Bullets vs Tigers
Ikakuona litsiro sikata. Patatha masiku chabe ataona mbonaona kumpoto, Neba wakumananso ndi mazangazime mu mzinda wa Lilongwe pamene wapamanthidwa ndi a Silver Strikers. Pa masewelo amene anachitikila pa bwalo la za masewelo la Bingu National,… ...
Government is planning to renovate some of the historical sites in the country with the aim of boosting tourism. Minister of information and technology Cecilia Chazama said this in Parliament on Wednesday after Member of… ...
Goodall Gondwe and Peter Mutharika
The Civil Servants Trade Union (CSTU) says it is not happy with government’s reluctance to meet the union which wants civil servants’ salaries hiked. General Secretary for the union Madalitso Njolomole expressed the concern in… ...