A 20 year-old man killed himself by hanging in Dowa district on Thursday after he formatted a friend’s memory card, Malawi24 can report.
Dowa Police Public Relations Officer Richard Kaponda has identified the deceased as Foloman Pitison who hanged himself to the roof of his house.
According to Kaponda, Pitison’s mother told police that he was involved in a fight with his friend over a memory card and that she thinks that is the reason why her son hanged himself to death.
“The deceased borrowed a memory card from a friend and formatted everything. This angered the owner who threatened to beat him if he failed to give back the memory card with everything inside,” said Kaponda.
“For fear of this Pitison hanged himself to the roof of his house but he did not leave any suicide note about his death,” Kaponda added.
Postmortem conducted at the scene of the incident revealed that death was due to suffocation.
The deceased hailed from Chiwoko village, Traditional Authority Mkukula in Dowa District.
In a related development, a 75 year-old man has died after he hanged himself with a rope that was held to a Mosquito net in his bedroom in Balaka.
Balaka Deputy Public Relations Officer Gerard Sumaili identified the old man as Mtira Peter who retired to bed on the night of Sunday after taking supper with his two grandchildren whom he was staying with in his house.
The following morning he was found dead in his bedroom and one of his grandsons reported the matter to police.
“The late Peter is reported to have been of a very spiritual life since the death of his wife last year and had been staying with his two grandsons,” said Sumaili.
Postmortem results revealed that death was due to suffocation.
Mtira Peter hailed from Saidi Sani village in the area of Sub-Traditional Authority Kachenga in Balaka District.
akuzimbabwe ndye ķupusa kuneneďwako mugabe nďi mw suziwa zopeka izi zopandá umboni
Zimu wache uuse mutendere ndikufuna kweke koma zimu wandyerekezi.pepani akutundu nonse Ambuye akutothozeni muzina ya Yesu Kristy Amen.
RIP..this world is full of weakedness God forgive him
very sad
Kakakaka chimenechi ndichidzende chitsulu kwete #SHONONGO wamu2 palizina wosat Mc mayz wanthawa mavuto ena osat zalembedwaz ai. Gundula Jah-Seed Justice
hahahahahaha iz true?.. inu onankoni Symon Zacharia Galagade Max John
kudowa ndi aTumbukaaa?
suicide is a permanent decision..on a temporally problem..mwatopa nawo moyo
Maybe the owner is very bad man ndiye wangodziwiratu kuti yalakwa eèreeeesh!!!! Mukathana konko ndi God.
Very shame
Mau amachita kwakuya thats wazipha not 4memory card.
Kungoti zoti kuli get data back samaziwa. U can retrieve lost data from a memory card using the software.
Aaaaaaaaaa lwish ndikanauona ntembo wakewo ndikanamuswa heavy ine ndinaba katundu wa K150.000 koma ayini ake ndinakambirana nawo mpaka anakhululuka ndiye K 1.5 ndichani
koma ya wina anapanga format 2tb yanga yose mpaka empty ndie memory card ya 2gb mpaka maliro kkkkkkkkkkk amalawi ndi chan
world wide its only MW and it will take another thousands yrs in a certain primitive lands to be done with the similar case. hope he was under impairment category and there was a hidden story,memory card its just a way to pinpoint death.
He. must be. stupid
Ause muntendele…Nanga memory card ndichani moyo unayka pachnthu chachabechabe ngat chmenecho shupt Guy Uxa muntendele ADA..WALIMBANA NDIKULIMBANA KWABWINO
chakudya chake chinamuthela uyu osamudandaula
Mbuzi ya muthu imeneyo ikuthawa njala kkkkkk
Memory yaziwanda imeneyo wina asayigwile pleazi mungoitaya pa moto
So he decided to format his life ?
Zikubwera mochedwa
wanguwa wakufuntha uyo muntho wajikoma wakumanya sima ndimo yikunowerapo ka memory card nkhavichi
Chizungu cha format chimakoma bwanji…..pafupifupi aliyense anafoira nacho
I suggest this man hanged himself because of uncontrollable pleasure from his friend…. anthu ena amavuta pa chinthu chawo. Anyway, ause mu mtendere.
Pressure =/= Pleasure.
