…he had threatened to expose their corruption
Malawi24 can exclusively report that opposition Malawi Congress Party Member of Parliament for Mchinji West Billy Kanjira Banda who collapsed on Sunday 13 March and was later pronounced dead at hospital had a bitter fight with deputy speaker of Parliament Esther Mcheka Chilenje and cabinet members. That was on Friday.

Kanjira on Friday stood on a point of order to allege that cabinet ministers were going to pocket money in excess of millions once the bill to the office of President and Cabinet was passed. He was commenting after Kamlepo Kalua had made the allegations.
“It was Kamlepo who had started the allegation that ministers were pocketing money illegally. He was later challenged by leader of the house Francis Kasaira who asked Kalua to provide evidence. When Kalua took his seat after failing to provide the evidence, Kanjira rose on a point of order to keep commenting on the issue. He was stopped by the deputy speaker but he maintained that he wanted to talk as he had the evidence that Kalua was lacking,” said Malawi24’s political analyst Mike Kangwele.
Malawi24 understands that Kanjira insisted that cabinet ministers were going to pocket MK50 million each once the vote was passed. When he was asked for evidence, he claimed that he had it. However, when the deputy speaker ordered him to bring the evidence on Monday 14 March, the fight took another turn and started attacking the speaker.
“Kanjira and Mcheka Chilenje were involved in a better argument which saw him get expelled from Parliament. The deputy speaker was insisting that he provides evidence and he challenged that he cannot provide it although he had earlier said that he had the evidence, this created trouble with the two and the speaker later used her powers to kick him out of the house,” said our analyst.
For his remarks, the MP was met with boos and interruptions from cabinet ministers who kept insisting that he sits down as he never had a case to make. However Kanjira had insisted that he knew of their corruption. He even challenged that he could tell who had pocketed MK50 million in the previous month.
When the fight however took a wrong turn and became a debacle between him and the speaker, he was kicked out. He left the house expecting to appear in the house on Monday most likely with the evidence that DPP cabinet ministers are involved in corruption.
He collapsed in Church on Sunday and rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.
However, a Whatsapp DPP group was once caught pants down discussing how to punish critic Blessings Chinsinga through the use of magic. Members of the group had discussed that they could silence Chinsinga in the same way they silenced one upon a time noisy activist Undule Mwakasungula who suffered a life threatening illness after being involved in serious fights with the DPP leadership.
Amalawi 24 mwatikwana with your incomplete stories zimene zimatisiya in dilemma,ife nkumakangana,ngati nkhani simukuidziwa musamatiuze zopepela zanuzi ZATIKWANA!!
Amalawi 24 mwatikwana with your incomplete stories zimene zimatisiya in dilemma,ife nkumakangana,ngati nkhani simukuidziwa musamatiuze zopepela zanuzi ZATIKWANA!!
You writing as if is to play with, I think you are heartless,Death is terrible issue, why can’t you comment on other issues,benefit you,than get cursed here.Mwasowa ntchito eti,stop that,i lost my uncle you speaking nonses,God punish you.STOP,nonsense.
Nthawi yake inakwana basi.Bola ngati analapa
Point of correction @Mr J j Jowyn Jonam its not Chihana who died in parliament its
4mer speaker Rodwell Munyenyembe.no 1will escape death nthawi yake yakwana ameneyo wapita ndi nkwiyo tasala ndife tiknze moyo wathu b4 this day.
Mayi malawi why are u changing like dis jah guide we dis last dayz look enough evil Amen
so which is which? ena akuti he collapse @church when he had a vocal confrontation with a guard over parking space! huh??? anyway RIP
nde mupitirize mwano mutha afititu amapezera mwai anthu mukayambana
Wamwalira wamwalira basi nthawi yake ndiimeneyi yomwe Mulungu adamukonzera
Kumwambaso akakhala wa opposition. Tithokoze Ambuye pomukantha munthu wosokonezayu, wakumoto basi
Dangerous paliament of Malawi muzisamala mukalowamo munafera gulu mmenemo
Mukakafika musakachedwe kumuitanisa peter ndi nduna zake kt akacheze ndi bingu.moni kwa gadaf n mandela.muyende bwino a aaaaaa
Mukakafika musakachedwe kumuitanisa peter ndi nduna zake kt akacheze ndi bingu.moni kwa gadaf n mandela.muyende bwino a aaaaaa
mvula ikagwa…adakafa MP wa DPP bwenzi mukuti chani?
mvula ikagwa…adakafa MP wa DPP bwenzi mukuti chani?
Mwalo moti tione kut tithane ndi mavuto ndiye zichaniso izi ndalama mukutengazo ndiye kuti chani?ndiye munyela amabungwe azichita okha tikuonelani panyopanu agalu inu mwatikola.
Lets not deny it ku malawi ufiti uliko..finish!!
Lets not deny it ku malawi ufiti uliko..finish!!
Kwasala nthengo moto umapita kolo
She must resign. Honestly she may have contributed to it.
Hiiiii!!!!! Koma abele….mfitiyo ndikujhala ndaa? Bingutu ameneyo siwinanso.
dziko likusokonezeka mitu chifukwa cha ma journalists ngati inu.ngati kaluwa analibe umboni ndipo anakhala pansi atafusidwa kuti apereke umboni.nde iyeyu poti ngwa mcp amati umboni autenga kuti ngati amapita ma office andunazo kukaba umboniwo.kapena amagwira ntchito kuma lamya ndew amapasa zomwe makambirana? a mcp mukuokoneza mitu ya ife osakonda zandale zanuzo.
nawo siamuyaya
Koma abale
Nanga bwanji mukukana kuti ufiti kulibe? Kodi ufiti upose pamenepa?
