Malawi Hunger: Man dies of starvation in Mzimba

Maize Malawi

As the hunger situation continues to worsen in Malawi, a man in Mzimba has starved to death, Malawi24 can reveal.

This has happened at the foot of Mwakasongwe hills, in the area of Paramount Chief M’mbelwa V in the district. Police in the company of medical personnel were at the scene and have confirmed he died due to hunger.

The man is yet to be identified but police suspects that he might be in his late 30s. Some witnesses say he was found by herdsmen who went to graze their livestock around the hill.

Meanwhile, publicist for Mzimba police Constable Kanjauso has promised to give more details on the matter later because nobody has identified the deceased.

Maize Malawi
Scarce in Malawi.

The man’s death comes after Peter Mutharika and some cabinet ministers had been assuring Malawians that no one will die of hunger in the country.

Last month, some traditional leaders across the region stressed their worries to our reporter saying they have no hope that their subjects will harvest enough this year due to some problems which they said have emerged due to poor governance on the part of the Mutharika administration especially in the agriculture sector.

They also complained that with the coming of Mutharika, the program of farm inputs subsidy (FISP) has totally been affected such that in their areas most people are yet to access the fertilizer as well as seeds for their fields, and this will see them delay in planting their crops.

“Probably the worst we have ever had, Mutharika government is leading us to hell for sure. Look we are likely to have hunger beyond next year because many people are still failing to access farm inputs on subsidy,” said Village Headman Myangala of Nkhatabay.

In Mzimba, chiefs say most people are just keeping their coupons without using them because there is nowhere they can buy the inputs.

However, government insists it has enough maize to feed people throughout the country and no one will die of hunger.

Jappie Mhango
Mhango: There is no hunger.

Minister of Information Jappie Mhango said Malawians should not worry about the hunger situation as government has enough maize to feed people in the country

“We have enough maize to feed people in the country and it has been distributed in various ADMARC depots of the country and ADMARC is filled with enough maize available for people to buy,” said Mhango recently to local press.

The hunger situation in the country has become worrisome as some citizens are now buying Madeya for their daily survival. In some ADMARC depots, there is inadequate maize making people to buy the commodity from vendors at a higher price.

A recent report by Malawi24 indicated that in Mzuzu City for instance, people have been scrambling for maize which in most cases was going at not less than MK300 per tin.

The hunger situation has not even spared prisons.

*Additional reporting by Joseph Dumbula



  1. Mukamangobwebwetuka ndi nkhani za aulutsi chonde, mangani mabuleki. Iwo ali ndi ma loya, ndipo ngotetezedwa poyankhula. Anthu akumangidwa nayo Facebook mmaikomu. Tukwanani mosamala akapotasima amzanga. #CHONDE ndagwira phazi.

  2. Dzikalimani. Vuto ndi kudalira zopatsidwa. Chaka ndi chaka kudalira boma, maboma ske elninowa. Nanunso odziwa kulengeza za mavuto aena, zithandizani ovutikao kenako muzidzadzilemba mozipatsa chitsanzo.

  3. Peter Mbuzi ya munthu. mwana opusa pamt*mbo pako ndithu. mesa umati palibe atafe ndi njala, eh? Ngati kuno ku Machinga mwana wina anakomoka ndi njala atakhala masiku anayi osadya kanthu. I fucking hate you a lot fool!

  4. Peter will bring nothing but mess in a country, care must be taken 2019. I remember song of soldier banda Lucias tinalakwanji kuti tizuzike,

  5. Mukuganiza Pitala akusungani?Adakadziwa anthu akufa ndi njala bwezi sakutero.Vuto ndi lakuti a Malawi ndinu anthu oputsa amisala pomuika pitala pa udindo wa President ndipo simunati muona

  6. Kkkkk e ndizimenezo mesa mumakha ndinokha bas zisiyeni mene zililumo munasiya nyamata wabwno mwakatenga ambuyanoso #muzamuyese #nyamatayu amene mumakaikira ndiamene amanthandiza #nde taonani relo #umbuliujaso wabwerera njara ndiy imeney sukulu ndiimene tayamba kuliray #borad #bakili olobe panali mavuto koma osati awa x*************************kod angatiombore ndani pamotopa

