoona Malawi chifukwa mmakhala momo tauendan muone maiko azanu akukandira 10pin kut atenge ku bank mpaka 3 days pa line anthu akumagula zinthu thru pa phone.

  79. Omwe mukususa pankhaniyi simukudziwa chomwe mukunena Malawi ndi dziko labwino or kuli umphawi anthu akumadya nsima ndikumaliza popanda chovuta anzanu maiko ena sangakhale ndikudya

    1. Mtendere ungaupedze bwanji ngati ukukanika kudya nsima Ku America fufudzani omwe akuziwa omwe amayenda komanso ali ndi kuthekera komawelenga nkhani za dziko lonse ndidziko liti lolemera kuli ziii kwathu kuno pitani Ku S.A mukaone kapena ku Nigeria koma kwathu kuno kuli ziiii timangomva anthu akamanena basi nde ndibwino kumathokoza Mulungu chifukwa cha Mtendere wathu sindikuti kusauka ndi kwabwino koma anthu amasilira mtendere wathu kuno ku Malawi chichokereni nthawi ya samunda

    2. Inu mwati mukambe zansima basi, moyo umafuna zambiri sinsima yokha. Tadziganizani, anthu tikuvutika mdziko muno beacause of poor leadership. Kupita kuchipatala osakapeza mankhwala koma mutadya nsima ungachile? Anthu ngati iwe Muluya Beston Kambeta ndi amene mukupangatsa dziko kusatukuka chifukwa mukadya nsima mumaona kuti zanu zayenda.

    3. Bola iwe ukuti kupita ku Chipatala anzako alibe even nthawi yopita kuchipatala akungozifera basi ndi njala komanso matenda mabala a zipolopolo ululu wake osatha Moses Dickson Mdala check on world news udzaziwa m’mene dzikoli likuyendera

    4. Kwathu Kuno Nkhondo Ya Mfuti Kulibe Its True, Koma Umphawi, Kupha Ma Alobino, Black Out All Time, Dictatorship Like Her Let Brother, Blood Suckers And Etc. Ndiye Mukut Amanena Zoona, Just Look Your Country Not Another Countries, In Short You Are Lie.

  80. kumamvesa munthu akamalankhula, anakutumani kuti muziyenda mozipopa mozifiinya m’ene mukuneneramo? tiyeni nthawi zina tiphunzile kulankhula zoona zokha zokha zomwe wanena munthu. Malawi ali, pa number one m’ zochitika zina ndi zina kungozolowela kulakwisa kayankhulidwe tiisiiiiiyee

  81. kkkkk paja musaiwale kuti malemu Bingu ananenanso kuti Malawi can feed the whole Africa and Africa can feed the whole world. Anyamata amenewa kanundu amawapweteka, mwinanso jang’ala. Whisky, champagne ndi azinzake

    1. kkkkkk so u are sure that Malawi can feed Africa with the current economic status? How much is Malawi investing in agriculture to produce such abundant food for the Continent?

    2. Lol people it means that if we can try to use our resources wisely that can happen… Y’all sound like grade 1 kids, you mean you don’t know that Malawi and Africa as a whole has the greatest potential of producing food; agricultural produce in general??

    3. Instead of finding all the beautiful reasons why it cant be true you’d rather be thinking how it could happen. Its a shame how we Malawians are so paralysed and so poor in mind, thats the very same mindset thats keeping Malawi down

    4. Lip work, ntchito zapakamwa, If u are poor u always wish; I can buy a car, I can buy a private jet. Building castles in the air. Munthu sumayamba ndi ma result ayi koma foundation. Of course nzotheka koma sizingatheke ndi m’mene dziko likuyendera, kulibe ma investers ambiri achuma mu ulimi. Akulima ndi anthu osauka kuti azizidyetsa. Look at RSA kuli azungu ambiri amene ali ndi ma farm. Zimbabwe anangoisokoneza malume aja but it was lyk that. Come to Malawi, how many huge farms do we have? only sugar and tea. But y are investors not coming to toMalawi as they do in other countries? If a leader does not know the the reason y, asamathanangile kubwebweta zambiri. We are very far

    5. Look dont get me wrong. Let me put it clear myself am not okay with this leadership either, my biggest fear of agreeing with you is how we are gon find a solution when we believe its impossible…If Africa had an ideal leadership you think this would still not be possible??

    6. Hiwa,don’t take yourself as educated or with good thinking capacity, wat u are talking is different from the topic above,why the current leadership leadership fail to come up with measure’s to improve economic status?how can they feed Africa wen they fail to Feed Malawi,let then come up with ways to feed africa

  82. Some peace is as a result of povety to say what can we do Ttingachitenji ife amphawi) bcoz even if we laugh or cry nothing will happen: who is going to hear/listen or sympathise with u?

