A 25 year-old man has been arrested for sexually abusing and impregnating an underage girl in Ntchisi district.
According to Public Relations Officer for Ntchisi Police station sergeant Gladson M’bumpha, the suspect has been identified as Yamikani Mathews.
M’bumpha said Mathews sexually abused a 16 year-old girl and made her pregnant.
He said in the month of July the girl left home saying she was going to the market but she did not return.
This troubled her father who went out looking for the girl but he did not find her. Early this month he was told that the teenager was in another village called Kamsonga.
When he went to Kamsonga, the father found the young girl living with Mathews as his wife.
The matter was reported to police who arrested Mathews and charged him with defilement.
A medical examination conducted at Kamsonga health centre confirmed that the girl had been sexually abused and was also pregnant.
The suspect will appear before court soon to answer the charge of defilement which is contrary to section 139 of the penal code.
Mathews hails from Nikanganila village T/A Nazombe in Phalombe district.
Chimene chikuchitika matsiku ano ndichakuti atsikana amafuna dala amuna akulu ndicholinga choti awapatse ndalama and kumakhala kugwizana pakati pawo.so palibe chifukwa chomangila mwamunayo, ndikumapeto chabe kwadziko..
Ine nkhani ngat zimenezi zimandinyasa maka zikamakambidwa ndi akulu akulu ngat inu..chifukwa aliyense amaziwa kt ndikagona ndi munthu end results ndi mimba kapena matenda and munthu wa 25 years umugwilira bwanji?? Zizikalepheleka ndi nkazi wako mpaka munthu umagonja ndithu nde ukanene munthu wapadera hahahaha mkaziyo chilipo chomwe analakwilana ndi mwamunayo km chigololo chochita anthu akuru ngat amenewo ndithu mgwirizano umakhala ulipo.!! #Release-the-arested-plz
Pankhani ngat zimenezi nde mumathamangiladi kumanga koma a kuba ndalama zabomawa bwanji osawamanga? Shupiti
Malawi 24 always ntchisi ,Dedza and ntcheu
mzuni 4 b4ward cdss 2!
Palibe za under age apapa…ngati zimatheka .
K500 yokha ndiyokwana kukagonana nd hule koma mpaka kugwililira?iwe ndiy mbuzi yamunthu!
zomangana zichepe nkhani ndi mfundo akalola agwilidwe ntchito,mwana sangatenge mimba ai.
apolice akumalawi kupusa
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The growing trees are tomorrow’s forest so why are you spoiling the future leaders?.
As am saying right now you can not hear such stories in zambia coz people are scared to go to jail.
If you sleep with a girl below the age of 16 either with or without her consent you are gone. The minimum sentence is not less than 40 years.
Ine xindikuonapo vuto apa coz anthuwa anakwatirana ndipo zonse zinali tayale.xono nanga mimbayo zikhala bwa?mulera ndinu mbuli za police? Komanxo kodi msikana wa 16 masiku ano mukuziwa mene akuonekera? Akumakhala okhwima bwino kuchipindanxo chimozimozi.wake up guyz we are living in modern age zinthu zinasintha!!! Masuleni alere mimbayo iyah!!! Shupiti zanu ndakwiya nanu mxiew!!!
malaw sazamva! ndpo sazatheka nd@!!! inu zoona mwana wang’ono angatenge mimba? apolice pena ndmbulid pena kt makape,pot iwo amadarila kumadya timahule.. chatap!!! amutulutse bas
Watenga bwanj mimba ngat ndi mwana????wankulu ameneyo
what’s the name of that guy? ndimudziwe akufunika zinandizina ngat tonde wot timunenepetse
Vaupuba mmalo momalimbana ndi akuba afuti zauchisiru zenizeni mmesa anthuwo amachindana mpaka papezeka mimbayo osangowasiya akwatilane so pommangapo wamangidwa kuti walakwisa kupasa mimba mkazi coz mwana sangakhale ndimimba amavana kukoma amewo zanziiiiii
Malaw sazamv malaw sazathka pacinyengo kma anapangana amenew asiyen akwatlane mukamanga muxamala mwnay kd apulice muzganiz sch kd apolic amakhla athu ophzla coz anakakhla ophuzla xibwez akmangani anth oxlakwa iiiiiiiiiiiiiii amalaw txamatelo aaaaaaaaaa
Sizimenezo apa amangidwe basi ameneyo
Kupatsana mimba kotereku ndiye wina aziti tichepetse kuchulukana
Nanga afanawo atapezeka ampasa m’dalayo matenda mungawamangeso adonawo?
