The Dowa first grade magistrate court has sentenced a 44-year old man to two years imprisonment with hard labour for cultivating Indian hemp.
According to court records, police in the district received a tip that the convict, Luka Belewa, was cultivating Indian hemp in his garden at Mtengowopota village in Traditional Authority Msakambewa.
CID officials went to the chamba field and managed to uproot the plant covering an area of about half an acre. They also arrested Belewa and charged him for cultivating Indian hemp, a crime contrary to contrary to section 6 subsection 1 as read with regulation 19 sub section (1) b of Dangerous Drugs Act.
The law enforcers took the herb to Chitedze Research Station where a quick examination confirmed that it was indeed Indian hemp.
During the court hearing, Police prosecutor constable Ezala Bakili told the court to give the suspect a stiff punishment.
Third grade magistrate Harrison Sitiki, agreed with the state and sentenced Belewa to two years imprisonment with hard labour to deter other would be offenders.
The convict comes from Mtengowopota village in T/A Msakambewa in Dowa district.
sindizasiya kulima chamba ndi gold .y apolice mukulimbana ndmunthu oti akukhesa thukuta kulima kusiya wa cash gate nanuxo tizakuonexa coz mukuxiya kulimba ndiwa cash gat mukulimbana ndmulimi
hahaha sindidzasiya kusuta kanabisi,ganja,malijuana,chamba,indian herb,zolo,ever green .orh sh**t fucken grvment
I wonder where Malawi is going, a company from England has been granted with license to grow chamba yet our own people are facing charges on same thing. Why…..?
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
Aaa 2basi mukanaikaponso 2wina kuti zikhale 22 kuti ena atengelepo phunzilo,mwalo molima chimanga akulimbana ndi zinthu zopengesa ameneyo Mbuzi etiii
Achitetezo ndizonso mbava zokhazokha
Zomamanga anthu pazifukwa zopanda pake nde zachambazo!!!! mtayen munthuyo, ngati wmasowa chochita tiyeni kumachinga tikasake okupha ma Albino!!
Ndichifukwa chiyan amalawi timakonda kumanga munthu wozilimbikila kutsiya akuba achuluka awa
Nane ninalimako kuno
Nane ninalimako kuno
Amalawi ndicifukwa chake tikusaukila saukila mesa munthuu anakapeza ndalama zambili kuthandizila banjalake inu mwamumanga 2ys in prison zocitsilu mwacitazo mwacedwetsa chitukuko Ngat mwatopa kazikakwatan akaz anu numawapatsa zimimba idiot
Fodya 1kg@1dolla. Chamba 1kg@1050 dollaz malawi wise up kukhomererana bwanji open nsika wachamba not kumawamanga olimao mind u ana anu sadzakhala apolice
Mumutuluse pasanathe 24 hrs zandinyasa ife timadalira ganja yomweyo
I encourage the convict to carry on with the research
Chamba sichongo suta it can be manufactured into other products,un curphen the people.komaso ku malawi kuno game sitimaipenya kuno diamond or gold tilimbe we can make money from weed.we have the fertility soil lets make use of it
A malawi nkhan iyi ndyovesa chisoni kwambiri koma ine ndikulonjeza Kut nkhan ya chambayi ife sitizasiya coz ndizamakola apolice inu mzatimange
A Police ngat mukulephera. Kumanga mbava za cashgate tiuzeni ife timange mbavazo ma billion anabedwa kale kale zamanyazi Lero mukulimbana ndi wachamba chochita kuzilimila mukatero mwalanda nkumakagulitsanso kak bwampini Iwe
police don’t discriminate my culture it neva hurt nobody’s brain,it is the healing of a nation #perfect_tree
2years yokha basi?nde ineso ndiyamba kulima2
mwalakwa ine ndikati ndabanda inali ganja ya ada amenewa nde mukuti nditani apapa?
mwalakwa ine ndikati ndabanda inali ganja ya ada amenewa nde mukuti nditani apapa?