  7. President ophunzira za umburi osati kayendetsedwe ka dziko amaona ngat kuyendetsa dziko iz so simple zimafunika munthu wa chikondi iz azipita kwawo

  8. Njala ilipo zowona koma mpaka kufika munthu kufa chifukwa chosowa chakudya? Tiyeni tidzinena zowona boma ndi anthu,tikamapanga blame boma tidziwe kuti tikudzipanga blame tokha.Pokufa munthu ndinjala sipanafike amadwala ameneyo!

  9. Pepani amalawi azanga komwe muli mu nthawi ino. Chomwe mungaziwe ndi choti njala imabwera chifukwa cha kusowa kwa mvula kwa nthawi yaitali. Komanso ngati mvula yachuluka imathanso kuwononga mbweu. Ndiye nkhani za pa internet ziwani kuti amachita ndi munthu ngati ife tomwe cholinga choti aone maganizo kwa ife anthu komanso adziwe zomwe anthu timafuna. Njala ikalowa nyumba odzudzika ndi makolo, ndichifukwa boma limanyodzedwa popeza ndi limene limayenela kuti lipeze njira zothetsela njala dziko. Mwachitsanzo nthawi ya kamudzu boma limalima ndi kumakhala ndi chimanga chochuluka pogwiritsa ntchito ulimi othilira. Kodi malo omwe kamudzu amalima adapita kuti? Madzi tili nawo ambiri bwanji boma osamawagwiritsa ntchito pochita zomwe kamudzu amachita. Tili ndi malo ambiri omwe anatsekedwa akungokhala, bwanji osawatsegulanso ndikumawagwiritsa ntchito. Kale akayidi amalima chimanga chokudya okha. Young pioneer imalimanso chimanga, mpunga ndi zina zomwe zimapita ku chipatala kukathandiza odwala. Koma lero boma ndi lomwe likugula chimanga kumadyetsa akayidi. Zomvetsa chisoni. Dzuka malawi dzuka. Pempho langa kwa amalawi tonse tiyeni tisiye mtima odalira. Ngati anthu omwe muli ku boma pezani njira zabwino zomwe zingathandize amalawi. Pepho kwa news papers zilembani nkhani zomwe zingasithe miyoyo ya anthu kusiyana ndi kulemba nkhani zobweretsa chisokonezo kwa dziko. Mulungu sanganditaye ife ana ake. Tiyeni tizipephela nthawi zonse, osati pa mavuto pokha. Nde mulungu azava ma pephero athu. Amen.

  10. i have seen 2 common terms… FISP and the usual assurance that “no one will die of hunger… are used quite often in Zambia

  11. Am confused alittle here 1. the man has been discovered by herds men in the hills. 2. the man has not been identified kuti ndindani . my question is what made you to conclude that the man died due to starvation? was it from hospital postmortem?

  12. Komansotu pena pake tidziganiza bwino kukhala ttsogoleli sindiye kuti akuti udzikawakumbila anthu ndi ma toilet omwe tinayenela kumathandizana zonse zomwe zikunenedwa apa sizingatheke thawi imodzi just image mutakhala kuti ndi inu mungakwanitse chifukwa zonse mukunenazo zikufunika ndalama and ndalama ya dziko siyingotuluka imafuna i sgn dwe ndi mabugwe ma offece osiyana siyana president alibe phamvu yogotutsa ndalama mkupanga izo akudziwa ndi chifukwa chake mapeto aundindo wake amati president adadya ndalama koma aka matsata ndondomeko pakutha pa term yake zithu zimadzalongosoka chifukwa chilichonse chimadza fufuzidwa ma buku sayi yekha 1 ali ndi ma advise ake ndi ambili zithuzi sangodzuka kutulo mkupanga yekha ayi sizitelo

  13. #Tonney sailesi ukamadya usamaone ngati ndi tose tikudya….ukubakira boma lausiluri??? Ukakwera pasana panjobvu usamati kuli be mame…

  14. Koma ngati Malawi 24 muli andale ine ndakana zomwe mwanenazi,ndipo ndi bodza kuti Peter Muthalika akanene kuti Malawi kulibe njala,izi nde ndale zanu zaku Malawiyu…

  15. The cause is the price of fertilizer, pipo r really suffering coz of hunger. Not only Malawi is suffering from this , other counties too

  16. Plz media stop misleading us.we dnt want that.cnt u jst present issues without mentioning peter thing?mumatinyasa nazo koma!!