Kkkkkkkkk boma lamalawi zonvensa chinsoni kwabasi mukulephela kuthensa umphawi mukukalimbana kumamanga anthu onsauka dziko.koma kumaba ndalama basi koma mudziwe kuti chilango chikukudikira kwamulungu ndiulamulilo wanu oipawo mulungu akakulangani kulimbana ndiamphawi has?
kma guyz nkhan zmenez ndzovuta kwambiri, kaz wa level yako akumakhala kut anawonongedwa kale, so tmafanat tmakhala tovela. ngat gvt ikut ana akaphuzre more over cito zkusowa, ndie everybody akhale ophuzra dey can aford kumupasa alyese ma basic needs? tkwatrane ndtmafanato dollar zsanattalkire.
Stupid police .
Muzamumangeso mai wina kuno ku malawi wapereka mimba kwa mwana wa zaka 8 wamamuna
Bad character
The same girl I heard that she commit socide becouse his boyfriend left her with pregnant and date another girl.
malawian police are good at arresting people with such cases they are experts but thugs and armed robbers they cant even try to chase after them
Man,u just hate malawi police.have u ever gone thru wat malawi police has achieved?do u know malawi police recovered stolen property worthy bilions?do u kno that dispite other countries Malawi police has no equipment used to detect like cctv cameras,helocopters etc?they are stil usng outdated resources amwene.nkuti kumene kulibe mbava ndiuchigawenga?ku RSA kuli zonse zofunika koma still umbava ulikobe..lets stop our critisms and join hands in a fight against criminalogy
How many robers have been arested or shot?howmany officers jopardised their lives for the safety of us?howmany officers lost their lives?muziganiza man
May u please spegcify how old is that an underage girl. 4, 8, 16 or what age?
Masiku otsililza ndithu
Akanakhala kt anamugwiririra koma anamfusira iye nkulola,ndiye mummangiranji?Amasulidwe ameneyo vuto si iye kma mkaziyo coz akanakhala mwana akanakana kma anaona kt atha kutero,musiyeni akakwatirane,akasamale mimba ndi mwana wobwerayo,mmalo momanga akuba ndala zaboma mulimbana ndi okuba nkhuku dziko ili anzanga?
dats gud amajayira continue impregnating underage guyz..
Amunamizira Dan wavala sapato yamwana…sure size ten angavale bwanji size one…? Nanga size 1 angangenetse bwanji size 10…?
Kodi if u keep arresting men are u going to take care of those pregnancies.Be serious guys i don’t think that’s a good solution ndichimodzi modzi kuti mukuonjedzera mabvuto kwa makolo amkadziyo why don’t seat down en make other ways of solving the matter kundende kudzidzaza ndi anthu nkhani zake zazii chakudya chomwe mukuonongela kumakadyetsa anthu awa osakapatsa anthu obvutika kumidzi bwanji?.
Do you really want to tell me that ana akusowa chithandizowa its because azibambo awo ali ku ndende?
we have thousands of children suffering ngakhale azibambo awo alipo , stop breaking the law.
So how many are u going to arrest inu kwanu kulibe omwe adapanga zimenedzi mudawamangitsa?.Lamulo limagwira ntchito kwa anthu osauka that much i know.okuba mbuzi Ten yrs okuba ma million 2yrs so stop using those laws kwa anthu osauka.Kumalawi kuli lamulo lomwe limayenda pa olemera???.
in malawi we have weird laws bro
Nde awa akufune atiuzepo chiyani apa za ziiii zamkhutu iwowonso alinawo brother wao adapangako koma adangopinda pinda.Mwana joice banda sadaotche escom house kuti asokonedze information ya ndalama zomwe adaba they end up kukamutema Lawyer dd u arrested them??? Where are they nde muzikalimbana ndi munthu wopatsa mimba woti aberekedweyo ndi Mzika yamalawi.Ndi police iti itatha kumanga idakathandidzako wamimbayo or kukagula bby blankat???.
nkhani zanu zopusazo simutopa nazo kulemba?
Nde zachambatuuu…!! Mumasuleni ndiosalakwa
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Endless X-cRapper Gobede Jnr