Fake healing promises lands pastor in hot water 


Mulanje police arrested a 38-year-old pastor on Wednesday, June 26, for allegedly raping a 15-year-old child who also suffers from epileptic disease.

According to the spokesperson Innocent Moses, the pastor deceived the parents of the child by falsely claiming that he could cure the child’s epileptic disease.

He also revealed that the pastor had been engaging in sexual relations with the child from February this year until this June when it became known that the child was now pregnant.

He narrated that, the pastor visited the girl who suffers from epileptic disease at her home where he convinced her parents to take her for prayers on a mountain and at his house.

After discovering that he had impregnated the girl, the pastor went to her parents’ home and proposed marriage. 

However, her parents were outraged by the news and reported the incident to the police, who subsequently arrested the pastor for molesting a minor. 

Furthermore, the pastor is set to face charges in court for the crime of molesting a child.

Steven Zambia resides in Mkweya village under the Traditional Authority Mabuka and comes from Makaula village, also under the Traditional Authority Mabuka in the district.


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