Mutharika angers Malawian human rights body over July 20 compensation

Peter Mutharika

The Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC) has called out government for failure to give K30 million to relations of the victims of the July 20 2011 demonstrations.

Government has been failing to comply with a court order to compensate the victims.

Speaking to the local press, HRCC chairperson Robert Mkwezalamba said failure to comply with court orders means government takes the role of the judiciary in the country for granted.

Peter Mutharika
Peter Mutharika: Has come under fire.

“By failing to implement issues of the judiciary it shows no respect and no regards to the role of the judiciary and in other way we can say court orders are as good as useless,” said Mkwezalamba.

He called on the executive arm of the government to respect decisions made by the judiciary arguing no one should be seen to be defying the constitution.

However, Attorney General Kalekeni Kaphale said the treasury looks at procedures in handling court orders.

“Whenever there is judgment, we inform the treasury and it serves the one who comes first and it cannot just pay fresh debts,” said Kaphale.

But some quarters believe government is failing to implement the court order due to economic hardships that the country is currently facing.




  2. Herbert!!!!!! Ndaseka Mpaka Kulira mmmmmh Mpaka Kukanika Kupita Ku Church just Bcoz Of Bwampini kkkkkkk koma Anthu Ena…….

  3. Ma demo aku Malawi omaswa ma shop instead of kungokatula kalata yamadandaulo bas. Mukudziwa mmene zidalili inu chisokonezo chokhachokha mmalo mwa mtendere. Mabungwe omwe adambitsa ma demo akuluakulu ake adali alikunyumba zawo koma vuto achinyamata kutengeka. Ndiye mabungwe akuyenera kuwapanga compensate anthu woferedwawo not gvt. Ma demo onse achika pakatipa adali abwino excluding a chanco & Poly zachisokonezo bas. KCN idapanga bwino bwino osat zomenyana ndipolisi, kuba katundu ndizina

  4. Bwanawe Peter usapeleke ndalama, izi ndimbava zophunzira zikufuna zibe. Mapeto ake azidzanena kuti, boma lako linaononga ndalama silimayendetsa bwino zachuma. Awatu simavuto ogwa mwadzidzidzi, koma anachita kuwatsenza pamutu ndikumathamanga nawo. Chonsecho akudziwa kuti, watsenza phala la moto angogwa wathera pomwepo asiye akhakhakha akuba kudzera dzina la sukulu.

  5. guyz kumakhala ndi mtima wa umunthu mmene khusa wasowera panomo mukuganiza kuti boma lizitenga kuti ndalamazo.inuyo munakhanitsa kusonkhana n nkupanga ma demo bwanji pagulu lanulo osasonkha limodzi limodzi ndikuapatsa omwe akufuna chithandizowo?

  6. The Human rights body leaders must pay this amount not government as you were the ones who organised the demonstrations together with MCP then leader John Zenus Ungapake Tembo.As a concern citizen,am behind the government for not giving then that money.I would advise the buy food for the starving people across the country.

    1. The demonstration were peaceful,it doesn’t matter who was the leader of the demos.but the truth is people were killed by the government for expressing their dissatisfaction with the previous administration there for the government must pay

    2. There were not peaceful brother,i was at Lilongwe Area 49 Proper where some two protesters were shot dead because they were throwing Stone at police.And again at Area 25 Msungwi,it was a worst situation brother where some guys took advantage by breaking the Chipiku shop there and took stuffs.All these am talking i saw with my naked eyes,so was that a peaceful demonstrations,Mr Matumbi???

    3. Government job is to protect it’s citizens.,bringing order and educate. There’s is no chapter in our constitution where it says the government must kill the people if they are demonstrating. Be it violent or peaceful. #Watch this space government will pay for killing it’s people,no matter how long but it will compensate the families.Democracy is not autocracy. In a democratic country people is power. And the president’ is well aware of that

  7. Peter Muthalika Sizikumukhudza, Amene Adafa Kuma Demo Zidali Zofuna/ zadala Mmene Akukomera Kanyani, Dekabu ,bonya Komaso Mpunga Wa Kilombero Munthu Ndikumakalimbana Ndi Boma Kuzungulira Mutu Ndithudi, Tiyeni Tigwire Ntchito Molimbika Kuti Tipeze Zosowa Zathu . Ndalama Asawapatse, Ngati Asowa Ya soap Ndi Ya Ndiwo Apite Kwa Amene Adayambitsa Ziwonetsero Akatenge Ndalama zimene Akufunazo, Misokho Yathuyo Ayi. Amalawi Kupusa Mutengerepo Phunziro Amene Adayambitsayo Alipo Alimoyo Moti Mawa Mmawa Amwa Tea Wa Mkaka, Masana Nsima Ya Nyama, Madzulo Modzichepetsa Adya Mpunga Wa Mazira, Ngati Zinga Vutitsitse Adya Nsima Ya Ndiwo chambo Chootcha , Amabungwe Asakupusitseni Ndinu Anthu Akulu Akulu, Amabungwe Kupanda Kukupusitsani Amadziwa Kuti Iwo Sadya Kwawo. 20 July Demo #Mudapindulanji? #phindu Lake Ndichiyani Mudapezapo, Tiyeni Tikhale Ochenjera, Asatigwiritse Ntchito, Tiyeni Tigwire Ntchito Ndimanja Athu Molimbika {Hard Work Never Kill}.

  8. Kunena chilungamo ndalama sizingapezeke zopereka kwa alesi ngati amenewo. Ndalama zichokera kuti? Mesa ndi pariament imapanga budget? Nde peter ndalama azitenge kuti? Nthawi ya joyce banda bwanji simunkavuta? Iwoo amaba nchifukwa anashutidwa. No compersation.

  9. The dude is a mozambican,this is why he doesn’t hear,consider and understand the complaints of Malawians,our forefathers fought for all Malawians to enjoy the Malawi nation but for 52 years only educated fools are beneficiaries,Save us jah!

  10. Achitsiru inu mesa munaitana anthu akubawo ndinu? Muonetse mphamvu zanu mukapekeke K30 Million yo, Olo ndilj ine president sindingapeleke chipepetso kwa mbava, Zamuwawa asamukire ku Mocambique ndipafupi olo wapansi akafika

  11. this man is a major source of anger to all of us Malawians, when am angry it’s because of him, when I miss church it’s because of him. Amatikwiyisa kowopsya aMalawi tonsefe okonda mtendere, he came from whereva he was to make us angry

    1. Tangosamukila ku mozambic ukaone zina basi. Azikataya ndalama ndi mabava ngati zimenezo anzao anapanga ma demo osaphedwa iwo kufuna kuba ndiye azikafuna chipepeso

  12. Ena ife azibale athu anaphedwa nthawi ya Kamizu sanatipase kalikose, zoti tsiku limenelija kunaonongeka katundu wa anthu ?? Nanga bwanji osabweza kaye ndalama za anthu omwe katundu wawo anaonongeka chifukwa cha ma demo amenewa

  13. Ndalamazo sizingabwerese miyoyo ta anthu omwe anamwalirawo. Ndizija amati tiphike sadaka chikhalirenicho munthuyo pamene amadwala mumalephera kugulira kena kake. Pasadaka ndie kupha khuku,mbudzi abata ndie otsanena. Kukhala ine paka taukako kumandako kudzawamenya anthu pa sadaka yangayo.

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