  17. Chikondi chasowa munthu kutsikira kuli chete kamba kosowa chakudya,zovetsa chisoni. Chikondi chija chapita kut abale. Ndiribe nthawi yoloza chala munthu chifukwa ndava kale kut ndi njala yomwe yatengela kulichete munthuyu. Nyengo inasintha masiku ano,kalero pano anthu amakhala akukwapula maungu lero pano tikudikira mvula. Nyengo zovuta zomwe zinanedwa kut mtundu ndi mtundu uzaukirana, nkhani zina ndizimenezi,chifukwa cha njala anthu azakhala olusa,akulu sadzalemekezedwa thats y masiku ano ndizosadabwitsa anthu amatukwana prezdent. Masiku omaliza mkwiyo umenewo uzayambitsa nkhondo kut mtundu ndi mtundu itibulane. Nkhani iriyose anthu azailowetsa ndale chifukwa maganizo awo adatengedwa ndi andale. Chifukwa cha ndale anthu azavutika kusiyanitsa chabwino ndi choipa. Azafuna kuona kusintha koma sazakuona chifukwa mind yao muli ndale. Azafuna mtsogoleri wina koma azamunyozaso kut bola wakale uja chifukwa sazakwanilitsa zomwe akufuna chifukwa ndale azitenga ngat chakudya chao. Koma velani izi, bwezi losakhumudwitsa liripo, ndiye Ambuye Yesu omwe angatidziwitse zoyenela kuchita munyengo ino,tilape ndipo tichite cholungama chifukwa m’bale wathu wapita kwatsala kwa ife. Koma lisanafike tsiku limeneli tikhale okozeka. Yehova tichitireni chifundo

  18. Koma amalawi tidzachangamuka liti? Tikudikila a president apangitse nsonkhano adzinena kuti ee kuno kuli njala, zoti kuli njala chifukwa cha kuvuta kwa mvula zonsezo simungaganize, kusaganiza kumeneko kumalowa ndi m’manyumba mwathu momwe kulephela nazo kusamala kabanja kang’onong’ono

  19. Malawi24 plz take out this picture of maize. Many, upon seeing it with nothing in their stomarch, may collapse and die. Pipo are really starving.

  20. Za WAKWITHU zija mumatinyasa nazo ku mwera kuno kwanuko simuzitsata eti? Tiziti munthuyi analibe achibale or ma neighbours omwe akutaya nsima chifukwa cha kukhuta?

  21. Akamati vote wisely nde zimenezo munalola peter alamulire kuganiza kuti naye akhala bingu ,sikuti kubadwa limodzi machita zofanana olo matwins amasiyana zochita ,relo bwa?uyu wafayo vuto ndi abale ndi alongo anamuzungulirawo

  22. Lots of pple are dying cause of hunger here in malawi during this period in different areas across the country so don’t deceive pple that there’s no hunger in malawi infact we are losing lives………!!

  23. Peter is long off course by being a Président but im blameming my fellow malawians by watching situations untill it lead 2 death i know it difficult 2 rebuke Muthalika straight BT WHY ORGANISATIONS r Watch out panic situation lk Soccer why dont they come up Wth solution 2 résolve the matters other wise many Malawians wl loose lives. may he rest in peace EISH KOMA MUTHALIKA

  24. Ami mpressed with comments by Steve,Stanley and much more by Ramses.How many people die in Malawi each day for only 1 to die of hunger and put the whole blame on govt or President himself? Malawians,especially you,who are coming up with your nonsensical comments,let’s work up and plant the spirit of LOVE amongst us.Do you mean the whole of north have failed to feed one person and let it die?Is it propaganda you have organised with these monday reporters.Chilichonse kumangoti boma,kodi boma ndi chani,you crazy lazy bones?Mxiee,mwandikwiitsa!