I saw it with my naked eyes. I heard a fifferent story
Kkkkkklkk or wafa akuyenera kumangidwa nyakula
Yake inakwana nthawi musalile just say go well
Ndipo nigaru zedi ameyuyu niyesa adakhuta sima ya futso
He’s enjoying robust health ameneyho
It’s evil spirits and sheepish in mind
Kkkkkkkkkk you shud have post it on wall b4 he send himself to heaven maybe l cud have volunteered a 64 Gig memory card.
Adatokhuta nkhani siyo futa memory card yo ayi,aaaaaaa
gd boy ….
chitsiru cha mwana akanandipeza ndikanamupatsa mc and akanakhala kt amu wider 3rd yr akanadzipha kangat? may his soul in hell.
Timumvetse.Ndi mmabomatu umu!? Memory card ndi mnyanga.To download music its expensive. Its not easy.Wandiwonongera memory card yanga,udziwanso.
kudowa ndimakudziwa bwino ameneyu amupepetura basi
24 online
Anatopa Nawo Moyo
Mwati ku dowa eti???palibe chodabwitsa uchikumbe udamutopesa
Memory card wangobisalirako koma ayenera kuti watopa ndiumphawi komaso njala.Maplan anamuthera thats y wangozikwizinga ameneyo
i feel he was intimidated for the first time in his life,anthu ena amayankhula ngati akupha kale ukawawonongera zinthu zao,no wonder,ihave same issue too,icant say much
i agree with u
mwini mc amangidwe becoz ifeel there is something he did,what and how he spoke,otherwise r i p
Kkkk kuopa njala
This boy he must go straight to hell, analibe nawo cholinga moyo, makolo ache akanaziwa akanangopita pachabe
Malemuwa adayamba kale kufuna atafa amakonda mahule, mowa, fodya n kuthangitsa galimoto koma.
Just only formatted memory card? Nanga akana fomata phone akanazipha kangati?
I never see such stupid person in my life. Anyway sleep well.
Kikikikiki kuzimangilira kwa phweka eti???
Kkkkkkkk zinazi ukanva ngati usasiye kunva munthu ungaziphe kuchosa moyo pachifuka chopusa ngati chimenecho aaaaaa kkkkkk
Buluzi Uthawanji
mtumbuka ameneo, ochewa songapange mmezozo.
Umm amalawi ufiti bas mwalowelelapo ena apa
memory card mmmmmhhhh Rip kma malemuwa analidi zoba
Akadandipatsa Kaye Moyowo Iyeyo Nkumafa,mwina Nkadapanga Zinazake Pompano
I for one have broken many expensive stuff at work but still alive.Ask when you don’t know
ameneyo ndiye timati kalumemtengo zazii anthu kumangowanamiza wazipha yekha kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkk shame
uyende mwa ambue tidzakupeza aise unatopa ndi ulamulilo wa uncle
Life nowadys has became something ppl just greatful for, I wonder
Life nowadys has became something ppl just ungreatful for, I wonder
ANTHU ENa aixe
Koma ya
Amalawi 24 panapake mukulakwisa esesani khani zina zovuta ngati izi muzifufuzaso momwe zinakalila kuti antu amvetse. Ndetizipeleka comment ndimuchoonadi. Aaaah sibwinodi ine ndadandaula. Anyway may his soul RIP
we need to understand the hanged man, the issue is not just a memory card but the contents of it. may be it carried things which cannot be found anywhere in the world. mwina munali ma software. we never know.
If the contents can’t be found anywhere, where did he get them in the first place?
If the contents can’t be found anywhere, where did he get them in the first place?
no matter what, mpaka suicide??
i can accedently invent software and kept it in my sd card, if the card accedently formatted, where can i find my software? there are lots of examples e.g newly recorded songs, different important information etc.. definitely no one can aford failing to source money used to replace songs which have accedently formatted
we use recovery software if you don’t know
Zulu, when you grow up you’l know how much important is to keeping data on cd than on sd card/fd. it is reasonal. one’s data been deleted/formatted, then one challenging to recover it back?? owh!! unless if you read me wrong.
Is it worth a life ?
olu kuti anaphwanya foni yose sie chingakhale chifukwa choti munthu angachosere moyo, chiripo chomwe chamupangisa kuti achose moyo wakewo.