Get a lesson from that osamafuna kukhala dolo pa gulu
A DPp nd amene mukukana zot amulodza musamakambe za manye nd phungu wakwathu wafau ndpo smukudzwa momwe ife ztkuwawla andmange kma clungamo ndckut wapha ndi ameneo bas
All this hatred in Malawi is because of among other factors; irresponsible journalism like this.
Adakuuzani ndindani kuti andale siafa bwanji a kabwira sadafe mmene adavitira muja?
sad news.
Tamafana anyima inu u olwez kukanganana zinthu za zii shu pt
Ameneyo ndi pitala wamuloza unakhala bwanji kodi ufiti iwe
Kwa mulungu ndili tinachokela komwekonso tizabwelela
dont twist ma issues.akapanga collapse ndekuti amulodza?tikudziwa kuti anali ndi vuti lanji ife
zosadabwitsa nde ndalezo, osayiwala ndale nkukolanakolana
Zakhala bwino nde kuti Mphavu za MCP zachepelapo
eeee, mosachotsela amulodza. Nanga lachisanu lomweli ayi pafupikitsa! Mwalakwa afiti inu kukhala sichoncho aaaaa! Koma tiona nyanga amachita chogulatu!
If you say he has been bewitched! Tell us when , how, and where was he supposed to die? Looks like most of you know when he was supposed to die!
Ma Reporter anthu awa sayankhula zogwira mtima. you can fight with your wife at home then taking your car to work then you got involved in accident,die at the same spot doesn’t mean your wife kills you. John Tembo said death is death
Ma Reporter anthu awa sayankhula zogwira mtima. you can fight with your wife at home then taking your car to work then you got involved in accident,die at the same spot doesn’t mean your wife kills you. John Tembo said death is death
Ma Reporter anthu awa sayankhula zogwira mtima. you can fight with your wife at home then taking your car to work then you got involved in accident,die at the same spot doesn’t mean your wife kills you. John te
Ma Reporter anthu awa sayankhula zogwira mtima. you can fight with your wife at home then taking your car to work then you got involved in accident,die at the same spot doesn’t mean your wife kills you. John te
Simuyambe mwalembapo chanzelu inu
Simuyambe mwalembapo chanzelu inu
RIP Him.Banda
RIP Him.Banda
Bodzaso ili wamwalirira kunoku area 25
Bodzaso ili wamwalirira kunoku area 25
False news death is death
False news death is death
Palibe Amene Wapha Mzake Ngat Wafa, Wafa Ndi Malingaliro Manyazi Chifukwa Chot Anatulisidwa Mparliament Amaganiza Kwambiri Ameneyu Kapena Tingot Bp Kukanakhala Kupha Akanapha Uja Ananena Presdent Kut Dectator Osat Zimene Mukuganizazo
Palibe Amene Wapha Mzake Ngat Wafa, Wafa Ndi Malingaliro Manyazi Chifukwa Chot Anatulisidwa Mparliament Amaganiza Kwambiri Ameneyu Kapena Tingot Bp Kukanakhala Kupha Akanapha Uja Ananena Presdent Kut Dectator Osat Zimene Mukuganizazo
mmanena kuti ufiti kulibe kuti mudziphana bwino. muyaluka
Kaneneni Kupolisi Yomwe Muli Nayo Pafupi
Kaneneni Kupolisi Yomwe Muli Nayo Pafupi
Malo alionse muthu atha kufa poti infa ndithawi infa ilibe kolite
Malo alionse muthu atha kufa poti infa ndithawi infa ilibe kolite
anamuuza pozabweranso muno uzabweretse umboni iye poona umboni palibe bp inamugwira mkugwa ndale za ana sng’ono ndizimenezi mutha
anamuuza pozabweranso muno uzabweretse umboni iye poona umboni palibe bp inamugwira mkugwa ndale za ana sng’ono ndizimenezi mutha
The sons and daughtaz of lucifa we know yo works.
The sons and daughtaz of lucifa we know yo works.
Mmmmm nthawi inakwana basi anakafa ndindani malo mwa iyeyo ?imfa ilibe zoti ndamuona zulo kaya wakangana ndindani kulibe
Mmmmm nthawi inakwana basi anakafa ndindani malo mwa iyeyo ?imfa ilibe zoti ndamuona zulo kaya wakangana ndindani kulibe
Funsani ife ma profit
Funsani ife ma profit
Lazaras chakwera
Lazaras chakwera
mwamulodza MP wa chipani chathu but watch out next will be you
mwamulodza MP wa chipani chathu but watch out next will be you
mwamulodza MP wa chipani chathu but watch out next will be you
mwamulodza MP wa chipani chathu but watch out next will be you
point of order!,,,,, punishing academicians wont help solve things,,, why do u want to punish chinsinga?,,, this wont develop malawi anymore if these allegations are true
Nafe tirodza athu
ufiti kulibe siku lake linamkwanira R•i•p
Mwayambaxo kuphana nokhanokha et
this paper mxiiiew, its very unprofessional
Very sad and shocking MHSRIP
Very sad and shocking MHSRIP
24 radio inu amalawi kodi mumayikhulupilira amalemba zabodza anthu amenewa
Wasogora tizawonana msogoro.