  25. PITALA adakulira kunja zoti anthu amakhala masiku angapo osadya kuli kusowa chakudya sadziwa, zoti anthu amadya ndiwo zopanda mchere kuli kusauka iye sadziwa, zot anthu amangoviika zovala mmadzi mkuyanika kuli kusowa sopo iye sadziwa, zoti anthu amagona pa zisaka / ziguduli….ndipo kuli mphutsi zoluma mnyumba zozira, kuli msikidzi ndi msabwe zomwe zimasowetsa mtendere…..iye sadziwa. Akamaona zakudya zili mbweeee ku State House akuona ngat ndi Chitipa to Nsanje……dats y akungoyankhula kut kulibe njala. Mulungu akukhululukireni bambo

    1. Inu mumawona munthu akufa ndinjala kumayembekedza Pitala kuti ampatse chakudya? Mandasi,zigumu,zitumbuwa,mpunga,mango zokudya zambili zikupedzeka sanafe ndi njala amadwala ameneyo.Ngati wafadi ndinjala nzofuna!

  26. Analibe abale, maneba ake zoona? Munthu kumafa ndi njala nkhonde mwanu? surely God is going to punish you!!!! kodi boma ndi ndani? amakhala kuti bomayo? Guys let’s join hands to overcome this challenge. Tisasewere blame game no!no! may the Lord forgive you all popeza the blood of this dead person is upon you abale ake ndimaneba nonse. repent maybe you may be forgiven

  27. Learn to share the little you have…you mean neighbours could not help Him out???? Malawians share everything

  28. Timalira a president aBingu Wa Mutalika chifukwa nthawi ya abwana aja mvula simasowa komanso chakudya mu Admarc sichimasowa.panopa anthu mpaka kuyamba kufa ndinjala ooooo maliro wanu aBingu Malawi idzakulirani mpaka kale

  29. We need a President from the North now w are tied of these muthalika’s,just eating our tax money for nothing ,we are paying for electricity $40 a month while other countries pay $10 in middle class

  30. Ndikhulupilira kuti dziko lonse lapansi likudziwa kuti ku Malawi kuli vuto lanjala.Iyi ndi imodzi mwa Newspaper zomwe zikuwerengedwa mmayikomu ndiye titamangogawana kangachepe komwe tidzipeza rather than pointing fingers on someboby.

  31. Achitsirut apeter dikirani mulungu akuweruzeni ngati akulu anu munthu wamakani ngati chiteze ameneyu si MALAWI!! AMLW KUSAVA

  32. Atumbuka, wakwinu mwamuleka mpaka wafwa, mungamupako haaaa, tite kuti wabali walije panyake nao wali kufwa, natenge mukutemwanatu? Vigolo mwakoma navo m’Bali winu mukhumba Peter wazamupe chakurya? kkkkkk vindere

  33. It Seems We Currently Do Not Have A President In Malawi, Lets Do Something Otherwise We Gotta All Starve!! A President Cant Say That, While We’re Having Woes!!

  34. Price of fertilizer is too high mr president. most malawians can’t afford it. see to your cabinet about that. lower fertilizer price + good rains , believe you me Malawi we’ll be hunger free nation. give the people an audience. you’re killing us

  35. Abwino amafa,nkusala zitsiru.Bingu sananenepo zoti m’dziko lake mulibe njala,koma anali bambo Malawi.Nkhani yanjala,inali nthano chabe.Poti ndiu President,koma ukanakhala udindo wina tikanati a Muluzi bolaniko,poti bambo Malawi(Bingu)wathu anatisiya.Komabe a Muluzi sangafanane ndiuyu,kulipilisa ndi Primary School yomwe…?Komanso tu mavotedwe apa anavuta,a Malawi tatiyeni tizivotera ma President eni eni,nanga izi ndi ziti..?Mukavotere munthu,ati chifukwa ndi ng’ono wao wa bambo Malawi(Bingu)..?