Eish!! Sad
Anthufe tisamazuzane chomcho,mwini memory card kumusawutsa nzake mpaka kuzipha zosakhala bwino #RIP
Za bodza izi palinkhani yomwe wazi phela ameneyo nde inango kumana ndiya memory card komaso izi sizi kugwili zana nda tumbukuka osama ikapo nde manga zopusa apa mumadana nda tumbuka bwanji koma anthu enanu kuzipatula ngati muna badwila ku UK bwanji tose ndiku botomu basi malawi yomweyi aku lamulila atsogoleli aku zimbabwe i
Nzero zoipa ngati Pitala
anene zifukwa zina ameneyo….ku hostory timati imeneyo ndi chifukwa chofula zifukwa zina zakale zikuluzikulu.
No sense
y malawians coz of a memory card?????
Komano people zinthu zikachitika just accept it osanena zoti mwina mtumbika ku Dowa kuli mtumbuka
Komaso ife atumbuka achewa amationerera kwambiri chifukwa misika imangopya yokha
Zizipyabe kuti mukhaule tomorrow Blantyre yipyeso
Sichamba chija timakhala tikunena sichabwino anthu osava ndikanakuperekera memory cardyo 8GB osati mpaka kuzipha anyway rest in peace
F…… him may be he was keeping dity stuff
Disadvantage of technology. Lack of technical know-how
Mmm nde kuti inali memory khadi
osangodikira eni akewo bwanj,sinkhani yamakofi basi pano anakayiwala,uchitsiru winawu koma…..
Malawi24…..learn to finish such stories….Suicide=Hell fire….So this Man is burning in Hell…..
Anakhuta kachaso ameneyo.
anthu ena amkhalala serious ndi zinthu zazing’ono… mmalo mongokambirana kumangoopseza bas… Hell is not a good place to be, so lets solve our conflicts peacefully
kkkkkkkkkkkk Mau mau
Kkkkkkkkkkkk koma guys ayayayayaya mwafasako ku Dowa ko et mpaka pamenepo
Remember everything has got its own time,that was his time to die,RIP brother.
Arobale ka kgotso.
ndinkani yokambil ana osatikudzipha
His value was as the same as memo card,kkkk
Malawi walelo kkkkkk
ndinkani yokambil ana osatikudzipha
Malawi 24 please try to go deeper with research before you publish stories. Because other stories sounds unprofessional here
Ampepetula ameneu
moyo ndiodula abale .ok zofuna zale
Zoona memory card nchinthu choti mpakana ukaluze moyo ? Fuck him !!!!
all best mwaganizo zomwe mwafuna see u on next lyf
Amalawi anzanga tiyeni tizitumiza ana ku sukulu maka maka midzimu. Anthu ena m’Malawi muno awononga ma million kwacha a boma ngakhale a ma kampani koma alichete osatekeseka nkome ngakhare milandu yawo ili m’makoti, ndiye mpaka kuzipha chifukwa cha k1500.
Malemba akunena kuti, munthu kungodzipha yekha ulendo umenewu palibenso kuchitira mwina koma kukalowa kumoto basi.
Kkkkkkkkk amalawi koma
Just like that….???
kkkkkkkkkkk koma moyo ndiye wachipa tsopano.
why amw timakonda kutukwana nd kunyoza.i thk palicifukwa cokwanila not memory card.ndawonapo munthu atakolekedwa pamtengo ndikulemba kalata kut khani zake nd za mkaz koma ali anthu aciwembu atapanga zmenezo.koma amw kuzipha siyakho,ndipo mulungu sakodwela ndi imfa yoteleyo.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk am so khuzidi kkjkkkj
Mwinaso adali mtumbuka ameneyo chifukwa atumbuka akaononga zinthu zanuwake amathamangira kudzipha
That is stupid speech watch out bastard
Go to hell
Ichi ndye chamba chenchen Rest in hell
Zimuphonya za ku conference kkkkkkkk
Low selfesteem
Esh komatu kudzipha ndi mulandu mdziko komanso pamaso malungu, so we cant say rest in peace mukathana komweko ndi mulunguyo mwatichititsa manyaz!
Uchindelepera memory card! Shame
anakhuta ameneyo ofunika kuwupatsaso makofi mtembowo…. b4 doing dat akanapita kaye kuchipatala akaone adzake mene akuzunzikira kufuna moyo..galu wachabechabe.
Here it is!!! You sneak into my room unnoticed; you gently touch one bit of my naked body after the other until you find the most desirable place, then you start sucking……STUPID MOSQUITOES in case u miss it
Stupid guy. He must go to hell.
