20,041 people benefit from Climate Smart Public Works Program in Zomba 


Almost 20,041 people have benefited from the Climate Smart Public Works Programme (CS-PWP) in Zomba at Pirimiti, Mbidi, Nkagula, Matcheleni, Ulumba, Songani, Lower Linjizi, Mwangata, Domasi among other catchments.

Climate Smart Public Works Program took media on a tour of Ulumba and Songani Lower catchments to appreciate how beneficiaries are doing in several sub-projects in the district.

Climate Smart Public Works Program District Facilitator in Zomba, Keith Sayenda was impressed with community participation in the catchments saying several interventions have improved people’s livelihoods.

People participate in digging swales, construction of stone bands, check dams and other catchment-level activities on a cash-for-work basis that also assists many beneficiaries in providing fofamilies’es basic needs.

“Climate Smart Public Works Program has transformed the lives of many people for the better through cash they receive upon participating in several activities in their respective catchments,” added Sayenda.

One of the CS-PWP beneficiaries in Ulumba, Sophie Manyamula said her life has been transformed from before she started taking part in digging swales which also helps to prevent land degradation from water run-offs

She acknowledged the cash she received after participating in swallows making saying this continues to help her to care for her family.

Manyamula, however, bemoaned delays in receiving cash after work sayingthis aaffectthelivelihoodd of many participants and has since called on the government to improve on this.

Chairperson of Songani Lower Catchment Management Committee, Lazeras Chamwa hailed the government for introducing CSPWP in the area which has proven to be economically impactful.

He said that beneficiaries receive almost K38,000 after working in their respective catchments.

Chamwa added that communities had adopted the best environmental and agricultural practices and expressed hope that the practices will continue even if CSPWP phases out.
