A driver and a conductor have been sent to prison for exceeding seating capacity in their vehicle.
The Mangochi first grade magistrate court on Tuesday ordered a 25-year-old driver Gideon Kambewa and his conductor Golden Mponela, 22, to pay a fine of K150,000 each or in default 12 months imprisonment with hard labour for contravening road traffic regulations.
The two failed to pay the money and were sent to prison.
They will only be released after paying the fine.
During hearing, Police prosecutor Maxwell Mwaluka told the court that, on November 6, 2017 Gideon Kambewa was driving unregistered Toyota Noah from the direction of Monkey-Bay heading to Mangochi Boma with passengers on board. Golden Mponera was the conductor of the vehicle at the time.
The car was later stopped by Traffic Police personnel who were executing their duties at a check Point.
The prosecutor further said that, after inspecting the motor vehicle the officers noted that it had carried nine passengers instead of six.
In addition to exceeding capacity, the vehicle had no road service permit class ‘A’ despite having on board fare paying passengers which contradicts regulation 14 and section 83 as read with section 167 of the Road Traffic Act respectively.
The accused persons pleaded guilty to the charges.
In his submission before sentencing, Sub lnspector Mwaluka pleaded with the court to impose a heavy fine on the offenders saying that lenient offences are among biggest contributing factors to the increase of road accidents in the district.
In mitigation the two asked for leniency saying that they have families to look after.
First grade magistrate Ronald M’bwana ordered each of the two to pay a fine of K150,000 or in default 12 months imprisonment with hard labour.
They failed and have since been thrown into jail until the fines are paid.
Gideon Kambewa hails from Saiti village while Golden Mponera hails from Mtalimanja village, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi district.
mmalo momanga anthu omwe akuba ndalama m’boma but buzy kulimbana ndi ma minbuss,shame on you…
Good News.! Achita Bwino Zed
Kusanva makondector ndipo mumawayankhula mwano ma passenger tikamakuwuzani kuti yadzadza mesa ndi atatu pa mpando mumati ngati siukufuna tsika komaso mukawona a traffic kutsogolo kwanu mumatsitsa munthu panjira zomwe zili zopweteka kwa omutsitsayo lamulo lagwira ntchito.mumatipakira ngati makala kabongo mukuti 4/4 a!!!!!!! ndiye ndizimenezotu ndiye moto umapita kwatsala tchire.
Yaaa show them action .
Kumaona mbalo zonse min-bus imakhala ndi anthu awiri, conductor ndi driver, pomwe okwera ndi ochuluka. Kodi chimavuta ndi chiani kutengapo mbali kuti izi zisachitike? Anthu ochuluka kugonjetsedwa ndi anthu awiri chonsecho mwalipira mtengo oyenera anthu atatu.
Vito ndi okwera mumaona pa mpando pali atatu mamakwerabe mkumati ama minbus akuyambitsa ngozi.
Ndikanakonda a traffic apatsidwe mphamvu zomasiya wa bus mkumanga passenger # 4. Ameneyu ndiye azilipira kamba kosapewa yekha.
Passenger # 4 azimangidwa zikatero palibe azakwere bus yokwanira capacity yake ndipo pa mseu pazalongosoka kamba Kofi passenger payekha azapewa.
Zausilu malo mokoza magesi
ZA uja anapezeka Ndi ndlama uja nanga
mapassenger azimangidwanaooso koma coz amskhakala aona kuti bus yadzadza nkumakwerabe
aitha koma muthu anakweza mitengo nkumapakilabe 4.4
This is bullshit
Anthuwa ndi oipa heavy. What they know ndikupsnga lamulo lopsyinja amphawi. Izizi ndi zopusa
Kod Mini bus kut izaze amapangisa ndi madriver okha kapena inu mapassengerso mumatenga gawo,? Mutamati muxikana kukwera kit yaxamza maconductor axikukoni mwaimapo mkukulowesani minibus ? The passenger has responsibility to takecare ov his owner life,mavuto awawa timachita kuthandizana to me 25 % vuto ndimapassenger,25 % Traffic nawo akagwira minibus yotero IJA akungoilipilitsa mkuisiya ixipita osawaditsa anthu enewa bwanji ,50% ili ndi madriver and conductors but titati mapassenger tizikana kukwera bus ikakwana anthumo pakhalanso excidng ?
