…still claims Thyolo and Mulanje are not part of Malawi
People’s Land Organization (PLO) president Vincent Wandale has announced that his organisation will seize tea estates in Thyolo and Mulanje and distribute the land to residents next month, Malawi24 can report.

According to Wandale, this follows Malawi government’s silence on the concerns raised by his organisation about tea estates in both Thyolo and Mulanje.
PLO wants the government to rule that all the companies which own estates in the districts got them illegally and also wants all the tea estates which are not being used to be shared to people who don’t have land for cultivation.
A few months ago, Wandale declared Mulanje and Thyolo districts as one sovereign state called African Traditionalists Republic of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje but government said it was a mere declaration.

Meanwhile, the organization has come back as it has set September 1 as the day when people in the two districts will share the tea estates which are currently owned by private companies.
“As of now the people say they just need the land back to them not later than first September, so by bowing down to their needs we have set first September when the development will happen.
“We will distribute the land to the people who don’t have any piece of land and the land being distributed is the idle land this is by public demand and there is nothing we can do, that’s what people in the two districts want,” said Wandale.
He added that they have written all government departments and all other stakeholders informing them of the action to be taken.
NDIWAMISALA UYU SAKWANISA WACHEPA NAZO KOMANSO WAZIYAMBA MOCHEDWA, MUKAGAWANENSO “chitakake tea estate ta bwana Muli tiwone ngati mukabweleko ndi miyendo yonse muliyo tayesa uwone
kodi mbuzi imeneyi yachokera kuti?
Allow other things to happen, allow changes to take place. But please when you are creating your ideas make sure that selfishness is out of it. Do things which can bring positive changes and benefits the society at large………………………….. #@matptheyoungercustodian
Tkufuna makampan asekulidwe ndye uciluwu ndye ut
Kkkkkookkkkk go konkhoooooioo. Shaaa!
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Atowoneka kut ndi odwala akuluwa akhululukireni
Pliz Mr Wandale…Dont Think like ROBERT MUGABE….. ,,who chased whites ,,,,and giv land to his people..now his people are failing to cultivate de land……., ,,,Search on Google Zimbabwe now ili mu top Ten ya mayiko osauka….,,,Malawi iliponso..but we r at good number mu top tenimo..than Zimbabwe..yomwe inalidziko lochitabwino….,,,,so Mr wandale Dont help to bring poverty on top of poverty….ndife osauka kale nde tisamangosaukila…..,,,Anthu omwe mufuna kuwapatsa malowo..mtengo wa fertilizer saudziwa do u think t can works?………..KU Malawi kunayamba programme yoxigulira Malo…ku madera komwe kulibe anthu ochuluka bwanj..iwe Wandale ndi Organisation yako osakangowagulira anthuwo?..
Wandaleyu akuvuta pati panafunika kuthira zingwe ndikumponya ndende munthu owukila boma amaneyu
@ Willison, which resources r u talking about? the world has scattered because of that black mind.
Zonadi Molo athu amenewo!!
Ndikuona ngati nzeru zakucheprra wandale ngati chili chamba uchepese anthu akupweteka ukuganiza anthu onse akugwira ntchito ku ma estate ukuwanenao akagwira ntchito kunyumba kwako uli ndichani chomwe tingakupindulire stop your nonsense stupid idiot
vincent you don’t have wisdom and knowledge. some people graduate while they are still stupid. i can’t see any sense in your nonsense
mugabe anayesa kale zimenezo
bale wandale zimene ukufuna upangezo zanzeru ndithu kma wachepa nazo,mugabe anakwanitsa chifukwa ndi president,zimenezo adakabena peter ndidakati zitheka,kma iweyo akupweteka ndithu,khulupira mau angawa,ndizopwetekadi kma nanga titani
Wakaputa a zungu a masatana ukoo, cholinga pakhale kumenyana uku akutolera magazi. Kuteroku ndi satana ameneyo akufuna magazi. Chizimba chake wasankha kulimbana ndi dziko cholinga pagwe gazi lochuluka.
ife mzaka zakuthyolo tiri pambuyo pawo awandare mukuimira anthu ovutika ngati ife
Ndzabwno,komano mmene mkuluy waztengera czikutdalisa,ine ndimafuna dam la pa mpen lija,ndizzapanga ulimi wamthilira
Go ahead Wandale
Wandale ugawa malo andani?komatu sukulu yanuyi muzichosera masiku amoyo wanu baba nthawi isanakwane chifukwa ndalama mutengazo muzazibweza tsiku lina. Tiyenazo wandale koma kukuchera posachedwa.
