Man rapes 7-year-old boy


A 32-year-old man is in police custody for raping a 7-year-old boy in Zomba district.

Public relations officer for Zomba police Patricia Sipiliyano said the suspect Michael Malinda committed the crime on Saturday at Zomba bus depot. Zomba

“It is true that we are keeping in custody Michael Malinda for committing the offence of sodomy on Saturday which is against this country’s laws,” she explained.

The publicist said the suspect found the boy at a bus depot and he later forced himself on him.

Malinda was arrested after the matter was reported to police.

32-year-old Michael Malinda is expected to appear before court soon to answer the charge of sodomy.

Police have since advised parents not to leave their children in places like bus depots to avoid occurrence of such incidences.



  1. Cut him his balls and give him poisonous injection so that he can die slowly slowly ….. We dont need stupid distigusting people like them.

  2. Even if his arrested, that little boy has his whole life to live with post traumatic stress disorder, there just has to be a more severe sentence for the rapist.

  3. I wish Gift Trempancy to lead by example by marrying Timothy Mtambo to walk the talk about ur homosexual campain. U make noise but u don’t practice it why? Do it now then come later to tell the masses hw it feels to b a homosexual

  4. Trempacy and ur gurus wht a fuck r u going to say about this? U the morons r the one encouraging this bullshit here in Malawi. I cry for late Bingu he could hav smoked u out long time. This moral decay is bcoz of u stupid headless chicken. I wish if we can hav another president like Bingu this nosense could hav stopped long tym

  5. can a woman rapes a fellow woman is that charge correct educate me what is the right charge he can be charged with ?

    1. D : any person who hz unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman or girl,without her consent,or with her consent,if the consent is obtaind by force or by means of threats or intimidation of any kind,or by fear of bodily harm,or by means of false representations as to the nature of the act,or,in the case of a married woman,by personating her husband,is guilty of the felony termed “rape” . is case i thik the act is against nature the charge has 2 b sodomy

    1. U must b very stupid yohane u cant read propely and get the meaning of the story than to comment shit here 40 to 20 and 32 to 7 u cnt get any different for that?

  6. Mwina enafe xool inatikanika kodi munthuyu wagwililira munthu wamamuna mzake??? A 32 years old man ali manja mwa apolice chifukwa chogwililira a 7 years old boy…

  7. That’s one of Gift Trapence & Timothy Mtambo’s member. Are they not bailing him out as they did with their executive members Chimbalanga & Monjeza?.

    1. This is a raoe case man the small boy didn’t do it out of his consent ndizosiyana ndi amene munenawo …issue ya robbery ndi issue ya corruption ndizosiyana ..example

    2. True, without his consent but what made the idious man do what he did to that innocent little boy?. Fine, what would be the reason for same sex marriage?. Bro, lets reason like human beings who the Lord GOD put us custodians of every living Creature which now reason better than us. Evil breeds evil when Souls depart from us, then comes the Trapences & Mtambos as visible Disciples of the Devil.

  8. Please, am tired as well as bored with such articles, why don’t just leave them, they are natural disasters, Nobody can control/prevent natural occurrences except the Most High, let’s just ask God’s intervention,,,,

  9. Umathanyula or bwanji guiz zinazi mumafuna ife Amalawi tili maiko akunja mudzititukwanitsa nanga munthu Wa mzeru zake akagwirire yuthi Wa dzaka 7 kkkk Plz God jst Burn whole Malawi eish

  10. Uchisiru akazi alimbwe ngati satha kufusira bwanji osakanyenga julep, moreover victim kukhalaso mwana wamuna what a tragic. Alandire chirango chokhwima ameneyo.

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