Conservation Music Malawi (CMMW) on Wednesday joined the rest of the world in commemorating Earth Day .
The Earth Day is celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, it now includes events coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network in more than 193 countries.
However, this year the world faces two crises: One is the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and the other is a slowly building disaster for the environment.
CMMW on Wednesday joined
EARTHRISE, a global digital mobilization that drives actions – big and small, gives diverse voices a platform and demands bold action for people and the planet.
In press statement, CMMW Secretary Wizzie Chisenga said the group has produced songs and poems that talk about the need of coordinated efforts in restoring the land, reducing pollution and protecting wetlands.
Chisenga mentioned poems by Binge and Zinja as well as songs by Clifford Mkanthama and Tigris which talk about climate change, floods preparedness, prevention, response and roles of different stakeholders.

“We are encouraging the general public to follow #EarthDayAfrica #EarthDay #EarthRise as well as joining the existing social media environmental movement such as #ClimateStrikeOnline or #fridaysforfuture,” she said.
Conservation Music Malawi (CMMW) is a registered, non-profit organization made up of activists and artists from a wide array of expertise.
The organization was established in 2018, with the primary focus on utilizing art to enhance sustainable livelihoods and human wellbeing. The organization has created content in the form of music, poems, short stories, animations and panel discussion.
Some of the key issues that CMMW has advocated for include floods preparedness, waste management, personal development, climate action and wildlife protection.