Ine ndifuna kuwaduka
Ma plan amenewa sakusiyana ndi a John Chilembwe. Phuma too much
His plan simlilar to Mugabe who chase white….en bring poverty in his country….
Fuck u
Wandale,wandale,wandale how may times did i call u?if u have nothing to do,stay at home so that you deprive the danger ahead of you.because your dream to grab de farms for de white people will never come true,stop dat nonsense and something better.save your life baba do not die for nothing…
Koma Mavuto osowa polima ndi zoona kapena ai!? pakuti awandale ndi amsala anga inu amene mulibe msala anthu ovutikawo muwathandiza bwanji?
Sakusiyana ndi #John #Chilembwe kupupuluma kufuna kutchukilapo basi!! anayamba zokangana ndi azungu 1915 dziko la mw kulibe chilichonse! onaninsoni lero mr #Wandale wayambanso kukangana ndi Azungu waiwala kuti chuma cha boma ngodya zina zili mu #Tea akakamugulitsa mu maiko aakunja! Gyz tiyeni tizikulani taoni umphawi mmene ulili
Wandale Ukamakhala Patsogolo Ndi Nkhani Zoputsa Mapeto Ake Ndi Cardiac Chakuti Chakuti.Ndiye Zisiye Zimenezo.
Mmmmm ineso ndikupita ndikalandile maka ku chipunga one
Wakutumayo akupweteketsa
Eeeeeee bc ndikunyamuka mawa ku Joni kuno ndikalandire malo
Ine ndilibe mau tizingosaukabe basi ndiye kumalawi
Mbava bimeneyo apolisi iphani akayamba zakezo
But this is not true. Who settled in that area first. History tell us that akhokhila anafika in that area as tenants of the Azungu. Matheche ya azungu how can today they come to claim any piece of land there.
Hahaha! Mr wandale if u dnt know tea is coming second to tobacco in puring this country DOLLARS so do u think Gvt can bow down to u ur lyf and u know wat thax God for this gvt linientness otherwise oneday ur remains will never been seen with ur relative coz of this fucked up issues of urs
Mulanje and Thyolo for Independence, tili pambuyo pa WANDALE
Mr wandale, wat ur doing thas the foundation of economing crissis, try to find out wat zimbabwe was b4 chasing the owners of capital (whites farmer) n wat it is now afta given farmers to minority (wat u call owner of the land). Did they manage to produce goods that met internation market? think wise,if u think of growing nandolo, mudya nokha misika kulibe. Ok take over tea estates we gonna c wat happen, mayb ur nt malawian u want to kill our impoverish relatives by that tym u will hav foof bt u share them not, oh! may God do favour 4 His pple n turn ur devious mind set.
simukunvetsa za wandale ndinu anthu omwe simukukhala ku madera amenewa, malowo sikuti ndi omwe muli tea ayi koma pali malo ena omwe ali idle kuchoketa kale simulimidwa and ali sorrounded by villagers ma villager anangosala ndi pomanga koma polima alibe koma malowo mwangokhala tchire adzunguwo anaphangira sukuti muli tea kapena mbewu iliyonse
Ukunena zoona Kamwana, eni ma estate a tea ali ndi malo ambiri amene samalimidwa, ndipo malowo amakhala oti ali pafupi ndi nyumba za anthu koma salora kuti anthuwo adzilimapo. Ndiye Mr Wandale akunena zoona pankhani imeneyi. Malo amenewo akuyenera kuperekedwa kwa anthu adzilimapo.
But this man had it its medicine to take,then its poisonous I hate his urguments just want to make noise so that this government should give him a job! What a nonsense man!
Maiko omwe anavomereza kukhalabe ndi azungu pano ndi maiko ochita bwino ndithu.Ngati simukuziwa Malawi akulephera kutukuka vuto lina tinafulumira kuchosa a Zungu omwe akatithandiza kutukula dzikoli.Tinafuna kuzilamulira tokha komanso kuchosa a Zungu tilibe madziko enieni.Bwezi pano kuli Makampani ambirimbiri.Taonani SOUTH AFRICA anasankha kuzilamulira koma anawalora aZungu kukhala nawo limodzi ndipo pano ndi dziko lotukuka.Samalani pochita zinthu zinazi.
Ine nditenga wankhami yense
Ask Zimbabwe about u r to do mr politics…. u think its as simple as u think it is…. nxaa
Game ya NBB ndi MAFCO idzayamba nthawi yanji?
