Shoprite Group and GGL bring economic growth and employment to Malawi

Shoprite Group and GGL bring economic growth and employment to Malawi

A strategic supplier partnership between Africa’s largest retailer, the Shoprite Group, and GBI Greenhouse Limited (GGL) – Malawi’s only large-scale greenhouse-based vegetable farm – is exporting high-quality bell peppers to the South African market, whilst driving sustainable economic growth and creating employment opportunities for local communities in Lilongwe.

Located next to Kamuzu International Airport (KIA), the farm currently employs 130 people, many of whom come from nearby villages and rural areas. An alliance between GGL and the Shoprite Group’s fruit and vegetable arm has also resulted in the recruitment of 20 additional personnel in managerial and semi-skilled positions, to ensure the successful fulfillment of export tasks.

Inosselia, a multinational company, and the Government of Malawi, through the Greenbelt Initiative, jointly own GGL which produces a wide range of fresh produce, including tomatoes, peppers (green, yellow, red, orange), cucumbers, onions, watermelons, baby marrow, eggplants, and more on a 30-hectare plot boasting 16 hectares of greenhouses.

Recognising the need for top-tier peppers in South Africa, Shoprite took the initiative to support GGL through its growing programme. Following a successful export trial of 1.2 tonnes,  a 12-week supply agreement was formalised that will see upwards of 10 tonnes shipped per week.

Currently, the farm harvests over 60 tonnes of fresh produce weekly. Using soilless farming methods to reduce chemical usage and incorporating state-of-the-art packing, grading, and cold storage facilities, GGL ensures a premium, consistent supply to local and international markets.

The farm’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility is evident through its on-site training centre and smaller demonstration greenhouses for training and capacity-building purposes.

“By partnering with GGL, we look forward to delivering the finest peppers to South African consumers while making a positive impact in Malawi. It’s not just about produced; it’s about making a difference in the communities where we operate,” says Quintin Paladin, General Manager of Freshmark – the Shoprite Group’s fruit and vegetable procurement and distribution division.