  83. Aaaaaa Mesa magetsi akayaka dziko lonse kumakhala phokoso chonde ife timachita manyazi ndianthu akunjawa amatidabwatu kwambili

  84. munthui mkutheka kuti akupenga dzikoronvetsa chisoni iri mkumati mayikoonse akusirira Malawi iwe ndichitsiru kwambiri

  85. Uchitsiru Suposa Apa Ndinthu, Mavuto Osewa Mkumati Tiziyenda Tukumutukumu ?, Shaaa !!, Vote Yanga Ine !, Ndimkayesanji ?, Povotela Munthu Uyu?, Akungoba Bansi 2019 Usachedwe Bwela Changu Ndinthu Uyu Achokepo Watikwana.

  86. kkkkkkkk malawi 24 siidzatheka…tukumutukumu ngati finye????anthu oti umphawi uli thooo,kusowa kwa ntchito,ulova nde osayamba….ndee kuzitukumula kosatikatu anthu olila ndi mtima ife…..akavucheche tachita kutuwa ndi zipwisi za anthu awa omwe timati azitsogoleri athu……..fokolo.

  87. He’s trying to talk positive,so that maybe Malawi can come back to normal.paja Ena amati talk positive even if it doesn’t make sense.

  88. Anthu MCP ndinu omvesa chisoni kodi munabadwa bwanji kuti matso anu asamaone zabwino? Kodi munthawi ya kamudzu ndi ndani yemwe anakwanitsa ngankhale ndikumanga nyumba yamalatakomwe? Vomelani lero moyo ndiophweka kusiyana ndi thangata wa kale

  89. Malawi is one of the peaceful countries in the World. No civil war, no tribalism, no Malawian refugees in a foreign land like Syria instead the country welcomes refugees. The Government must just fix domestic problems like electricity, good network of roads, good management and governance. Malawians are peaceful and hard working people. The government must not take advantage of that, but make its citizens happy. Thanks Mr. President for putting Malawi on the World Map. May God bless Malawi.

    1. Munthu ukamakhuta ngatinso umagona utafunda akamati mavu sumatha kumvetsa kuti mchiyani akamati anthu ndiolimbika kupindula kwake ngati sukudziwa umayankhula chomchi enanu mumangovomekeza zosadziwika ngati zimenezi

    2. The topic Mr Moses Brave Ngwenya is about the Country itself – Malawi, not a district. I do agree with you about this unruly violence that was unacceptable but it cannot affect the whole country. It can only affect the few people of that area who are involved in politics.

    3. maliwi she is not apeaceful country because the people they dont hve peace because of would u expect some one having apeace hence he or she is in problem.

    4. P Mtharika putting Malawi on World map how how how?????? Kkkkkk the way malawians are struggling to find basic needs in their own home country this guy is also mtharika’s follower

    5. oh! we are peaceful oh… zomwe zinachtika ku Rumphi.. is that peaceful? We are very behind go to different rural areas ukaone mitunda yomwe ana amayenda going to school.

    6. What does it mean to you or what do you understand by GOOD MANAGEMENT and GOOD GOVERNANCE? Or you want me to write in Chichewa?

    7. You can’t say you’re at peace when you wallow in those problems you just listed here. You must be smoking the strand of chingambwe like your uncle Mr. APM.

    8. I don’t like commenting on these political issue becoz I know I can mess up things. But this guy seems to be coming from kumpanda. Had it been he walks around n see how poor local Malawians are living he couldn’t wast his time writing this nonsense. Being on map becoz of child marriage u take it as a score to win poor Malawian heart? If maizegate was concluded, blackouts, inflation rate, price of agricultural commodities was better the list is endless then I could say Malawi is on the map.

    9. I can see many Malawians are simply bad news. They need a president with an iron hand like the late Kamuzu Banda. Shallow minded, get lost.

    10. Mr phiri is not from Malawi and has never visited Malawi full stop.if he is then he’s just another piece of …… don’t bother arguing with him because these are the kind of heartless animals that squander our resources(our taxes) without thinking of that old lady in the village who walks 10km to get to the nearest health centre only to be told there are no drugs….this is pathetic ..and someone in the high office says all iz well, that’s when you know that these goons don’t have the people’s interest at heart.

    11. Peaceful pamene anthu akusowa soap enanu mmangoyankhula ngati muli ku toilet ya public kuti mukufuna kuchokamo msanga tapitani mmamidzi olo sugar sakumudziwa nyumba zomwe akugona inu simungagonemo zoti chimanga chilipo kwa iwo ndi maloto takaonani ku southafrica amalawi mmene akuzuzikila ndipo iwe ukukamba zoti bola kuno ndiwe idiot weniweni stupit

    12. By peace I mean the country is not a WAR ZONE COUNTRY, only it needs good management and governance, then corruption will be the story of the past, because will be dealt with and good service delivery will benefit the citizens. Political party fightings will stop.