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Siyani kulota maloto achumba
Am coming from Thyolo but Wandale is mad and i dont surport him
Ask Zimbabwe people first
Because we r used to oppression n all that …thus y we cant think of a way to bail ourselves out of the pit of miseries n think how we can realy b ‘independent’. I kinda like the Wandale’s idea but i think its just out of reach with the poverty level in Malawi. n how naive n ignorant most Malawians are….
goddamn itسدطجسدج
Why do stupid ass minds always lead us.. this dummy make me sick, why can’t he once in his life think straight?
Wandale ndi wa round head kapena kuti uzungulira mutu.
Chamba sichikumupindulira uyu
Do what you can , and follow what can be said by the Lawmakers….
Apo ndie ndilikumbali ya Mr wandale keep fire burning…malowo titenga basi more fire UNITED STATES of THYOLO and MULANJE…moto kut buuuuuuuu!
Eishhh anthu akumpoto sazatheka basi
So Wandale is from the North? why North in this issue? CHITSIRU !!
Oputsa ameneyo tea ndiwache
History says, the Lhomwes do not own any piece of land in Malawi.,that land belongs to the mang’anja. Alomwe pitani kwanu ku mozambique.
Kkkk True Atasa maphwitikizi a Lhomwe mbewa za anthu in Malawi we Had Two big Kingdoms only
mitundu yonse yaku malawi ndiyobwela ukawelengenso history,komanso munthu kuti malo akhale ake amayela akhalepo zaka zingati? ukawelengenso kapena ukafunse amene amaziziwa ndipo alomwe mukunenawo anafa alipowa ndioti anabadwila kumalawi.
Koma2 Akukulamulilani Dzikoli Ndi Alomwe Omwewo
Ndiye kuputsa kwanu mukulamulidwanso ndi mlomwe hahahaha
zitinyozani alomwe bola zathu zikuyenda
Ena inu kutukwana ndichikhalidwe chanu , koma pagulu ngati apa sibwino kuvumbulutsa chikhalidwe choipa chakumudzi khalani ndi manyanzi achimwene ee ! Koma yeah !
Hahaha m laughing like m happy about what mr wandale doing, its shame or there is no sense in what mr wandale and his organization doing, they are doing what we call childish, he act like he don’t know how people of mulanje and thyolo have benefited from this tea estates all the way from 1940’s until now,mr wandale shame to u and ur organization u bringing desaster to people, let me tell u something this is our mines everyday people from mulanje and thyolo are digging copper, silver, gold, diamonds to make simple living, these people will never benefit from this farms,u are difiant for nothing, u want to be famous for nothing, look at difiant mugabe he put his country to the shame on the face of africa and to the whole world, Zimbabweans are scattered all over the world running away from their country becouse of selfishness, i believe if u are a men fighting for majority not minority u will rethink about this, i remember once William bush said,not war but talks will bring Peace, talk to them to give those working in these estates good wages not fighting with them,they will close these estates pack and go!!!! These people and economy will suffer the waste!!!
Which benefits do you know how much they gain at the end of a day or month .
U r clever
U gonna agree with william kasambwe once they close these estates.
What u should know is this, how many poor people are getting their fucken monthly salaries? N how many people they will hv piece of land?
Will it be nuff; to b shared to all the local citizen ? think Cox it will have bad effect . lack of job .
Mkulu ameneyu ndi wopanda nzeru kwambiri. Ine kwathu ndi konkuno ku Thyolo,anthu omwe akufuna kuwapatsa mindayo ndi azigogo okalamba kuti sangathe olo ndikutipula tiyi komwe. Anthuwa akhala akuwadyera ndalama mwezi uliwonse amapereka ndalama yokwana pini. Boma limatolera ndalama zochuluka kuchokera ku Estate iliyonse, Estate imodzi imakhala ndi antchito opitilira 3000. Ameneyu ndi ZOBA ife ku Limbe tizitenga Passport makolo athu ankangodutsa asaaah! Apolice ntchito yapezeka muphulitseni
Akumuopa ndi wakomweko. Akanakhala mcewa bwenzi pano akugwila ndende. Mumtengeko uyu mudatikakamizayu akakhala kwa mkulu wakeko
I support the idea. Seize the land which is idle. Tisamasowe malo ngati ndife alendo muno pamene maforeigner have more than enough land. Tisamangofunidwa pa mavoti. We need to enjoy our resources to the fullest
Together with your Wandale, what are you smoking??
KODI DONT WE HAVE SNIPERS IN THE COUNTRY??this guy is irritating me
That idiot must be arrested.
