The ministry of gender, children, disability and social welfare has acknowledged the guidance Malawi President Peter Mutharika has been to giving the ministry that has made them shine in the year 2015.
Minister responsible Patricia Kaliati, said through and guidance given by the APM, the ministry achieved success on issues to do with gender.
“We would like to thank President Mutharika for his guidance to achieve success in the year 2015,” said Kaliati.
She further said that their ministry has made efforts to curb child abuse and to promote girls’ education.
“The ministry has tried to reduce child abuse and this [has encouraged] the promotion of girl child education while perpetrators of girl child abuse had faced the law,” she said.
She added that her ministry has initiatives of protecting everyone’s rights and there are strides to improve women’s economic lives and to readmit girls in school.
Yes bwana
Shining on gayz issue?
Kaliati keep it up!!
Its tym 4 DPP,tichilandile basi ,olo mulalate ndiye DPP ikusiyilani ulamulirowo,thawi yanu ikazakwana muzakoza zolakwikazo not now,Kaliyati kip it up,tchito zamanja ako zikuchita umboni
Uhule uyu
Akweni ndiye ntchito yawo
Tht is EXPECTED of her.Nothng strange.
Lets give credit wer it is due, i can late her only 20% job well done
She’s nothing bt a disgrace, ,,,, I even dnt kno how she a dress her children, ,,,,,, f**k politicians
Anthu awiri mitima kusiyanaambuyeeee!!Wathu yemweyo basiii,
Ine nditokoze apaul kundipatsa mawu amene mwalankhula awo gwilani chochi ?
Ine nditokoze apaul kundipatsa mawu amene mwalankhula awo gwilani chochi ?
Umbuli ku Malawi part 2
Mai Kaliyati is hard worker, cont…… All de best in 2016
palibe mzeru
koma Maule man!!!!
Don’t waste time mama with nosense coz ena anazolowera kuyamikira munthu akafa ndichikhalidwe chawo kkkkkkk
You hve done arecommendable job 2say the truth,Uhve tried ur best osati ena angoti phwiiii evn kumveka mawu.Keepitup mama we proud of you.
Akaliyati ndi mary shawa two weeks waba 450 billion claiming it was used for child trafficking and today u thank the president for giving u that ministry.records will judge u accordiningly u think u are brainwashing malawians.we are not fuzz as u may think.we still remember nyika/vwaza scandles which u were direct involved.mishandling the girl who was going out with ur husband at mukando trading cente.during bingu era u falsed police to lock up apoor primary xool teacher in mzuzu coz he for see the downfall of bingu goverment then today u claim u are an angel.dont judge urself its too early kaliati
She need to retire now am getting boring with her.
Palibe mayi wachitukuko komanso yemwa amatha ngati mayi kaliati viva
Is he not her boss? Did her ministry not perform? She is right.
We are in big trouble
Tha’s very true Atsogoleri.
Tha’s very true Atsogoleri.
Kaliati ndiwe wonama kwabasi , nkhani yaku Kalibu Acadamy ukungoyikhalira poti ikukhuza ma gay
a Kaliati mumatha ntchito. U R a no nonsence minister in Malawi. Can the Presodent move you to Ministry of Education??/ plizzzzzzz kuli nyansi zakagwiridwe kantchito. Mukachose zimenezo
Praising and Thanking are two different things altogether, this shud be thanking or commending APM not praising. Only God deserves praises kkkk
Zaziii! Zopanda salt
Alomwe era!
Tili nd chimanga chogulixa kkkkkkkkkk
bullets creditors bangs the door to burry their joyys
Amalawi tinadzolowera kunyoza ma coment athu sakhala othandiza kutsonyeza kuti ifenso ndiolephe ndichifukwa atsogoleri athu akulephera. Tikuona kachitsotso mdiso la wina komwe kathu tikulephera kuchotsa. Mateyu 7v1-5, Aroma 13v1-3,tiyeni tipereke ma coment abwino amene akamanga dziko lathu amalawi chifukwa ma coment atipatsa temberelo. Pamene tikulowa mchaka cha 2016 tiyeni tigwirane manja tipempherere dziko lathu ndipo pemphero la olungama lidzachita koposa. Tiyeni tidzudzule poyenera chidzudzulo, tiphunzitse poyenera chiphunzitso,tiyamikire poyenera chiyamiko tikatero tizamanga malawi. Ambuye atithandize Amen
That’s a good advice, keep it up.
Mama ncthito mwaigwira, Malawi we need learn & say thnx!
Bullets woyeee
Kkkkkkkk minkhwele ikusekana viphata yayi(anyani sasekana zikiaundu),mayi kaliati you’ve to say only good things about APM cos you’ll get fired if you try go ag
We are pointed to be suffer until 4ever.
Let her be
as usual this lady likes to kiss ass…no wonder she is appointed minister always!!mayi amaiwerenga uyu eeeeh
Whom do you think will hear this rubbish?
Nanenani mchichewa gaez ndve nao cuz muziwa
Hahahaha! Who is she bluffing? This is flattery!
becoz she is alwys opening legs 4him,,,,wider
Who is he to be praised?
That’s rubbish she should be ashamed of herself because Malawi is burning under her and Muthalika.
chitsilu chamunthu kuwombera m’manja mavuto
kunalembedwa kale …masiku osiriza chilichonse chizasintha ,,,osawerenga bible kachedwani ndikutukwana atsogoleri…..mukhalira yomweyo muzazindikura patsogolo
Iwe Fanny Maureen Mackenzie ngati ali matsiku omaliza why waisting your time dropping your shit here. Who are you to say ndikhalira yomweyo. You nothing but rubbish bin.
Iwe Fanny Maureen Mackenzie ngati ali matsiku omaliza why waisting your time dropping your shit here. Who are you to say ndikhalira yomweyo. You nothing but rubbish bin.
Achitapo chani kuti aziwachemelera akulu amenewa? Tamuphunziraniko kunena chilungamo
Achitapo chani kuti aziwachemelera akulu amenewa? Tamuphunziraniko kunena chilungamo
amene asaona kanthu ndi inu koma ife tilibe nae vuto 2019 timuvoteranso
Which president has she never praised as a minister? You might as well say she is a figurehead who does not know anything and just gets instructions on what to do. After all, she gets her chemicals for the face out of praising.
Did She Praise Jb? Kkkkkkk
Did she work under Jb?kkkkkk. Keep it up!
Ndiye ntchito yake ameneyo
awa2 amango tamanda ndi zopusa
Brain washed minister who only know to praise than to do more for her ministry to shine. ” if I may ask, what qualification is Kaliati holding for this post?
ARSENAL Are On Top EPL 2015.
Sh knw its self that sh z unlleger ministrs