    13. Peace is when people leave together in harmony. Tribalism is when the other tribe look down upon the other tribe. And in work places or positions nepotism can emerge, that only one tribe can be employed. Is like racism or apartheid.

    14. Iwedi ndi cadet wa DPP zoona you want to tell us kuti this idiot is not tribalistic, regionalistic and corrupt ? Zoona kumati malawi is peaceful yet Muthalika is ruling people who are too sleepy like you.

    15. #aphiri sakunama ngati magetsi akuzima sichifukwa cha boma kwa azunguko amazima magetsi , mukagona ndi njala siboma ,inuyo mulibe chakudyacho, apa p,mtalika akunena za ufulu ,womwe ena akuwusowa kamba ka nkhondo , kumalawi ndi dziko lomwe simuna menyaneko ndi futi ayi , ngati zambiri zidatipita ndifukwa chumadyera taganizani makolo athu zaka zambiri ntchito amakagwira ku joni ,ena ku zimbabwe ,munthu zaka 15, ulime munda wamwini ungaloze nkhokwe yako?

    16. America is peaceful but it doesn’t mean some families don’t fight, there is even divorce but their fight doesn’t affect the country. In Syria the civil war affected the majority, affected the country and many have run away from their own country and are called refugees in a foreign country. Now you tell me which country are the Malawians staying as refugees?

  90. Akuti tidziyenda monjanja ngat finye chifukwa takwanitsa kuthetsa mabanja aana achichepere kkkklkkkkl Minyama chani ? Azipita muxipatalamu azikaona tatsikana tadzaka 12 koma mimba ya 7 months komanso winanso mwana ali kubere kkkklk Ine ayi sindingayende nawo monjanja

  91. Hahahahaha koma momwe timanyozekela moyenda muno zoona Muthalika unganene zimenezo? Kodi mwina nkukalamba eti? Ambuye akuoneni fazala

  92. i dont like commenting but this topic has come to my attention,what kind of leader is he to utter such humiliating words to 90 plus poverty stricken and hopeless malawi people.

  93. True! Akusilira kulowa pansi kwa maphunziro,kuthima kwa magetsi,poor network,kumwa madzi ochoka mmatoilet,mphekesela za opopa magazi,kuzunza anthu achialubino,maize gate,kuophyezana pandale…akungoyenela!

  94. Kkkkkkkkkkkk ndinapita kwinakwake mu Joz atandifusa ndinanena kuti waku Malawi kkkkkkkkk anati palibe ziko zinalake Malawi kkkkkkkkndiye at I tizizipopa wabalalika amemeyi tiphedwe kkk kkk

  95. Mkulu uyu is very pitiful, and thinks very childishly. Moti ndinene kuti iyeyu sakutha kusiyanitsa kumene analiko ndikuno? Mwina azunguwo akusilira kuti iyeyu akulamulira anthu atulo.

    1. Kkkkkk.. Komaaa! Oganiza bwino anganyadire kunyozedwa mozimbayitsako..malawiyu amumaliza basi, kuchita kusilira kulamulira anthu opusa choncho… Kumveredwa chisoni ndi akunja?????

    2. Donton Tchale
      Munthu asakunamize kuti you have to fear kuwatchula a Malawi kuti ndiatulo coz u are in Malawi.
      Anthu kukacha mumadzutsana pa ubale wanu munyumba momwemo.
      Mukadzaona nyumba yonse sikudzuka just know muli maliro ambaula m’menemo.
      Asiyeni alhomwe opusawo adzigonabe. Inu simunganve even dzina lapanga comment yopeperayo ndilachilomwe?
      Akudikira adzungu azawadzutse. Sanachenjerebe kuberedwa minda anaberedwa kuja.

    3. Donton Tchale, tulo tomwe ali nato iye akufuna atipatse ndi ife tomwe. Ku Malawi kuli chiyani choti munthu angasitire? Ngakhale ndi makoswe omwe akulaka-laka atathawa ku Malawi kuno, ndiye munthu wina angamalankhule kuti ku Malawi ndi kosiririka?
      Very pitful

    4. kkkk #chisomo nkhani ili apa siyamtundu koma fuko. Malawi sali ndi alomwe okha muli anthu ambiri, ndipo vote ya chilombo tikuchiti president chi inachoka mmalawi yense osati ndi alomwe okha adamuika pa mpando ai. tiyeni tivomelezedi a Malawi fe tulo tilimo ndithu ndi mkona tikumangololera akuba kumationongera dziko lathuli; ife kumangoombera mmanja zili zonse

    5. Prince inetu ndikuvomerezana nayo nkhani ya tuloyo.
      But nkhani ya chitsanzo ndaperekayo is based pa uchitsiru wakavutedwe. And sindinafune kutchula mitundu ina coz yes this stupidity yomavitera munthu coz timalankhula zofanana is everywhere. But yemwe kuculuka kwa stupidity yakwawo kunamuyika pa advantage (based on their figures) ndindani?
      I am a lhomwe too. But that should not stop me from rebuking my tribesmen akupanga zopusa. Despite that my facts for voting someone may have some grey area based on my personal ability to analyze issues, koma one notable thing is that I can not sink too low to vote for someone just because amachokera kwathu or timalankhula zofanana koma Ali wopanga zopusa.