Mmmm inu nthawi yangokwana… Mwati amamenyana ndi mzimai ati
When all has been said and done
All your treasures will mean nothing
Only what you’ve brought before God.
MCP won’t stand for you
Its you and your MAKER!
dnt judge….may his soul RIP
Munthu amafa Pamene Wadwala What Matter’s Time( Seconds ? Minutes ? Hours ? Days ? Weeks ? Months ? Years ?)
Tikudikira 30 days mourning period ife.
oppose mcp=get ready to die
oooho….. nsanje…. eish… ndasiya ineeeeee
My people are perishing for luck of knowledge
Esther sanalodze munthu, inu Bingu atafera pampando sipaja munkagula ng’ombe kumadya? leronso gulani tidye nawo.
Why is that we malawians believe in witchcraft too much?this is not good at all thats why at times God is against us,he turns his back on us because of these ,how many people in malawi have died in such circumstances?Munyenyembe,Mutharika just to mention afew they died in such conditions so why are you trying to confuse people with this death?this is not good at all change your attitudes for the better this will not build malawi rather destroy.everyone who is alive has aday to die so you mean every person before his or her death they have to bid afarewell and narrate to you how the death will occur?this is not good at all you are giving people and the youngones abad picture to believe in things that are useless
Aaaaaa abraz zopanda pake
Wachita bwino ena aphunzile kupeleka ulemu kwa Akulu akulu
if its ur tym,u can’t run away 4m t,pipo wil talk differently,exchanging views,even exchangang blowz & machete simplifyng dat u dot hv faith in u,ngat nzaufiti why God allows his son 2 b tampered wth while he waz in his temple?(he collapsed in church),o tingz hapening now r already in God’s plans,lets jst praise Him 4 de tym we’re passing thru!!
its amazing hw malawians wil owez cum up wit sumtin’ to say. mufuna kunena kuti amulodza mmmh bodza limenelo. or kungova that kudana ndi DPP nde basi chili chose kumango wapaka basi..?
Ndimene Amapangila Satana Palibepo Kulozedwa Apa .
Ndiye kuti Ntolankhani walemba nkhaniyi afuna atiuze kuti phunguyu wafa chifukwa chokangana ndi speaker?
Ngati malemuyo anachita mwano, ndi momwemo. Nanga kutsutsa ndi za ku nyumba ya zomwe?
The only message I get from this story is that the writer believes in magic and is trying to convince people that the MP was killed by either the speaker or any of the beneficiaries of the alleged corruption. This is one kind of stories that I don’t buy because they don’t present facts but rather the views and beliefs of a writer. Finally I don’t believe in magic so the whole story makes nonsense to me.
May his saul #Rip
kunalembedwa kt azafa…..basi….Bingu anafaso choncho….iyaaaaa
Akuti akoza ose akulankhula zoti boma lakanika zomwe limkalonjeza
R. I. P.
Ziyendedi mwachangu mwi.a ndata kumzazako mwachangu kuti maufumu akwawowo azikallamulira kumandako osogoleri apa wakanika
Pitala is keeping on shading innocent blood . No wonder he will not live beyond april
the honourable member had a quarrel with the first deputy speaker on friday ok and on sunday the honourable member collapsed n later pronounced dead.ok to me sounds as a coincidence no foul play.what the bible says about death? You shall surely die,the bible didnot indicate time death will come,it maybe today or tomorrow all we have to do is to be on our guard so as it comes death shall find us holy on face of God.May the soul of honurable member rest in eternal peace.Amen.
School me school of Journalism is this analysis or story telling? Please there is a lot that is lacking in these products. There is a lot lacking Please lectures be serious give us complete reporters not half baked ones. Thrres too much mixing of stories. Go in archives and read stories written by George Matewere. A Mvona what are doing always getting raw deals.
Mwapotokola khosi dala komaa ku Malawi iiiii
ng’oma yoliritsa sichedwa kusweka amayenda akudwala munthuyu,sizimene mukunenazo ayi,
achita kupha ameneyo .Pple are afraid of bring exposed to.Mmene anafela Mafunyeta boma la masten .Mu boma mwachuluka an2 a nyanga
Ndale zaku Malawi mmmmm ine mantha kundigwira
Streess imeneyo not bewitched
Ngati dziko ndi bwino kumawasiyira anthu odziwa za chipatala kuti atiuze chomwe chachitika kuti moyo uluzike mwachangu chonchi, nanga nthawi imene zimachitika izi anthu amene anayandikana ndi malemuwa amadziwa chomwe amayenera kuchita kuti ateteze moyo, izi ndi zina zimene tikhonza kumaziunika tisanaganizire za ufiti, powopa ngodzi ngati izi tsogolo muno,
this article provider is full of lies and half baked stories. . I doubt if the man is really dead
Ndiye kuti Bingu anaphedwanso??
Mcheka wamucheka Kanjira Banda.Mcheka zoona kuthana kotere ndi kwabwino? A ku Nsanje amene munatentha anthu 7 aja uyu mungomusiya chonchi? Eee koma azimayi enawa.Kumaliro usadzapite nawo akakugenda ndi miyala.Mundimange.
