Karma has hit Traditional Authority Chindi of Mzimba after his friend slept with the chief’s wife. According to a resident, the traditional leader has a habit of having sex with other people’s wives. A few… ...
Malawians should brace for more blackouts as Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) is struggling financially and government has rejected the electricity supplier's request for a K58 billion bail-out. According to reports, Escom owes Malawi… ...
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the country have threatened to hold another nationwide protest following President Peter Mutharika’s delay to respond to their petition. The CSOs presented a 10 point petition during the protests held… ...
George Chaponda
The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has appealed against the acquittal of former Minister of Agriculture George Chaponda on two corruption related charges. Chaponda was earlier this month acquitted on charges of giving false information to ACB,… ...