Osakamba za cashgate bwanj kuvutika bas wa chamba walakwa chani mesa timasuta azilima ndan chonde siyeni ali ndi ana avutika chamba ndi chan paka kumalingeza mulibe manyaz inu takambani za albino inu ndi za cashgate plz
Osakamba za cashgate bwanj kuvutika bas wa chamba walakwa chani mesa timasuta azilima ndan chonde siyeni ali ndi ana avutika chamba ndi chan paka kumalingeza mulibe manyaz inu takambani za albino inu ndi za cashgate plz
Dis is stupit!!! bwanji osamanga ma gay?mbava zikuba ndalama ku bank osazimanga bwanji?mfiti zikutha ma Albino osazimanga mukulimbana ndi munthu woti .akulima ndi thukuta lake.mxiiii.kuputsa basi.agalu inu nyani zachabechabe.
Fyah bon bad mind pple, osamanga amathanyulawa bwanji? dnt u knw dat ganja z da food fi di prain?
Ngati mukumanga alimi ambewu yaphindu ngati imeneyi ndiye ati atukule dziko ndani zopusa basi
sizooona atuluke basi
Manyi Apolice Waa! Mzifuse Khungunizo Kut Chambacho Akalanda Amapita Nacho Kut? [ Si Zisiluzo Zimayesa Chakumwa Mwina Chosuta Chambacho] Boma La Malawi Likanavomela Kut Anthu Azilima Chamba As Cash Crop, Bwezi Nyumba Yiliyose Have A car In Malawi Kma Malamulo Womwe Muli Nawo Mmalawi Kuvomeleza Kuphana Basi [ And Malawi NOW Called SHADE BLOODED Country Coz Mwakhesa Kwambir Mwazi Ya Albinos] Ishiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .
Chamba ndichodula m’mene likusaukira boma lathumu oxawalora anthu kti tizingolima chambachi bwanji amene akulimawa ali ndi nzeru zofuna kutukula dziko lathu bwanji kupondelezana amalawi aixe ukazatuluka zapitilize kulimako
chamba is a herb
its almost a decade now bakili akuyendela ku khoti pazama biliyon mlandu wa Apm ofuna kulanda boma unatha bwanji? koma uyu olima chamba choti amasuta yekha mwagamula kale! ishiiiiiiii Bushiri alowelerepo apaa basii
Eeesh 2 bad 4 ma bush docotor
babylon system
Zasolobana,zatchokova ndipo zayang’ana kuli ngolo,munthu osauka kwake nkundende popeza chilungamo chikati chilankhule ndalama zimasokoneza
aaaaaaah manyazi mulibe
ife timalima koma sichinakhwime akufuna busness 088 123 4567
Nosense…,,,,Ndie chomwe walakwa ndichani?
Aaaaaa no chifukwa chani
Amalawi why muli so zakumatako mesa herb nimankhwala? judge I curse u, jah also punish galu iwe!!
Fuck u all stuff mumutuluse
This is unfair why the government z accusing innocent people? He was cultivating it coz he don’t have source of income if it z like dat de government must arrest all the gay’s. Legalise manthanyura kumanga olima zomera kt apeze nchere go to hell the government
Mwinaso ndimitengo iwiri yeniyeni chifukwa ku Dowa samalima chamba ayi mwiniwake mwina analima kuti azisuta basi asanje mkukawuza agalu upusawa akumalawi kunowa nde poti alibe ndalama ndimulimi mpaka amutengera ku court zaziiii mukani achina Bakili kkk ma big man
Osamagwila akutiphela abale athu alubeno bwanji??ife tikulila coz der iz no action abt dis kma kulimbana ndi achamba…God wil judge u as u do in dis earth foolish judge
amafna kulemera musiyen
Zankutu basi!! Ndye chambacho mumusamalile akadzatuluka adzachipeze
Eee xukunama osat azikaxuta agaluwa
Teleku atenga kale atsegulaso ma camp osutila nthawi yomwei2
kumeneko ndie ku mw
walakwa chani munthu…. zachuluka zakazo osangomupatsa two days bwa?
Zopusa Basi is Ganja a Drug or a herb,ndiwofunika tisithe malamuro ena achisamundawa,why muthu akavutike kundende chifukwa cha Chamba pamene andale amatibera ndikumango dyelera .Zopusa m’sete
wachamba 2 yrs ,opha alubino 1 yr, fwetseekiiii!!! zankutu!!!