Munthu ndioyipa chabwino komaso a speaker sanayankhule bwino Friday
pofela salambula, koma maniwa alambulapo and iyi inali nthawi yake yatsoka
Ndnamvera prog imeneyiija ndipo he was indeed a brave man.Amayankha chilungamo munthuyu chifukwa ngat deputy speaker wamuuza kut asiye kuyankhura there was no way kut azomufusa the evidence of that same story he was ordered to stop
Mwapha anyan inu.
Amupha ameneyo basi. Anthu oipa inu tiziphana chonchi? RIP
Kodi ngati nkulozedwa Malemuyi zatheka bwanji? Mesa abomawa amati kulibe ufiti? Lelo ndiye aziti anakangana ndi Speaker, amuloza akutanthauza chani? Ma lawmaker omwewa ndi amene anapanga lamulo loti ufiti kulibe. Ndiye tizi akakhala munthu wamba ufiti kulibe, Mp ufiti kulibe. Kanundu chani aMalawi?
the fact that anakangana ndi speaker does that equate to his death? iv liked your thinking lmao
Indeed temper and emotions aren’t good for our HEALTH!!…eshh kamlepo anayiwonela patali kkkkk.
Musaiwale kuti zigawenga za dpp posachedwapa zimakambirana za momwe angamupwetekere/kumupha Blessings Chinsinga Lecture wa ku Chacellor College pa WhatsApp, nkumalongola momwe adampwetekere Undule Mwakasungula kupyolera muufiti wao. Kuoatula deputy Speaker, womukaikira/suspect akhale Kasaila wa dppboko haram.
Bora Iye Lake Watseka!! Ife Lathu Lili Pululu! Msiyeni Mulungu Akhale Mulungu, Rip Honourable.
that was his time, ufiti kulibe
that was his time, ufiti kulibe
Mawu amalenga a deputy speaker anayankhula kuti athana ndi wina aliyense owatchinga njira,bola zisakhale zoti…….
Mawu amalenga a deputy speaker anayankhula kuti athana ndi wina aliyense owatchinga njira,bola zisakhale zoti…….
Afiti inu
Afiti inu
May his soul rest in peace. But there is no secret under the earth, kwapita iyeko inunso mudzankakongo
May his soul rest in peace. But there is no secret under the earth, kwapita iyeko inunso mudzankakongo
Musaiwale kuti zigawenga za dpp posachedwapa zimakambirana za momwe angamupwetekere/kumupha Blessings Chinsinga Lecture wa ku Chacellor College pa WhatsApp, nkumalongola momwe adampwetekere Undule Mwakasungula kupyolera muufiti wao. Kuoatula deputy Speaker, womukaikira/suspect akhale Kasaila wa dppboko haram.
Mcheka had earlier warned against emotional and bitter exchange of words in parliament during deliberations. She advised Hon Kamulepo that bad temper and emotions are not good for their health. Later on it was late Banda fighting Mcheka before he was chased out of parliament.
Now, remember, when Hon Lucius Banda wanted to move motion to impeach Bingu wa Mutharika on 23 June, 2005 Rodwell Munyenyembe ruled against it. Chaos arose in parliament that resulted in speaker of National Assembly Hon Rodwell Munyenyembe collapsing. He was taken to South Africa and died on monday 27th June, 2005 in South Africa hospital.
This why Hon members ought to be aware that emotions and bitter exchange of words raises blood pressure that would result in depression. It is better to be careful always. Had it not been for the power struggle in parliament Munyenyembe should not have collapsed. Muluzi ganged up with Tembo to remove Bingu, saying Bingu had stolen presidency from UDF by forming DPP. Tembo became cheated when Hon Dumbo Lemani, alleged that Tembo was rightful winner of 2004 elections but UDF had indeed stolen votes for Bingu to win. This was enough propaganda to win support from power hungry John Tembo.
We still have that power hungry breed in parliament currently. We still have tinpot dictators and firebreathers. Let us be very careful! Parliament is assembly point for govt business and not for fights, gradges, envy, jelousies, noise making and bad mouthing.
Mcheka had earlier warned against emotional and bitter exchange of words in parliament during deliberations. She advised Hon Kamulepo that bad temper and emotions are not good for their health. Later on it was late Banda fighting Mcheka before he was chased out of parliament.
Now, remember, when Hon Lucius Banda wanted to move motion to impeach Bingu wa Mutharika on 23 June, 2005 Rodwell Munyenyembe ruled against it. Chaos arose in parliament that resulted in speaker of National Assembly Hon Rodwell Munyenyembe collapsing. He was taken to South Africa and died on monday 27th June, 2005 in South Africa hospital.
This why Hon members ought to be aware that emotions and bitter exchange of words raises blood pressure that would result in depression. It is better to be careful always. Had it not been for the power struggle in parliament Munyenyembe should not have collapsed. Muluzi ganged up with Tembo to remove Bingu, saying Bingu had stolen presidency from UDF by forming DPP. Tembo became cheated when Hon Dumbo Lemani, alleged that Tembo was rightful winner of 2004 elections but UDF had indeed stolen votes for Bingu to win. This was enough propaganda to win support from power hungry John Tembo.
We still have that power hungry breed in parliament currently. We still have tinpot dictators and firebreathers. Let us be very careful! Parliament is assembly point for govt business and not for fights, gradges, envy, jelousies, noise making and bad mouthing.
