Malawi police Mzimba district have nabbed two women on charges of being found in possession of about 45 kilograms of Chamba.
According to Police publicist for the district, Constable Kanjauso, the two are 34 year-old Esther Kumwenda and Rose Misi, 19. Kanjauso said the pair was traveling by bus from Mzuzu to Lilongwe where they are suspected to have markets for the illegal product.
“They carried about 45 kilograms of Chamba in a bag. When our officers at Jenda road block searched the bus they were in, they found them hiding the bag.”
“This made our officers suspicious thus they told them to surrender the bag where it was found out that they carried Chamba,” he said.
They are currently in the cooler waiting to appear before court to answer charges of being found in possession of Chamba.
Police say they both hail from Traditional Authority Khosolo in Mzimba district.
In a related development, police at Champhira in the same district are keeping in custody Madalitso Mbewe for being found in possession of cannabis sativa weighing about 48 kilograms.
Police say the suspect was as well heading to Lilongwe before they nabbed him in possession of the product at Jenda road block.
He also hails from Khosolo area in the same district.
Meanwhile, the law enforcers have warned that they will prosecute everyone involved in the illegal trade.
Makape akwanisa kugwila achamba akanika kugwila mbava zokuba ndalama
zolengedwa za Jah muxamangane nazo
Komanso ofunika apolicewa azakugwile mafikizolo I we.
Choka galu wa tantazaniya iwe kwanuko wathawako chani?
Azimayiwa nawonso ali ndizosowa zao.
Kodi mkesa mukuti industrial hemp ndiye mukuwamanga bwanjinso athuwa
Nkhani yoti mwalanda ma kgs a chamba tamva koma panopa tikudikira kumva kuti kodi chambacho mupitanacho kuti ndipo mkatani nacho. Inu ndembava zaboma zenizeni.ndinu zitsilu,mixiew !!!
Nkhani yoti mwalanda ma kgs a chamba tamva koma panopa tikudikira kumva kuti kodi chambacho mupitanacho kuti ndipo mkatani nacho. Inu ndembava zaboma zenizeni.ndinu zitsilu,mixiew
Please release them,ngati wakupha munthu akupatsidwa bail.Release them 4 mahala
Let’s legalise it now
kodi mwati aba chiyani!!??? kkkkkkk kapena mwati kupezeka ndi chamba?? so funny Ganja lady in jail and Gun man free in our society!! this only happens in Mw.
Akulephera kumanga anthu akuba ndalama muboma kma kumanga anthu otiapedzeka ndichamba kkkkkkkkk koma apolisi akumalawi umbuli basi simkudziwa chimene mchita apa amasuleni anthuo.
45Kgs ndiyochepa bwerani mdzatenge 1 tonne muone ngati simzaphedwako
Zitsilu zomanga wanthu osalakwa
Its our food döt u know that theirs hangger.why u block her
koma zoona izi?dzikoli nde lafika posauzanatu.nde zippatala zikakhala za private .do u think munthu wakumudzi angakwanise kupita kuhospa?maine kma nde timwaliratu
Basi tava tiwamasula paja next yr anthu azibanda mopanda mantha
ok tavela
Mumalephera kumanga funz ya cashgt n yokupha malbino ndye muzimanga opezeka ndi canabis? Nanunso muma suta nao ndy aaaa no bho! Tisiya kumakugayiran mukatipempha. Foooolish police!
Mukhalira yomweyi a chule inu mudakalira nde kani simutukuko kuba too much
No booo, pano cannabis is healing the nation, its not fair kuti anthu azingomva za mavuto. Sometimes Ganja helps calm people in times like these, plus the economic benefits for the women not forgeting munthu umagalauza bhoooo ukabanda.
Possesing Chamba Is Legal, That Herb Was Planted By God, For Mans Use. Those Who Are Against Must Go To Hell.
mzimba is free chamba district we can smoke or sell those police are just stupid ,,,,,zimangani anthu aku sothern akumadya agalu (balaka)
ofunika kunena kt anali matumba 100
Koma naa ku Mzimba nde sikudzathekanso basi mmm
we have ligalise that stuff in mzimba we can smoke everywhere those police are just stupid,,,,,,,zimangani anthu akubalaka ku southern malawi akumakwasula agalu #nyimbwa!
legalise the stuff, its healing of the nation economically dont worst time for aresting people with that stuff mr #police n ur government
Ayi lamulo ligwile ntchito.