Kuwukhuta moyo
may his soul go to hell fast
wachitabwino kupanga format his life ,ayendebwino ulendo waku GEHENA (KUMAZUNZO OSATHA)
Anthu Amagwiririra Ana Koma #osazipha
Nde Memory Card Yot Even Utaba Sungalipire Nkhuku Imodzi #Shame
akanabweresa kwaine ndikampangira backup zonse zikanabwelera koma pot atumbuka bas he may rest in internal peace
hhhh…no wonder wanena kut “internal” ….ukanakhala mtumbuka ngat ine ukanaxiwa kut amat “ETERNAL”….not “INTERNAL”……go bak to xul… or if u kno a tumbuka nearby, ask fo help
Kkkkkkk lol
Gift zamani chipeta
You talking to the holy ghost motherfucker stop talking about tumbuka I promise you fuck your mother if don’t have anything to do son of bitchi
If something went wrong and you spot another tribe that’s selfish let’s talk what is in the post……….. Zamitundu ayi ndife amozi
koma adhaa atumbuka mmatengetsa bwanj kkkk
tukwana ntundu wanga osat mai anga
atumbuka amwano kuda ngat usiku 74
Koma ku school mupitenso coz mukuchititsa manyazi mpaka internal kkkkk lol
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklkkkk lol eya ndife a jonz za xool tilibe nazo check my dp ngat ambuyako angafanane ndi ine kuno ma memory card timangotaya call me will giv u 16 GB y
pomwe kwanuko 2gb wazipha Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklkkkk atumbuka simuzathekanso
Kkk nde mwati mtumbuuuka????!!!
Kkk nde mwati mtumbuuuka????!!!
Koma ine nimadabwa amalawi okhaokha kusalana kod tumbula kwawo ndku botswana?tiyeni amalawi anzanga tizindkile tisamakhale ngat ku xool simunapiteko……apa palibe chifukwa chot mungayambe kutukwanana nonse ndnu amodzi palibe wakunja apa.kunjako mumangoyendako.musamasalane chewa tumbuka ngoni nd yao nonse apm wanu ndmodzi
waukape za social network zomwez mpaka kwatchula masten iye akanatukwana mtundu wanga poti kuyenda mkuvina uzafika kwambaluku mphwanga will teach u a lesson
Hahaha. Namachende uyu can’t even tell that it’s “Eternal” osati internal. Tribalist Motherfucker!
mwanotu ndikuluza ndipo munthu kutukwana zimangooneseratu kut mai ako ndi bambo akamamenyana amatukwanana uhule wamai ako usandiveke ine i can fuck even ur mother and banja lakwanu lonse trie me ntumbuka wamwano kwanuko osamba ndi fredokiss ekha
Malemuwa anali achitsiru, anthu akudya ndalama komanso kuwononga katundu wa anthu padziko pano zkukambirana zinthu nkutha. Zoona akadzimangilire coz of memory card ya K1500, kupusa. Wachita bwino usamvere nawo zomwe zichitike ku press conference ku State House.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk koma eeeeeee
Panyipake ameneyo akalowe kugahena
Kakakakaka koma u
Kkkkkkkk koma man
kkkkkkkkkkk koma nde ulimotu kekekekeke. mutaye wapita ife tiziona
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk koma
Munthu akamwalira timati ause mumtendere koma na uyu guys asause mumtendere coz ndi wausiru memory card? Kaya
Akungokaikila kuti ndi memory card koma uboni palibe chifukwa sanasiye note. sitikuziwa chimene chamuchitikila ngakhale kuzipha kuli kolakwika let’s not judge the dead much Mulungu ndiyemwe adziwa
Report relevant issues…zitithandiza chani zimeneozo? Tisapange format ma MC…..aah..pezani zochita zenizeni.
Wakumoto uyo
Zaulendo uno…
Achewa mitu siyimagwira bwino nanga munthu kuzipha chifukwa cha memory card 1gb
Za muwanthu.
Ndinkhani yongokambirana iyi mpaka kuzimangilira!! oooh God” may his soul rest in piece
Anthu akumwa ma ArV daily kusaka saka moyo pamene wina akuzipha chifukwa cha memory card! Zake zimenezo poti ndi zomwe wasankha….
