Blantyre City council to have people arrested for putting posters

Alfred Chanza

The Blantyre City Council (BCC) has expressed concerns over the increase of unpermitted fixing of posters in Malawi’s commercial city by some residents.

According to a BCC press statement released signed by Alfred Chanza, Acting Chief Executive Officer for the council, some residents in the city are fixing posters to walls, trees, streetlight poles, barricades and other structures using glue and others strong adhesives without first seeking permission from the council as required under Section 44 of the Town and Country Planning Act.

Alfred Chanza
Chanza: Confirmed the development.

The statement explains that most of the posters and other types of unpermitted advertisements are cluttered and when removed, they leave hardened adhesives that are difficult to remove and the clutter caused by these unpermitted advertisements diminishes the beauty of the city.

“The Council, in line with Section 45 of the Town and Country Planning Act, hereby gives a 30 day notice to all residents of the City to remove all unpermitted advertisements from walls, trees, streetlight poles and any other structure”, says the statement.

The Council has also advised all Blantyre residents to first seek from BCC permission and guidance on how to display advertisements before putting up any.

BCC emphasises that any new advertisement displayed in contravention of Section 44 of the Town and Country Act after issuance of this notice shall be immediately removed without further notice.



  1. Good Idea amalawi tiyeni tizilikonda dziko lathu,kwina kayamkusayenda?ku Ruanda kunali nkhondo koma tapitani mukaone ukhondo wake from mtawuni main city Kigali mpaka ku border ndimaiko ena kuyenda osaona kapepala or botolo lotaidwa very clean.Nanga ife chimatilaka ndichiyani?

  2. bravo Blantyre city council! we need our city to be clean osati mati mati ma poster pena paliponse. there should b designated places where posters should be pasted. i second the idea.

  3. Guys umbuli uzatithela. ? ? this nat xumthn political iiiiii iyayi!it’s our city, it’s our responsibility to keep it clean.where you there nthawi ya KB (kamuzu Banda? nayeso amabitsa zama gay? ? ? let’s be reasonable xumtymz before wi gudge


    1. what are u saying?
      koma kusampunzila kuzatipwerekesa amalawi how does it make u feel the way aome of these poaters are being placed?
      whether zamulungu or not order in the way these things are posted in our city has to be noted and guided.
      look at these posters of this so called prophet coming they are all over. Zikunyasa kaya penapaluponse its nasty and amnoying.I agree with BCC

  5. i support for that idea, koma mukuyenera kuika some like ma notice boards m’malo omwe amakhara busy like ma ptc, post office, shopping malls, markets entry’s, schools & hospitals

  6. mmalo molimbana ndi mbava ziri mu blantyre mwaganiza zolimbana ndi ma poster?? Ndevu phwii ndi pa nkolokolo pomwe kumalimbana ndi poster? Shame

  7. Malawi dziko langa mukusiya kulimbana ndi mbava za cashgate nkhani imodzi mpaka zaka zitatu lero mukulimbana ndiwokhoma maposter apatsenitu chochita poti nawo akagwira ntchitoyi amapeza kanganyanse

  8. Alese,kumata-mapositawo.Koma,asafulumile-kumanga,anthu.Chofunika,kunchenjeza-anthu,kaye-mwina-kwa,two,weeks

  9. Poster yaulendo Wa Bushili ,ikadali mtown mu mzuzu. Yina youdza azibamba kukadulitsa (yamu march) Ku Moyale clinic ili kumabank Ku. Ya gara ya pa mzuni(0ne n half months) ili pa round about. Amangen azilipila

  10. Mverani okoma maposter.komani m.mene mungakomere ndipo muzigwitsa ntchito super gruu kuti asachoke maposterwo ndikulamula ndiyine kapoto osati peter ..peter ndiye ndani kod ndikanyamakanji?

  11. kdi inu mukuti maposter achokenu mulimbali iti yanyanio kapena yaife anthu abwinobwino sonondiye muzingo bwebweta
    inzitsilu bas iwemphawi wachabechabe ndikumaikila anyani amenewa kumbuyo kd iwe akhukuziwa or ndipang’onopomwe nzandikwiyitsa kwambili abwaphini inu macape inu anthu onyela majumbo mapwalanu kapena pachiolopao

  12. Heeede heeede town kkkkkk nyumba za dothi mwati town mulibe manyazi eti,akunamatu uyu A MALAWI muziyenda ,let me tell you ndi mbadwa ya BLANTYRE kuyambira pa CLOCK TOWER BP pa kondodo cornershop zonse za dothi apart from MRA building ,escom house up to ma robots zomse za dothi anangopanga face lifting and from Raj ‘Kuj to NICO pakati paja atolamkhani takaonani eeee inu,LIMBE NDIYE. Eeeeee. From standard bank to kapenga all are face lifted kkkkk town

  13. osakazikiza lamulo lanuro nthawi ya kampeni bwanji? musinje wa mudi ukuwonongeka mukungoyang’ana poster ya mpawi yalakwanji poti sitingakwanise mu-ma radio kapena mu news mukufuna tife ndinjala kodi akubanu?

  14. You read a news paper government is encouraging the youth to contribute to our country’s income mostly by engaging in different businesses hw do pipo do that if our ideas or businesses r not advertised. Oooh maybe on radio or TV, where do thy get that money from? the option ws those walls and trees.

  15. m’mayesa malonda ndikutsatsa,iyi ndi njira imodzi yotchipa chifukwa si onse angakwanitse kulengezetsa malonda awo pa Radio.muganizepo bwino pamenepo.

  16. Yes, the city doesn’t look clean with those posters; It is even worse during the campaign period. Let them come up with new ideas and stop the use of posters.

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