What if you are late for work coz those guys would just tell to stay if you can’t board their bus then you will end up giving in.
Ndiye vuto ndindani mwini minibus kapena ndiiwe?
vuto ndi driver ndi conductor chifukwa passenger salipira kwa wa traffic poti iye alibe mlandu
Most passengers dont love themselves .they suppose to talk to driver n conductor b4 depart.release them pls no crime there#irresponsible passengers
Most passengers dont love themselves .they suppose to talk to driver n conductor b4 depart.release them pls no crime there#irresponsible passengers
tata yagwa akuvutika ndi wa minbus bus yayikulu yagwa ayi koma wa minbus kod anthu amalakwitsa kugula ma minibus ndikumalemba achinyama omwe akusowa chochitawa ntchito? akonden achinyama inu aboma malamulo asamangobwerera wa minbus
tata yagwa akuvutika ndi wa minbus bus yayikulu yagwa ayi koma wa minbus kod anthu amalakwitsa kugula ma minibus ndikumalemba achinyama omwe akusowa chochitawa ntchito? akonden achinyama inu aboma malamulo asamangobwerera wa minbus
Jail is better than other way.
Jail is better than other way.
i think they shud find other way not sending then ti jail eish dxiko
Much as ndi mlandu but I find this unrealistic kuli anthu opalamula zeni zeni ali pheee mmene milandu inayambira ma adjourn koma osauka awa kuthamangira kuwatumiza Ku ndende aaaaa dziko lokondera ili
awachita bwino, ama minbuss amaonjeza, 100% in support…… I jst wanted that i should be exceeding in minbuss shd be punishable by death(hanging)
ndiwe opusa kwambiri munthu anaba ndalama yothandizira agogo ako aja kumudzi now he is ff
ndiwe opusa kwambiri munthu anaba ndalama yothandizira agogo ako aja kumudzi now he is free mulandu wa phawi pompo pompo watha poti both amakhara alakwira malamulo bwanjo.
ndiwe opusa kwambiri munthu anaba ndalama yothandizira agogo ako aja kumudzi now he is free mulandu wa phawi pompo pompo watha poti both amakhara alakwira malamulo bwanji amagamura mosiyana man open ur eyev dziko ndlaolemera ili wav ukanene kuli konse koma ndayakhura 2019 sindngbwes vote
zoona exceeding mpaka ku preson,?
Osamanga Chaponda bwanji
what a mess
…vuto ndi anthu okwela,timaona kuti yakwana,koma timakwela,chifukwa-timanenelela kufuna yotchipa…kodi utakana kuti sindikwela yadzadza angakutan?nanga amanena kuti yomaliza…!
Zandikondweretsa.Mwina enawa atengerepo phunziro.Amatizuza anyani amenewa amvekere 4 4.Shittttttt!!!!!!!
always MINBUS nanga ma family car sapanga exceeding capacity? malamulo agwile nchito kwa ose osati a minbus okha
malamulo amagwira nthito kwa anthu osakafe
They indeed over load their min vans deliberately, but instead of sending them to prison cant you find other ways of punishing people who commit such crimes, otherwise I think you can save space in our tiny cells.
m’malo molimbana ndi mbava zikuba misonkho ya amalawi muma office ayi mulimbana ndi ma conductor ndi ma driver osaukawa shame to you selfishness Judges
In Malawi most of drivers are carelessness
Not drivers bt passengers amachita kukunyamulani si mumakwera nokha?
why not jailed them outside
nnatopa nadzo idzi aaaaaaaa
dziko Lathu lino tingoligulitsa tigawane ma shares basi
aaaaa siboo kma nanga akudyerani chani #zitsiru_inu
About the ending tym osauka kumangosaukilabe pomwe olemela kumangolemelelabe. Patsidya la zambezi tikayimba lokoma pipo
Zakumashalabwada bas mxiew ,,,,,osakamanga George Chaponda bwanj??????? Anthu a busness zing’onozing’ono tikuzunzika mdziko muno ngt ndife alendo,,
yea they must jail dis arrogants
Stupid laws
Jailed for how long
Ingoletsan ma galimoto tikumbutse chikale wa adam mukufuna akakudyeleni kuti”””