Ziphanani no wonder mcp don’t prosper
Ziphanani no wonder mcp don’t prosper
Zodabwitsatu Izi! Ayi Pepan
Zodabwitsatu Izi! Ayi Pepan
No comment,coz wapitayi ngwa congress akanakhala Dpp bwenzi zokamba zonyoza mbweeee,Rip
No comment,coz wapitayi ngwa congress akanakhala Dpp bwenzi zokamba zonyoza mbweeee,Rip
Tsamba lomwe mumati malawi 23 kaya mukuti 24, lachuluka mbuli zokhazokha zolemba zake thawi zina nkumatiso mwina bola ng’ombe idakalemba zamzeru. pa chifukwa ichi ndingopereka mbuzi kwa akozi onse atsamba limeneli,aliyese mbuzi,mbuzi,mbuzi
Tsamba lomwe mumati malawi 23 kaya mukuti 24, lachuluka mbuli zokhazokha zolemba zake thawi zina nkumatiso mwina bola ng’ombe idakalemba zamzeru. pa chifukwa ichi ndingopereka mbuzi kwa akozi onse atsamba limeneli,aliyese mbuzi,mbuzi,mbuzi
Tsamba lomwe mumati malawi 23 kaya mukuti 24, lachuluka mbuli zokhazokha zolemba zake thawi zina nkumatiso mwina bola ng’ombe idakalemba zamzeru. pa chifukwa ichi ndingopereka mbuzi kwa akozi onse atsamba limeneli,aliyese mbuzi,mbuzi,mbuzi
Tsamba lomwe mumati malawi 23 kaya mukuti 24, lachuluka mbuli zokhazokha zolemba zake thawi zina nkumatiso mwina bola ng’ombe idakalemba zamzeru. pa chifukwa ichi ndingopereka mbuzi kwa akozi onse atsamba limeneli,aliyese mbuzi,mbuzi,mbuzi
Politics Its a dirty game
Politics Its a dirty game
ndinamvera nawo mmene anakanganira nd deputy speaker. guys zinali zosapatsa ulemu. this guy was a stupid guy. kmabe mzimu wake uuse mu mtendere.
Nde malawi
sinthawi ayi koma munthu?simuli serious you malawi 24mukuchititsa manyazi country
Ngat walozedwa,chimene asakachekera makhwala amulinde apite ndichani,mwasowa zolemba eti.
STOP! Showing sides. God alone the best judge.
Mcheka Fiti Yothelatu,to hell
STOP! Showing sides. God alone the best judge.
Machimo awo mulungu akhuluka cfkwa amwalila chalitchi.
DPP yamuchuna munthuyu basi, walozedwa kuopa kuwulula zinsisi
Akufunikadi nyanga anthu ovuta ngati awa shit
Rest in eternal peace! We wl mis u alot.
zonse adziwa ndi chisuphi namaleng @ tisalozane mapazi .
It must b th work of SATANISTS.
It must b th work of SATANISTS.
journalism?????? What kind of reporting is this???? Amalawi will never change, we can even politiciz the death of somebody. Shame!
journalism?????? What kind of reporting is this???? Amalawi will never change, we can even politiciz the death of somebody. Shame!
R.I.P. tataya MP wathu.
R.I.P. tataya MP wathu.
kodi malawi 24 kaya mumati 29;;;;kuli anthu osaphunzira chonchi? tayisekeni imeneyi ikulephera ntchito..
kodi malawi 24 kaya mumati 29;;;;kuli anthu osaphunzira chonchi? tayisekeni imeneyi ikulephera ntchito..
This wizard wil never find peace in her life until her death and neither in heaven wil find peace she wil also die lupanga lomwe umaphela mzako naweso umafa ndi lomwelo.shame on u devil woman.
This wizard wil never find peace in her life until her death and neither in heaven wil find peace she wil also die lupanga lomwe umaphela mzako naweso umafa ndi lomwelo.shame on u devil woman.
Which woman are you talking about? Musamangothamangira kupanga conclude zinthu. Mapeto ake muzapezeka mukuchimwa ndinu
nanuso osamangothamangila ku backila zinthu mapeto ake mudzpezeka muli mmanja a satana the u knw.dot comment again otherwise…..
nanuso osamangothamangila ku backila zinthu mapeto ake mudzpezeka muli mmanja a satana the u knw.dot comment again otherwise…..
RIP, ngati ali munthu zizamubwelela wapangazi
RIP, ngati ali munthu zizamubwelela wapangazi
Ngati Joshua akunena Zoona wachikulire akusatira pano sipokhalisa
Ngati Joshua akunena Zoona wachikulire akusatira pano sipokhalisa
Anaoneka makani chilipo chimamusata minyama ya kwawo.
Anaoneka makani chilipo chimamusata minyama ya kwawo.
Mwatero Mula Kdi ?
aliyense kunalembedwa kuti azafa nde sometimes i wonder anthu enanu mumapangira malire amoyo wamzanu as if kuti ndinu Mulungu but u have to know that God himself is the one who knows human bieng’s life nde siyani zobwebwetukazo @malawi 24
aliyense kunalembedwa kuti azafa nde sometimes i wonder anthu enanu mumapangira malire amoyo wamzanu as if kuti ndinu Mulungu but u have to know that God himself is the one who knows human bieng’s life nde siyani zobwebwetukazo @malawi 24
ndi anthu odya zamafuta siku lilli lonse awa akuyenela kumafa ngati khuku zachizungu chifukwa amangoganiza zokhutisa mimba zawo basi osaganiza anthu amene anawavotela mmeneakuvutikila ndinjala makwalalamu.
ndi anthu odya zamafuta siku lilli lonse awa akuyenela kumafa ngati khuku zachizungu chifukwa amangoganiza zokhutisa mimba zawo basi osaganiza anthu amene anawavotela mmeneakuvutikila ndinjala makwalalamu.