Stupid animal
mmmh hell waiting for such unreasonable pple
Amupepetula kwao uyo
Anthu akumwa ma ArV daily kusaka saka moyo pamene wina akuzipha chifukwa cha memory card! Zake zimenezo poti ndi zomwe wasankha….
Noanso madala a 75yrs, munatsala pati osangodikira timasiku tomwe munali nato bwanji. XEM ON U
Anthu akumwa ma ArV daily kusaka saka moyo pamene wina akuzipha chifukwa cha memory card! Zake zimenezo poti ndi zomwe wasankha….
Not valid, ARV nawonso ndi zawo …
Anawatuma ndani kuti atenge kachiromboko,…
Man musalalate! Si onse amene anatenga H I v mwa dala! Alipo ena anatenga mwa ngozi e.g wina wake osasamala anachita kuwatengera, ena through blood contact so sibwino kumalankhula mozitukumula! Otherwise awowo ndi maganizo aineyo…… Inuyo ingokomentani zanu but don’t reply against maganizo aine cz sindinatukwanepo munthu apa
Man musalalate! Si onse amene anatenga H I v mwa dala! Alipo ena anatenga mwa ngozi e.g wina wake osasamala anachita kuwatengera, ena through blood contact so sibwino kumalankhula mozitukumula! Otherwise awowo ndi maganizo aineyo…… Inuyo ingokomentani zanu but don’t reply against maganizo aine cz sindinatukwanepo munthu apa
Wachita bwino
Panali zinazake osati zomwezi mufufuzebwino ndiye mutiwuze zenizeni
Mbuz ya bullets imeneyiiiiii…kupepera basiiii
ndiye kulozedwatu uku
Ansaa, Sanali Serious Nd Moyo Wake Ameneyo
so sad my his soul rest in peace. i thought there was misunderstanding between dt guy n d owner
Mtumbuka sazantheka basi
When you dont know that you dont know…hell fire is waiting
His brain was stil ful of childish minds…thus why he was frightened when he heard the word (uwona)from the owner
Kapena inali 10,000,00 GB stupid may God keep his body separate .
Ay Ndthu X Mc Yokhaokhao Panalso Vuto Lna Muthu Ameneo Mmmmmm Ayayay Rip
its lik he, himself wz an,ant-virus to de E-card
m’malo mon’gopanga edit zomwe zinali mu memory card wapan’ga edit ndi n’zelu zomwe
Achewa ndichonco
Aaaa! Memory Card? Ine I formarted 500TB of Data ya ku Vep bt am alive! anaganiza bwanj? RIP thou.
Kkkkkkkkkkkk akaziona amanama ameneyo kuli achamuna ukooooo
May his soul rest in peace. I wonder what people outside Malawi will say about our country. It’s a disgrace as if we are still living in dark ages whereby one will not know that formatting a memory card un knowingly can not be an issue worth for one to committing sucide
We should not always do things in relation to what the other countries are saying….we nred to build Malawi basing on our consciousness and other aspects that we see fit.
Pal kena kake pamenepo
Mwina ndinjila yake yofela. RIP
So his life was as cheap as a memory card go straight to HELL
Not true, you have no authority over his life and death. Only God knows….it might be beyond a memory card.
Aliyense odzipha ekha akalowa kumoto
Naam, malemba akutelodi
Nope’don’t judge’only God
People like to be selective when using the bible, obeying other verses while ignoring other verses..
Christianity makes people stupid
apa ndiye Themba sunalankhule za nzeru!
Themba ngati ulibe chonena bwanji osangokhala bwa
Amnzanu akufuna moyo omweo kma anthu ena ali ndimasewera eeeeeti kaya zanu izo ine ai zisandikhudze
sorry after all. but it doesn’t give sense how could u do such terable thing over a M C
he thinks like a memory card
kapena inali 32gb
wachepesa inalie120 gb.
120GB moyo uli ndima GB angat
kkkkk 158mb basi
Stupid person,kuzipha kamba ka memory card???iyaaaaa
malawi24: A 20 year old man killed himself and ran away…….
Kkkkk mwaganiza bwanji mani?
9c kkkk tipunguke
i don’t think z enough reason,may b de owner was angly with him
mhhhh! chamba sizinthu nanga munthu kuzipha chifukwa chache chimechi,
Ugalu wake amla!
Hahaha koma zinazi
I hop that guy was born a low thinking capacity person.
Undifufuzireko tiki ya mkondo wautali pakati aise
Sizikumveka Aise