Road to 2025: Peter Mutharika is increasingly regaining popularity

Peter Mutharika

In our vernacular language, there is an adage that stipulates that ‘chitsime chimaoneka chakuya chikaphwa’.

The contextual translation of this riddle is that most Malawians who despised the leadership of Peter Mutharika  in 2020 have now realised that they made a grave mistake to opt for the incumbent President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

The mega political  rally held on 12 May 2024 at Njamba Freedom Park and  graced by Peter Mutharika smacks of an unforgettable  historical  event in Malawi politics.

First, it is the first widely publicized  political rally since the former President Peter  Mutharika    challenged his successor, Dr. Lazarus  Chakwera that public demand  coerced APM to stand for presidency in 2025.

DPP supporters at Njamba rally.

Second, as an ardent social media follower,  I was overwhelmed that most users of WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter platforms  were excited with Njamba Freedom  Park’s political rally which was organised by  the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

In fact, online viewers for DPP Njamba rally was pegged at over 3 thousand on 360 Times Facebook page signifying that the function was handsomely patronised.

Furthermore, the Njamba Freedom Park itself was flooded with Malawians from all regions and walks of life.

However, there are some  counterarguments circulating in the social media platforms that allege that the recent DPP Njamba rally was well patronised because people were ferried in trucks from different districts of the country. Others even further  alleged that they   were paid just to attend the rally.

Truth must be told that it would require a very wealthy political party to ferry and pay all people who attended the rally. This is highly unlikely.

However, facts on the ground substantiate that some people  who were interested to attend the rally but had no means  of transport were adequately assisted.

One wonders if a large number of online viewers  for the DPP rally were both ferried and heavily paid too.

As a party that is gaining  ground, it is not surprising that APM took advantage at this opportune event to welcome new members to DPP  such as Dr. Kakhome, Honorable  Ghambi,  and Dr. Mpofu

In a nutshell, Prof Peter Mutharika audaciously relayed a message of hope to Malawians that a  better  Malawi is possible regardless of one’s tribe, district of origin and any political affiliation.

At the rally,  APM also well articulated that notorious Judases and Pharisees such as Kondwani Nankhumwa and his accomplices who caused havoc in the party were excommunicated from the party. No wonder peace and tranquillity have now flourished in the party.

Peter Mutharika also took his time to inform Malawians on the new leadership positions in the party such as Mrs. Chijere Chirwa as a commissioner in parliament.

Peter Mutharika  went further  to encourage Members of the party to contest for various positions  at the forthcoming elective convention to  be held on 21 July 2024.

Furthermore, Peter Mutharika  confirmed  that he would  contest  for presidency at both party level and national  level. This decision  came after consulting his family and  of course by public demand.

It is at this juncture that APM assured the nation that he would emerge a victor of 2025 presidential race and on

September 16, 2025, he will go back to Kamuzu palace.

This message did not go down well with the incumbent President Chakwera who later retaliated, at a Kamuzu day function, that President Chakwera  is not a one term president.

However, APM already provided many reasons why President Chakwera will lose the grip of power in 2025.

God has numbered the days of Chakwera reign – APM.

For instance, APM bemoaned on the rising cost of goods and services.  He said ‘Zonse zakwera chifukwa cha Chakwera’ to which the mammoth of people responded ‘achoke!!! achoke!!!’. This was the voter who was agitating  to oust President Chakwera.

APM reminded Malawians  that during 14 years of DPP reign, Kwacha was relatively stable. He cited that in 2020 when APM  was leaving office, Kwacha was pegged at MK712 to the American dollar. Four years during Chakwera’s rule, Kwacha is over MK2,000 to the American dollar.  For sure, this is a pathetic situation.

In fact, APM cited a biblical  message from  Daniel 5 v 25  which says     “mene, mene, tekel, upharsin”. 

Mene means that God has numbered the days of Chakwera reign and brought it to an end.  Tekel means that Chakwera’s  reign has   been weighed  and found wanting. Upharsin entails that Chakwera’s  reign is divided and given to the DPP and other parties in alliance with it.

APM also accused Chakwera government of promoting selective justice, causing confusion in DPP, inciting political violence, abandoning community technical colleges and masterminding moves to rig elections.

However, despite all the political turbulence, APM assured Malawians that DPP is indestructible.

Finally, APM encouraged party followers to register in large numbers so that they will be eligible to vote in 2025 general elections.

Speaking at the same function, Yeremia Chihana revealed that Aford has endorsed Prof Peter Mutharika for the presidency in 2025. This  is another blow to President Chakwera and Tonse Alliance.

In conclusion, a large number of attendees and APM’s well-articulated speech at Njamba Freedom Park are a true testimony that APM is a political threat to the incumbent President Chakwera . However,  I always say that only a voter will decide the victor of 2025 presidential race. Presidential aspirants are  therefore advised  to strategize their political moves wisely.


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