Munthuyu koma anali opanda khalidwe osamuyamika pot wafa kwamene anaonera pariament friday can agree
Munthuyu koma anali opanda khalidwe osamuyamika pot wafa kwamene anaonera pariament friday can agree
Bingu(RIP) went in that way so was mr Mnyenyembe who bewitched them mr24?
Bingu(RIP) went in that way so was mr Mnyenyembe who bewitched them mr24?
Achilenje nanu mwanyanya ndi ufiti inu malovu antundu wanji amenewo……DPP mwayaluka
Achilenje nanu mwanyanya ndi ufiti inu malovu antundu wanji amenewo……DPP mwayaluka
Kkkkkk it’s so funny. So he died bcoz he threaten deputy speaker? Ok, tell us Malawi 23/24/27. Was that corruption involved by madam deputy speaker the office of speaker the whole?
Kkkkkk it’s so funny. So he died bcoz he threaten deputy speaker? Ok, tell us Malawi 23/24/27. Was that corruption involved by madam deputy speaker the office of speaker the whole?
analysis yopepera nkani unalembedwa ntchito ndi Malawi24
analysis yopepera nkani unalembedwa ntchito ndi Malawi24
Kumapereka ulemu kwa akulu akulu usazayambirenso
Kumapereka ulemu kwa akulu akulu usazayambirenso
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk, ameneyu2 sadzayambiranso
May God, 4give U Fo Ths.
May God, 4give U Fo Ths.
Admin u are out of order,so u deserve this ,ok?
Admin u are out of order,so u deserve this ,ok?
iyayi mvula ikagwa zolira kuchuluka
…….ngati kunalembedwa zakwanilitsidwa. viz thing’s happen else where and it’s not the first… cha life a chihana died in parliament anthu munati Lucius banda, Bingu was given 90 day’s isanakwane anatisiya PAC Ndi anthu ena anakambidwa.mulibe ngelo mu parliament onse ngokhwima politics it’s a dead gumble
True story
iyayi mvula ikagwa zolira kuchuluka
…….ngati kunalembedwa zakwanilitsidwa. viz thing’s happen else where and it’s not the first… cha life a chihana died in parliament anthu munati Lucius banda, Bingu was given 90 day’s isanakwane anatisiya PAC Ndi anthu ena anakambidwa.mulibe ngelo mu parliament onse ngokhwima politics it’s a dead gumble
True story
kkkkk me wonder amangokomenta opanda kuzisata
Kkk koma yaaa. Following.
kkkkkkk nigga that was the only mistake thou.. am historian I know a lot than you
muthuyi amazisata that was just a minor mistake”’ nde mukati sazisata wango commenter inu ozisatanu,, ta commentani basin on history tione kuzisata kwanu kuli pati apa,,,,
Basi tamva chihana sanafere ku SA koma mu paliament taziwa nawo
simpikisano APA was just tryna enlighten Malawian’s if you gat my point you know what I mean…. munthu kufa tisamalozane zala
simpikisano APA was just tryna enlighten Malawian’s if you gat my point you know what I mean…. munthu kufa tisamalozane zala
Neither was it written.
Neither was it written.
chihana wake uti anafere mu parliament’yo
was a hand mistake
This world is not our home.
This world is not our home.
koma amalawi 24 do you read these comments eish
koma amalawi 24 do you read these comments eish
We r on the journey mufune musafune tizafa ndithu tisakangane aliyese alindimene mulungu amulembera zaimfayáke r,i,p
We r on the journey mufune musafune tizafa ndithu tisakangane aliyese alindimene mulungu amulembera zaimfayáke r,i,p
Kungoyamba nkhondo tsopano tatopa nanu. Zitsilu inu mukulamulilanu ana anjoka
Kungoyamba nkhondo tsopano tatopa nanu. Zitsilu inu mukulamulilanu ana anjoka
Ambuye Muwapatse Anthu Akufa Chiutsiro Chosatha Ndipo Kuyera Kosatha Kuwalitse Maso Awo Autse Ndimtendere Amen Ife Ana A Eklezia Tathela Pamepa Yahwe Ndiyemwe Akudziwa Zonse Chonde Tisaweruzane Chiweruzo Musiyireni Mwiniwake Yahwe
Ambuye Muwapatse Anthu Akufa Chiutsiro Chosatha Ndipo Kuyera Kosatha Kuwalitse Maso Awo Autse Ndimtendere Amen Ife Ana A Eklezia Tathela Pamepa Yahwe Ndiyemwe Akudziwa Zonse Chonde Tisaweruzane Chiweruzo Musiyireni Mwiniwake Yahwe
What kind of fight was there?
What kind of fight was there?
Kulengeza koyamba kuja sikunakwanire eti, mwati muonjezere za pa Friday,,,,
Kulengeza koyamba kuja sikunakwanire eti, mwati muonjezere za pa Friday,,,,
The evil that men do live after them.
Nthawi yake yakwana,tiyeni tivomereze a malawi.
Nthawi yake yakwana,tiyeni tivomereze a malawi.
Akatotani mwati?
Akatotani mwati?
its a shame 4 dep to b such panthetic, taking a human soul its totally demonic.
its a shame 4 dep to b such panthetic, taking a human soul its totally demonic.