FACT….he’s trying to tear the nation apart
Shooting at an already dead animal..well done wandale.kill the tea estates and let the people of thyolo and mulanje starve to death .mudya zitete.
gawa iwe!!!!!
Akuluwa mutu wawo sukugwira ntchito ine ndi mbadwa yaku mulanje anthu ambiri kwathu kuno taphunzira school chifukwa cha ma Estate amenewa kids adzunguwa akapita tipindula nayo chani mindayi abale athu akati akupedza ndalama akudalira ma Estate ngati akufuna kutchuka ayang’ane nkhani ina osati zothamangitsa adzunguzo akuganiza kuti nthaka imeneyi ya tea angadzalemo chani nkhukula pomatha zaka 5 mbuzi yamunthu
Popeza Wandale akamabwebweta amadziwa kuti alipo anthu opepera ngati Malawi 24 amene amamuyimbira mmanja ndipo zimenezi zimamulimbisa mtima. Ndipo anthuni kuzelezeka kwanu kwachuluka utchitsiru onsewu uli ndi Wandalewu zoona ndikumamuchemelera ndiye muziti ndife anthu amene tingatukule dziko kumbwambwana kwake kumene tikukuonesa apaku.
umbuli ndiomwe ukukupangi kuti udzinena zopusazi wamva!
Kkkkkkkkkk estate ndiyao akuchita kukulira mtima athu omwerayo ndikwayo peter muthalikao
Mbulu ndi ndan kod
Kufuna kutukwanidwapo ulere apa
Chinatha mphamvu,wasutanso some more.
Black mind! just dreaming shit.
….. he want to be famous with fire, if you burnt don’t blame any1 coz malawi have got Constitution, you don’t just wake up and do your dreams here. malawi depends on farming, once you disturb it, you kill the millions people..! so we better kill one and save million lives…… be warned idiot….
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Koma munthu ameneyu adayendapo mmmmm ine ndakayika sure coz ukaona
ZZimbabwe panopa ndi m’mene idalili kale mmmm!!! Munthu ameneyu sibwenzi akulankhula zopusa ngati zimenezi sure zimbabwe pano idangotsala dzina loka chifukwa cha zandale zopusa ngati zimenezi ndiye ine kumbali yanga ndikukuphembani inu anthu amulanje thyolo kuti muzachi mvere chi munthu chimenecho ndi chamisala chikufuna anthu avutike akagwere uko ameneyo
Minda yomwe akunena mkuluyu ndi minda yomwe eni ma esiteti sakuyigwilitsa ntchito ikungokhala osati momwe multi tea ayi.. Ndiye mukamamutukwana tukwanani mukudziwa chomwa mukutukwana
Nde iweyo ngati ulidolo pachingende osatiuza bwanji popeza zalemba iwezo ndi nkhaniyi zikusemphana iwe wekha suona ? Sizozitama apa mdala iwe! Apa nkhaniyi ikuti mbali zina za mafamu atiyiwa agawilidwe anthu amene alibe malo . Finish and Clear !!! And that is every Good program.
ndimene zmakharila2 akanakhr Kabwaira bwenza ili trizon nanga uyu wakwanuyo muli zIiii chosech ndiwakwanu akugalukira Boma stupt Mr pitala iwe Ibu bwampini ndmbuzi yako kaliati kape
akamenena zimenezo ngati ali ndi kanthu akafuse kuzimbabwe
Ma Estate Anayamba Kalekale Kamuzu Anawapeza Nawasiya.. Mavuto Amalo Aoneka Lero Kumeneko??? Mkamakakamila Nkhan Zamalo Enanu Tkakupezan Kumwamba If Not Careful…
Ngati watumidwa futsek go to hell anthu ogwira ntchito kumeneko udzizawathandiza ndiweyo mindayo ikalandidwa? bullshit
Wamsala ameneyo, ku zimbabwe azungu atalandidwa minda chidachitika ndi chani? Kusowa kwa ntchito, kusowa kwa chakudya komaso ndalama anthu ali pa umphawi koopsa ku zimbabwe chifukwa chowalanda azungu minda
Sopano ukuganiza kuti ukawalanda azungu minda ife tizikagwira ntchito kuti
shared the land whch are not being used.not that1 is currently operating eish mukulephera kumvesesa chingende mukumangokometa mwaumbuli basi .koma ababa a jemusi inu mumatomvuta kumvaa kkkkkkkkk
Choka iwe uli ndi fertilizer oti uzithira iwe? Ife malo akowo sitikuwafuna ukufuna tingokuthandiza kuti upeze malo eti