...destroys houses in Mzimba Heavy storm has claimed one life in Malawi's central region district of Kasungu and has left other people destitute as having destroyed over 20 houses in the evening of Thursday, October 29, 2015. According… ...
Peter Kumpalume
The Malawi government through the ministry of health has banned all the country's District Health Officers (DHO) from talking to the media on the financial crisis that has hit the health department and affected service… ...
A 75 year old Malawian man in Blantyre was found dead last Friday in his hut and postmortem results have shown that he died of suffocation due to strangulation. According to Blantyre police deputy spokesperson,… ...
Five prisoners have escaped in Mulanje district after they were left at the hospital to receive medication, Malawi police say. Mulanje police spokesperson, James Kadadzera, refused to name the prisoners but he said there were… ...