    1. Kkkkkkkkk,a @Madalitso Chipongwe eti..?Ngati akulephera billionaire,ine anthuwo ndingawathandize chani…?Muzaimire ndinu a @Madalitso…!

  36. Kodi munthu ameneyu analibe anthu apafupi amene akanakhoza kumuthandiza?Ngati tokhatokha tikumadya neighbour kumafa ndi njala ziribwino?Ndi zochepa zomwe tiri nazo,tikhoza kuthandizanso wena.Mulumgu podalitsa samayang’ana kaye kuti ili ndi boma.Aliyense achitepo kanthu osangodalira atsogoleri okha.

  37. #ATATEEE;;kondanani wina ndi nzake ndilo lamulo loposa mwa malamulo oonsee.Alolelanji wena kumafa ndi njala iwo akumagula chimbudzi ma #MILIYONI???? Mnn koma akadakhala nawo uwunthu azisogoleri athuwa? Ndiyesa kochepa komweko mkana nyotsollerana;ma MILIYONI akumangongozana mpakana kumabwalo a woweruzawa,ndiyesanso akandigayira ifenso ovutika kuno.#MAPOLOFETEWATU NDINENA

  38. Njala siimalephera tho ziko mulibe njala. The nation siinakolole zokwanira n pano anthu akuvutika kusowa chokudya chokwanira. Thus l hate this tendency of politicians of boasting that there is no hunger instead of taking necessary measures to avoid many casalties

  39. No one wil die of ‘HUNGER’ in Malawi,, koma PITALA kumayankhura bwino wamva bakha iwe,,tinene kuti munthu wafayo wakuZAMBIA????? shame,,

    1. Iyeyo simvula,ndiye osamayankhura kuti dziko mulibe njala when citizens are suffering from hunger and sum are dying,TSOKA kwa iwo omuikira PITALA kumbuyo ndimayankhulidwe ake onunkhawo,,,

    2. Iyeyo simvula,ndiye osamayankhura kuti dziko mulibe njala when citizens are suffering from hunger and sum are dying,TSOKA kwa iwo omuikira PITALA kumbuyo ndimayankhulidwe ake onunkhawo,,,

  40. Gibson, are you suggesting that the hunger that we have is as a result of not working hard? Let us continue working hard yes, but the issue of how hunger comes in is rather complex.

  41. komwe kulbe njala nd kunyumba yamalamulo koma kumalawi kuno kul njala heavy bwanj mkuytantsa chmanga kuchokela ku zambia koma mukut kulbe njala kumalawi?

  42. this peter guy is full of shit!!..lord knows how much l hate him,,never in my life have l supported this DPP led gvt….guys wakeup..we are losing our country….middle finger to peter

    1. God forgive you pretty one. should u hate ur own presedent as if he is the one to go to ur farms to cultivate? or maybe he is supposed to go to heaven kuti akwagwesw mvula. thinj of how much u would feel munthu atakunena the same way as u do him.

    2. Munthu sakhala ndi abwenz okha,dont wast u tym cuz peter is not,and hes not de founder of ur problem,just do somting for urself rather than point someone.

    3. for the record yu are not peter!!.,are yu a malawian yourself,,??arent yu tired with this whole exploitations,murder,theft,lies..l fucken care for my country…those are my views..#a man just died outa hunger and hes busy bribng priests with 50 thousand kwachas….that money is meant to be used on us….he is a traitor,,and NO ldon feel sorry for what l have said…hes going down and yu going down with him hunnie

    4. Pretty I agree wth u, some people they dnt think or see that this guy in da name of Peter is failed the people of Malawi in many things, look @ Mk,curreny is worse but some1 is busy praising Peter, yes he’s da one causing all this problems bcz he failed to run da country, Malawi depends most on agriculture but fertilizer one bag is costing almost K20,000 how many people can manage to buy that, especially ruleral people? Guys think b4 u say or defend yo nonsense presdo.

    5. Isaac l feel like kissing yhu right now…the problem is we look at this whole thing at a diffrnt angle….kumamidzi anthu akuvutika kwambiri,,they can barely afford a meal,,let alone 20grand ya fertilizer..its exciting that people like lsaac have the vision…thanks isaac i seriously appreciate…..

