MRP, AFORD demands Kalua, Kalindo’s unconditional release

Malawi Protests leader Bon Kalindo has been arrested on several occassions since he started leading demonstrations against the Lazarus Chakwera administration

Two opposition political parties, Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP) and Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) have released their statements demanding the unconditional and immediate release of Hon. Kamlepo Kalua and Activist Bon Kalindo and all speaking in sympathy for the sudden death of Vice President Dr Saulosi Chilima.

Muvi wa Chilungamo has described Hon. Kamlepo Kalua and Activist Bon Kalindo as freedom fighters in Malawi hence the Revolutionary Party demanding and calling for their unconditional and immediate release from police custody.

AFORD and MRP have demanded the release of Kalua and Kalindo.

President and Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary party Bantu Saunders Jumah, has noted with grave concern that culprits or suspects that have destroyed this country from corruption to law-breaking are all free, yet thieves stealing tax-payers money are left to enjoy the exploits of their theft.

Jumah says party supporters particularly from the leading party MCP can break the laws at will without being apprehended or prosecuted saying by reviving these monocratic tendencies, MCP and its partners are warned and made aware that this country did away with one-party state and principles of democracy.

“Whoever tries to replace the government of the people for the people and by the people, will replace himself or themselves from a position of power,” reads MRP statement in part.

On its part, the Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) has condemned in the strongest terms the arrest of Hon. Kamlepo Kalua and Bon Kalindo by the Malawi Police Service describing this as a blatant intimidation tactic and an attempt to stifle civic space in Malawi.

The AFORD has called on all Malawians to stand in solidarity with these brave individuals and demand an end to this oppression believing that the charges against them are trumped up and politically motivated.

The party says the arrest of these two individuals Kamlepo Kalua and Bon Kalindo, known for their vocal criticism of the government, is a clear indication of the state’s intent to silence dissenting voices expecting the government to uphold the principles of democracy including the protection of human rights and the freedom of speech.

“We are demanding their unconditional release and an immediate end to this harassment, the Government’s actions are a threat to democracy and the rule of law,” reads AFORD statement in part.

Meanwhile, a Malawi Congress Party (MCP) diehard of Mvera in Dowa district Mr. Rodgers Kamphangala, has accused the MCP of effecting arrests of suspects of free speech before the Commission of Inquiry to establish the death of Dr. Saulosi Chilima’s results are out.

Kamphangala has expressed fears that with these arrests, the MCP is mounting pressure on itself as Malawians are waiting anxiously for Limpopo FM and Bakili Muluzi TV online publications which have assured them that their investigations on the mysterious death of Dr Saulosi Chilima are over and what they are waiting for is a report from the government.

“Limpopo FM and Bakili Muluzi TV have become a darling to millions of Malawians for truth and justice, how long it takes, the truth will be established,” says Kamphangala.