Everyone shd get prepared bcoz we dont knw where and when
Everyone shd get prepared bcoz we dont knw where and when
moti muja akweni anawainganso mu parliament, muja akadamwalira bwenz mukumatinso aphedwa?? tatiyeni tiziganiza kaye mozama amalawi tisanayankhulepo
moti muja akweni anawainganso mu parliament, muja akadamwalira bwenz mukumatinso aphedwa?? tatiyeni tiziganiza kaye mozama amalawi tisanayankhulepo
Wagwa church aliyense akuona mboni ndi abusa..Nanga Robert Chasowa alipo anaona akugwa kut apezeke ndi mabala mmutu..Jessie Kabwila Kapasula beware
Wagwa church aliyense akuona mboni ndi abusa..Nanga Robert Chasowa alipo anaona akugwa kut apezeke ndi mabala mmutu..Jessie Kabwila Kapasula beware
Nanga imfa ya a Bingu muyifotokoza bwanji. Zinazi tizimusiila Mulungu kuti a weruze
Nanga imfa ya a Bingu muyifotokoza bwanji. Zinazi tizimusiila Mulungu kuti a weruze
Comment reserved for better tomorrow,
Comment reserved for better tomorrow,
Mpaka ndewo
Mpaka ndewo
Life & death is in the hands of God! Brethren let’s know that God’s time is the best! No appointment with death! RIP Hon Member
Life & death is in the hands of God! Brethren let’s know that God’s time is the best! No appointment with death! RIP Hon Member
Amalawi hv u foreget Speaker Rhodwel Munyenyembe
Amalawi hv u foreget Speaker Rhodwel Munyenyembe
Pamenepo muziti ufiti kumalawi kulibe
Pamenepo muziti ufiti kumalawi kulibe
Sorry for your loss
Sorry for your loss
now I understand why the president doesnt read Malawian newspapers indeed its full of garbage. aphunzitsi a journalism mukumaphunzitsa chani?
Dpp siyoseweletsa!! ukapanga matukutuku umafa…
Dpp siyoseweletsa!! ukapanga matukutuku umafa…
is this joke or something?
is this joke or something?
Ayi..its true
Ayi..its true
eish! thats too much..God shud heĺp us
Angulu ufiti
Angulu ufiti
So mcheka chilenje is no longer a sena anymore? she has turned to be a ngulu now? what did yu say are the conections of this death with her pls sindikuimvesa nkhaniyi am nt there?
Sena or Ngulu,she is a witch.Mitundu yokonda za ufiti even ataphunzira
Osamapanga ndale muli odwala DDP/Bp tsogolan tizakupezani man
Osamapanga ndale muli odwala DDP/Bp tsogolan tizakupezani man
Kkkkkkk amalume anuwa ndiye asowatu
Kkkkkkk amalume anuwa ndiye asowatu
Kkkkkk anapita ku theba kalekale sabwelaso kkkk
Pali be Munthu a Mamwalira nthawi yake isanakwane…Ikakwana yakwana Basi…oloko utapanga zotani ufa basi.
Pali be Munthu a Mamwalira nthawi yake isanakwane…Ikakwana yakwana Basi…oloko utapanga zotani ufa basi.
koma ziliko eeee… timva zithu. ..
koma ziliko eeee… timva zithu. ..
politics its dirty game none of dem is good. RIP
politics its dirty game none of dem is good. RIP
Ubwino wake wamwalira mu church. MHSRIP.
Ubwino wake wamwalira mu church. MHSRIP.
This is total fallacy, I can’t believe such unprofessionalism from malawi 24…..its obvious you are working for opposition and satan ….and for all who believe such stupidity, please go for mental check.
This is total fallacy, I can’t believe such unprofessionalism from malawi 24…..its obvious you are working for opposition and satan ….and for all who believe such stupidity, please go for mental check.
Malawi 24, dnt complicate things by takng advantge of the situation. what do u want to achieve? this is very sensitive.do u want to tell us that Mcheka Chilenje and the ministers have caused Banda’s death?give us the evidence.
Malawi 24, dnt complicate things by takng advantge of the situation. what do u want to achieve? this is very sensitive.do u want to tell us that Mcheka Chilenje and the ministers have caused Banda’s death?give us the evidence.
Malawi 24, dnt complicate things by takng advantge of the situation. what do u want to achieve? this is very sensitive.do u want to tell us that Mcheka Chilenje and the ministers have caused Banda’s death?give us the evidence.
You wrongly quote malawi24
Malawi 24, dnt complicate things by takng advantge of the situation. what do u want to achieve? this is very sensitive.do u want to tell us that Mcheka Chilenje and the ministers have caused Banda’s death?give us the evidence.
You wrongly quote malawi24
Its u maulana who has wrongly quote mw 24
Its u maulana who has wrongly quote mw 24
Malawi 24 have bin posting shit for sometimes now..the admin z really misleading pipo
Kodi anthu inu mumakhulupilira za UFITI??????
Kodi anthu inu mumakhulupilira za UFITI??????