Fuck u,bwampini.
legalize it.
Nde Which Business We Cn Run Ryt Now Coz Magroceries Akongokwera Each And Evry Day,Kuwina Kwake 4% Den Chamba Muzitigwirabwe Eti?
Apolisi ndinu mbuzi mwamva amasuleni azimayio
Makape inu tamasuleni athuwo komaso chambacho chinali 75kg so 30kg ili kuti l can open 4 u the case plz take care live those ladies 4 mahala mukufuna azichindisa basi tima wanu mbeee fuck uuuu .
All these robbers
Kodi Apolice Akatenga Chamba Chija Amapita Nacho Kti,?
Hello…… We are a lovely family from United Kingdom and we are here looking for a serious worker in our home and in our hotel like a serious Driver,Nanny,Housekeeper,Home Nurse,Private Teacher,Security,Au Pair, Waiter,Manager and so many worker like that are needed in our home and our company needed urgently. If you are interested in our job offer and kindly contact us directly to our email contact address…… [email protected] so that we can tell you what to do next on how you can come over here and process all your traveling document to come over here. Hope to hear from you soon.
ndiye mkufuna anthu ku malwi kuno you indians? people take care akumidima awa!
Apolisi bwanji kodi? Are u mad? Zanjalazi simukunva kapena nchito yomwe mmaziwa inu ndi kugwira chamba bas
Unu mukaba ndalama m’boma amakumangan ndan? So plz dn’t arest them amapezera momwemo ndalam.
apolisi akumalawi ndinu zitsilu zedi ongofuna kukutumizilani boko hallam basi eti kupusa eti mmalawi mmene mwavutira nkhani ya ndalama inu ndikumakhala bizy kugwira chamba
Bola kusiyana nd kub kapena kumagwila alobino
Hahahaha regalise ganja/international herb
amasuleni anthuo anyani inu anthu akufuna kwacha athandizikile mawanja ao koma inuso mukuwamangaso ndipo pamenepo pasowa 10kg ya chamba mwaba inuyo apolice mbava inu
Why mw govt not allow pple selling chamba? If it is brings money in de country let pple doing dat busines
Gay marriage is accaptable while found with indian hemp is illagal , what a fuck.
Malawi gold
Azimai anzeru, kuthamangathamanga kuopa kupanga uhule. Free em..
Zimenezo Nde Za Chambazo Sono Mukufuna Azitani Aziba Kapena Uhule Zompusa Basi Amasuleni Nsanga…….
Zopusa kumanga anthu wopanda mulandu bwanj .xøol fiz ana achoka nayo kut kupanda bizns
Ma Bush D
apolice nonse pa mtumbo panu , m’malo moti muzigwira mbava mukulimbana ndi anthu onyamula chamba ,mwawamanga chifukwa sanakupatseni BRIBE komanso sanakupatseni nyini kuti muwachinde , agalu tikupezelani yothana nanu , malawi wanunkha , machende okhwepawo
Mwawamanga ????? okey ,,,ndeno munyamuke mukapeleke chakudya kwa anthu onse omwe amathandizika pamene azimayiwa amapanga business imeneyi,,,,,akagulitsa chambacho amathandizira mabanja awo komanso ana awo xool fees ,,,,,,nde mupite mukawapatse anawo fees ndi chakudya until azimayiwa adzamasulidwe…
zilipobe zomagwirana chifukwa cha chamba?
apolice kukhomelela anzanu akadyela kutiko?
Ndalama momwe zikuvutilamo ineso nditha kulowanawo business imeneyo kkkkkk mwalakwisa kuwagwila anthu akufuna ndalama basi.Tangowabwezerani chambacho
Free them akadya kuti?
Hahaha nde wa chamba ndi ndani pakati pa ogwira ndi ogwidwa?
Amasuleni chochitachao ndichomwecho,mukufuna akadye kuti?
Mesa kodi apanga legalise chambaaa muno
mwatinyansa a fisi a PP inu!! kmma stifooka!! mungollemba za ziiii!!! kunyoza mtsogoleri wa dzikoko?? stingakusekelereni!!
mwatinyansa a fisi a PP inu!! kmma stifooka!! mungollemba za ziiii!!! kunyoza mtsogoleri wa dzikoko?? stingakusekelereni!!
Just legalise it!
wow 9c deal!!