Vice President Usi’s surprise visit to Chikwawa Government Offices: A wake-up call for time management

Michael Usi

In a scene reminiscent of a Tikuferanji comedy sketch, Vice President Michael Usi delivered a shock to the Chikwawa government offices on Wednesday with an unannounced visit, leaving staff both stunned and awed.

The Vice President’s surprise inspection began at the District Hospital, where he found District Health Officer Grace Momba absent from her office after 8 AM. Following a brief phone call, Usi summoned Momba to explain her tardiness. 

She cited a workshop in Nchalo as the reason for her delay, but the Vice President was unyielding.

“Lead by example, and manage your time wisely,” Usi firmly advised, his tone underscoring the urgency of his message.

Usi’s next stop was the District Commissioner’s office, where he was pleased to find District Commissioner Nardin Kamba already at his desk by 7:28 AM. “Now, this is what I like to see!” the Vice President exclaimed, his approval evident. “Let’s keep up the good work, and make the most of our time!”

The atmosphere in the offices was charged with activity as civil servants scrambled to their posts, keen to avoid the disapproval of the unexpected visitor. 

His impromptu tour was not just a dramatic episode but a serious intervention aimed at improving time management within the government.

The morning’s events served as a stark reminder that punctuality and effective time management are essential for maintaining government efficiency and public trust. 

Usi’s visit was a vivid wake-up call, destined to have lasting implications for the Chikwawa offices and beyond.
