Nsanje Police Foil Human Trafficking Plot, Rescue Six Bound for Mozambique


A daring rescue operation by Nsanje police has saved six innocent lives from being trafficked to Mozambique, where they were destined for forced labor in illegal mining.

John Gavi, 42, was arrested for allegedly trafficking Paul Binda, 25, Evance Ackim, 27, Shamo Watson, 37, Isaac Ready, 31, Elias Batista, 39, and Jeremiah Njazi, 45, from Lundu village to Mozambique.

Nsanje Police spokesperson Agnes Zalakoma shared that the victims were forced into illegal mining. Thankfully, a timely tip-off enabled police detectives to act swiftly.

Gavi’s arrest brings hope to the victims and their families. The successful operation demonstrates the Malawi Police Service’s unwavering commitment to combating human trafficking and protecting vulnerable individuals.

The suspect is expected to face justice soon, ensuring that such heinous crimes are not tolerated in Malawi.


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