Mwayambapo Ufiti Nanga Zakhalanso Bwanji Nanga?? Koma Inu?? Aaaaa R.I.P
Mwayambapo Ufiti Nanga Zakhalanso Bwanji Nanga?? Koma Inu?? Aaaaa R.I.P
Tandiika Ndikhale Nawo Admin Ine,ndkufuna Ndikhale Odtter Of Ths Gage
Tandiika Ndikhale Nawo Admin Ine,ndkufuna Ndikhale Odtter Of Ths Gage
Definately he has been bewitched to hide those ćorruption cirumstances…..koma mmmmm malawi eeeee ayi
Do you have a proof or its political ignorance that makes you believe that?
Definately he has been bewitched to hide those ćorruption cirumstances…..koma mmmmm malawi eeeee ayi
Do you have a proof or its political ignorance that makes you believe that?
Paja ufiti kulibetu ndiye amupha bwanji oti ufiti kulibe?
Paja ufiti kulibetu ndiye amupha bwanji oti ufiti kulibe?
Aaaa mau ngat alipo nde kut chithucho chilipo just by mentioning mfiti there is something lingering in ur mind
Aaaa mau ngat alipo nde kut chithucho chilipo just by mentioning mfiti there is something lingering in ur mind
Siyani phazi achilenje inuuuu bwanji Kodi
Siyani phazi achilenje inuuuu bwanji Kodi
there are no witches/wizards. this is just a natural phenomenon
It happens
It happens
It oz hz turn kt afe mmawa ndweo admin pena ineo or uyoyo.. U want da public 2 blame Mcheka Chilenje kt wamupha??
It oz hz turn kt afe mmawa ndweo admin pena ineo or uyoyo.. U want da public 2 blame Mcheka Chilenje kt wamupha??
Martial struck late to set up a replay at upton park against Westham in FA cup
Martial struck late to set up a replay at upton park against Westham in FA cup
Das part of life RIP basi
Arsanal 1-2 Watford in FA cup
Das part of life RIP basi
Arsanal 1-2 Watford in FA cup
Shupit zugwirizana bwanj ndeye zimenezo zopusa iwe wa malaw24
Shupit zugwirizana bwanj ndeye zimenezo zopusa iwe wa malaw24
Rest in peace .Father.
Rest in peace .Father.
mwapha munthu a Esther Mcheka Chirenje Nkhoma?
mwapha munthu a Esther Mcheka Chirenje Nkhoma?
TB Joshua samalosera ma MP koma ma state leaders basi?
TB Joshua samalosera ma MP koma ma state leaders basi?
Ineso ndimadabwa nayedi kkkkkk
Bwanji TB Joshua sanalosele?
Bwanji TB Joshua sanalosele?
nanu pakuoneka ngati mfundo zanu zinagwa mmene inagwera ndalama ya kwacha boss. Joshua amalosera zirizonse?
Koma tikamanyoza tiziganiza.osangoti poti walankhula ndi bingu ndiye iwe nkukhulupilila ukha choncho TB JOSHWA sanatanthauze ifa dikilani muone zomwe zichitike ndipamene mudzakhulupilila iye.chinachake chichitika osati kufakokha ayi.zikhoza kuchitika wina kuchotsedwa pampando ndizambili sitingathe kuwelenga dikilani.
Koma tikamanyoza tiziganiza.osangoti poti walankhula ndi bingu ndiye iwe nkukhulupilila ukha choncho TB JOSHWA sanatanthauze ifa dikilani muone zomwe zichitike ndipamene mudzakhulupilila iye.chinachake chichitika osati kufakokha ayi.zikhoza kuchitika wina kuchotsedwa pampando ndizambili sitingathe kuwelenga dikilani.
Sizikugwilzanatu bwana ndinkhani mwayanbayi siyani munthu wamulungu.kunbukilani nthawi yanowa. Nthawi ya yesu, analipo anthu ofana ndinu osakhulupilila.opani mulungu bwana.
Sizikugwilzanatu bwana ndinkhani mwayanbayi siyani munthu wamulungu.kunbukilani nthawi yanowa. Nthawi ya yesu, analipo anthu ofana ndinu osakhulupilila.opani mulungu bwana.
Ask Prophet Liabunya wil give you the answer if he fails then senior Prophet TB Josuah. Prophet Isaiah’s book is the best.
Ask Prophet Liabunya wil give you the answer if he fails then senior Prophet TB Josuah. Prophet Isaiah’s book is the best.
This is a stupid analyst…..he died of a natural dealth not what u r writing here…b careful with ur tongue..God is watching u bastard
God, Jesus want us to speak politely
This is a stupid analyst…..he died of a natural dealth not what u r writing here…b careful with ur tongue..God is watching u bastard
God, Jesus want us to speak politely
RIP…….Late Hon. Kanjira Banda.
RIP…….Late Hon. Kanjira Banda.
Komatu admin uziona ndi nkhani zake.
Komatu admin uziona ndi nkhani zake.
And Malawi 24 think he has been bewitched lolz…….RIP
And Malawi 24 think he has been bewitched lolz…….RIP
Moto upita komwe kwasala tchile
Moto upita komwe kwasala tchile
hahahah man Nonse2 apa aphuma akut watsitsika munthu a Edwin musamuyalile nkhata wa moyoi kkk
Koma ndizowonadi kt watsitsimuka?
hahahah man Nonse2 apa aphuma akut watsitsika munthu a Edwin musamuyalile nkhata wa moyoi kkk
Koma ndizowonadi kt watsitsimuka?
R.I.P….Thus God’s Call
R.I.P….Thus God’s Call
Wamupha ndani?
Wamupha ndani?
Ndiye wamupha ndiyeyo?
Ndiye wamupha ndiyeyo?