    6. Letticia Pretty & Isaac Mulauzi why are you shallow-minded to de extent of failling to remember that Christ Jesus prophesied about hunger,civil war ,earthquakes etc in the last days.Iam sorry to call you kids who have not experienced hunger seasons let me teach you that Malawi has experienced hunger since 1980s before PETER & his DPP came into power !!Please ask your grandparents what happened in Malawi in the following growing seasons 1987-88;1997-98;2001-02;2012-13? ?All these seasons before Peter’s PRESIDENCY,just bcoz your party presidential candidate lost the polls doesnt grant you the right to hate and criticize the WINNER maliciously this will take us nowhere my KIDS

    7. Letticia Pretty and Isaac Mulauzi thumb up to u guyz other people are just Malawian in this country without knowing what’s goin on. PATRICIA shame on on yu coz u don’t feel sorry for yo relatives in the village and mwina ndi umbuli woti moyo wakumudzi simunakhaleko, kumamvako chisoni nthawi zina.

    8. thanks BENJAMIN…oh and Mr robert,my so called granny..this is the 21st centuary..and can yu please remind me who was in power in 2012??and am so sorry to say this yu have a 4year old brain…for the fact that yu seat on your sofa,with your phone typing dont think everyone is enjoying life the way yu do…instead of addressing critical conditions hes busy lying to us,,always on jbs back…….who fucken cares bout the money shes spending??the whereabouts??he is into power not opposition…let the opposition bout that….and for your own info am not a politician…l don give a damn..its not about politics GRANNY its the welfare of the people am interested in…..GRANDPA

  43. Cholanikoni kumipandoko zakukanika iwe chisiluwe kuyendesa ndikuyang’anila mtindu wa a Malawi. Kubwela kwako kwazesa mabvuto ankhani nkhani muno, munthu wa Satanic iwe.

  44. Musamayankhule za misala inu anthu amene muli kumipando. Munthu wa nzeru zake sangayankhule kt palibe yemwe angafe ndi njala dziko muno, kumacita kt chakudya cikusowa, ndalamaso zikusowa. Mukamankhuta inu kuneneko. Mkumati dziko munko mulibe njala. Osafuna kubvomeleza bwanji kulemphela kwanu ???????? Agalu amichombo lendeeeeeee

  45. Lets work hard to defeat hunger rather than to wait for the gvt to help us. ( dnt be like south Africans who wait for the gvt to build them the housses.)

    1. we’re talking of hunger here. We Malawians are hardworkers. But we can’t defeat hunger with the higher price of fertilizer that our government seem not to care about. Most Malawians can’t afford even a single bag of it (fertilizer) The gvt really need to put down the fertilizer price to an affordable price for many. With good rains, believe you me we’re gonna be able to conquer hunger.

    2. my parents used to make composit manure, that makes us to have enough food during the time of harvest. hence because of that we dont apply fertilizer in our garden. and in additional to that, with raw rainfall we always able to harvest because manure keeps moisture. try to use manure in yor garden for a period of tym i promiss u.

    3. The name it self malawi it sound awkward..its a hello of fire..people here are trying their best but nothing seems to change. Farmers are crying, interpreneurs are crying, consumers are crying…look at zambia now they got economic stable… Why not us?????

  46. Yet sam1 seiz d@ kulibe njala, nobody z goin 2 die of hunger…. Mulungu akuyendere ndi2 mwapaderadera

  47. It is possible the man died of starvation. But have you established what made this man to go and die at the foot of the hill and why he is not known in the area. In famine situations people starve to death in their homes surounded by their relation or neighbors. May be this man had mental challenges and strayed away from his home far away from the area where he died. No need to point a finger to the president until you have established the truth. Im no politician but its good to be rational. Do you remeber the chewa idiom- Fisi adakana Nsatsi.

  48. And they hve tuned there scales, ie here at Mponela Admarck if you buy 20kgs of maize normal scale is 16kgs .Idont know where are the mw burue of stds. Or they just punic us the business community?

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