    6. Zimandikhudza ndikamaona anthu ophunzira ngati a Professor awa nkumakhalanso opepera kwambiri but he has travelled all over the world and he can’t have sympathy on how our country sinks beneath the level of economic status. All what he can do is to boast and gain fame in order to get respect at UN. Zimangofana ndi munthu amane amatchena pamseu koma chonsencho alibe ndichofunda chomwe, koma nkumakhalanso wamatama kwambiri.Amaona ngati akunamiza anthu pomwe akudzinamiza yekha

    7. leave him alone he is a Man of integrity.zikumuwawa apange atenge mpandowo 2019 basi,mudamusakha si inu ndi Mulungu, so the same God will provide

    1. Ngakhale ku sukuluko koma zimkawayendera amenewa? Chifukwa zikuwoneka kuti akulephera kumvetsa ndi topic yomwe tikukambirana yomwe.shame on you bambo!

  96. Tsopano avice presedent ngat kuli kotheka mogwrzana ndiena otero simungatitebgeleko Bwanawa ku Mental hospital kuZomba? Ok molemekeza or ku America bas bola akachile bas coz sizabwino mtsogoleri kut adzibwebweta zopanda mzimu ngati zmenezi .

  97. dziko lomwe ma gesi amayaka 2 hours per day, layenera kupangisa anthu chidwi, losauka koma kuli mbava za atsogoleri heavy.

  98. Kkkkkkk…… Muthalika amakonda ma jokes bwanj ndan pano angasilire Malawi?…. even athu omwe maiko muli khondo kuwatenga kut abwere kuno anena Kut bola azikhala kwao kwakhondoko

  99. The story of malawi is world becoz of power leadership of peter munthalika,insteade of meeting investestors in us he was bus with Robert Mugabe who is ruthless ! Dpp is a part to rule in simungolia not malawi, people are suffering due to poor leadership

    1. go back to school becoz ur english isnt good. look,if u are failing to manage ur laguage how can u oppose big mans speech

    2. Jacob Ng’oma, even your English is full of grammatical errors. Malawians should realize that English is not measure of intelligence and does not put food on table.

  100. Komadi mzeru sikupita ku school kokha eti moti polofesala angayankhule zombwambwanaxi or mwana wa zaka ziwiri blames kholo pobadwira ku malawi dziko lomvetsa chisoni..malawi was admirable dome time back not now .mzerudi mulibe ndaonera mkamwamo mxiew

    1. KKKKKKKKK DZIKO LIRI M’manja mwa Agalu Apope palibe chanzeru chomwe angalankhule awa.
      Ngati ndichoncho why Trump refused a meeting with Manyaka Pitala??? Tsek!!!!!


    A Malawi ati muziyenda mapewa mmwamba, tukumutukumu, uku mozipopa ngati finye chifukwa pa dziko lonse lapansi nkhani ndi ya Malawi.

    Mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Peter Mutharika wati anthu a pa dziko lapansi akuyang’ana ndi chidwi dziko la Malawi.

    Polankhula atafika kuchoka mu dziko la United States of America kumene anakakhala nawo pa msonkhano wa atsogoleri a mayiko onse, a Mutharika anati ku msonkhanoko mayiko ambiri amasilila Malawi.

    “Anthu akutigomela kamba koti tagwila ntchito yopambana pothetsa maukwati a ana achichepele,” anatelo a Mutharika. Iwo anaonjezelapo kuti a Malawi akusililidwanso kamba kogwila ntchito yopambana pofuna kuthana ndi kachilombo ka HIV.

    A Mutharika anapempha a Malawi kuti asiye mtima ozidelela ndipo ayambe kuzindikila kuti ali ndi kuthekela.

    © Malawi24, 2015. All Rights Reserved

  102. Ndizowona ndithu, koma nzomvesa chisoni chifukwa nkhani yake nkumanena kuti Malawi ndi #wosawuka kuposa mayiko onse adziko lapasi. Nde tizizitukumura ???

  103. Mkuluyu akunama atasilire chani kuno Ku Malawi,dziko loti lingokhalira kuthandizidwa komanso kupempha.Anasowa choti ayankhule.

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