The Lilongwe Magistrate Court has sentenced a 40-year-old man to 18 years in jail for cutting his wife’s private parts.
According to Lilongwe police prosecutor Sergeant Caphas Mwangonde, the convict has been identified as Rodrick Medson.
Mwangonde said the man wanted to mix the wife’s private part tissue with a concoction.
“The convict wanted to multiply his farm produce as per instructions of a witchdoctor whom he had approached,” Mwangonde said.
The matter was later reported to the police who arrested the man.
After trial, the abuser was slapped with 18 years imprisonment with hard labour
Medson, hails from Msonthi village in the area of Traditional Authority Kabudula in Malawi’s capital city, Lilongwe.
Sory 4 That
That’s Wright There Is No Need To Spare Him
There was a reason for doing that .
nthawi yakwana kuti boma libweletso ndilamu la death panelty
Inetu wanga kut ndimve akudyetsa kwina ndithanso kumudula maliseche adawa ndawa3ra hvy
Koma nkhaniyo mwaiwelenga?? Usaonesa umbuli paguru.
Good people these are wise comments keep it up. My big question is why this has happened? aaaaaa mavuto alipo ngakhala akanampeza mwamuna ali pa mwa the best thing was just to divorce . This is killing.
18yrs basi nde akatchotsera one third ndekuti agwira 12yrs solid mraning azatuka June 2029, pafupika. Koma guys m’ mene alili mkazi angadulidwe bwanji bcoz ena no protruding
Nice judgement judge but kwa anthu okuba ndalama kuboma ndichifukwa chiyani simukuwamanga olodzaka zomwe mwapeleka kwamuthu ameneyu aaa zambiri ndithu but cashgate guyz imakhala 4 dayz 3dayz munthu watuluka kundende amatelo kodi?
18 years only?
Death sentece
Its for the first time to hear this. No comment guyz
Its for the first time to hear this. No comment guyz
He deserve it
I would have love much if that man would given the punishment of life in prison,he lack humility spirit,so there is no way to grant him another chance to be back home .
Kulakwa mpaka kudura ntchito aboma muchite kanthu asazatulukenso life in prison
dats perfect punshiment
Ladies must be clever when you getting marriage from unknown people in your community some come with mission like that one
shameless man how do you feel wen cutting those pat I wish unakafela nkoko kundede ndithu
shameless man how do you feel wen cutting those pat I wish unakafela nkoko kundede ndithu
why? amuna ena samaganzra moyo wazkaz awo.
The good wife who refused Rbbish! Why do some people always want riches from dark forces? Stupid ideas, it is only Jesus who is Rich, not Stupid Demons!
Tamnyonga alibe mantha
Njala…..nthenda……nsanje…..malawiana eish……sentence yachepa….. it shuld be lyf in prison coz thao hath he has committed murder
Damn…What A Wicked Person
Akanakhala mkazi wadula maliseche amwamuna mkanampatsa 4yrs
you see thats wht bble say amen!!! go on kukwanilitsa malemba.But tsoka kwaokwanilitsa lemba
Ana ndiye akuti abambo amangidwira chani? Zachisoni komanso zamanyazi
I doubt this story how can he cutt of Private part, what did he use,may b it is just clash bcoz what can u cut from woman private part
Ngati akupanga zibwezi sakufuna ndye mpaka kumudula ujeni mumupange mtitini komweko asazabweletso
Thus murder gv him life impronment
eish,khamza zake zimenezi sure, sitikhala nazo pabanja,,bola kukhala single ndithu!
Chthuzi Chake Mukachpeza Muchpange Post Azimai Amuone. Kt Akazatuluka Kn Nde Akazafunsra Azachikane Chgawenga Cha Nkhaza Zotere
Sanje,nkhaza zimakusandutsa kapolo.Tilemekeze thupi chifukwa ndi kachisi wa Ambuye.
hey waposa satana kuipa mtima kwake
Oterewo azingosingidwa basi,analakwanji mkazi mpana kudula maliseche ake?ngati unampeza ndimamuna wina mwina anachita izi cìfukwa cha nkhanza zako zomwe wazionetsera apazi,ngati zinakunyatsa bola ukanangozipha wekha,uja wazipha chifukwa cha mwana uja sanafune kukhetsa mwazi wamkazi.Mukamawazunza akazi choncho mumaganizira zammbuyo pomwe mukafunsira kumakukana iwe nkumakakamira?pepani amayi nonse cìfukwa simuziwa mtima wamamuna amene akukufunsirani.Nayenso mumdule aboma ameneyo diso kwa diso
Ayinso, akuti amafuna kukhwimira ulimi kuti azikolola zambiri
Kkkkkk koma anthu kulimba mtima
Ndan angapeze mankhwala oti amalawi azilemera akangokoka mchira wamkango? Tione, chfkwa amalawi tanyanya
men love ur women az u
Zachepa zakazo
The wife is still alive or not? If she’s dead the husband has to die too.
What weapon..did he use to cut his wife’s private part
And how? It confuses me
Really disturbing n confusing
What Was The Cauz Of This, & Did The Man Completely Removed The Whole Private Part Of His Wife For Him To Be Charged All These Years Am Really Comfused
is she alive? why not life imprisonment?
He used a chain saw.
Anayambana chani?
Amafuna azipange braii? Kape ameneyu asadzatulukekonso adzikhala komweko.
“Let Love, Lead.”
I am confused wadula chani kweni kweni? amadula akutani??
Kkkk!! Wangomumeta.
Why cut off the wife’s private parts? I thought that is what you were looking for in marriage.
Ameneyo Wachepesa Chmwemwe Chake Cha Banja Nd 99.9%
Hahahaa I Wonder Oohh
You shouldn’t kkkkkk
Hhhhhhy So Wonderful
Anadula chan?
Chilango chikuchepa.
Mchani kodi aMalawi!????
Where Are The Private Parts..??
Wasunga Mfrg
akedyenso Chakudya chaulele, malo ogona aulele, zovavala zaulele, madzi aulele etc for 18 years anthu ena ali ndi mwayi bwanji
amafuna akapange mang’ina
Naye adulidwe basi. Yikhale draw game onse opanda katundu
Kkkkkk yeah amuchose gear box yonse basi kkk
Eya kaa afanane. Gear box wakeyo naye achosedwe kkkkkkk koma
Nde Mzabamboyo Amudule Ma Inches Angt? 1? 2? 3? 4…? Kapena Angomalizapo? Kkk
Where is love we used to have those days lero mabanja ambiri women don’t have a say
the panshmnt z 2 linient
Koma yah ziwanda iziii mmmmmh
What for?
Its too much this habit why goverrnment cant just say if you found on this matter you must be killed once?
ngati ndi nsanje ndiye ndiyopu nayotu
y people doing like this your wife!!!! mmmmh
Too little
Nayeso ofunika catting osangomusiya ai. malawi wa jaila kwambili.
yachepa y not life in prison