Refugees in Malawi  returning to townships and trading centres


Barely 8 months after the government of Malawi through the Ministry of  Homeland security relocated refugees to Dzaleka, the refugees are going back to locations across the country.

This has come to light after  Lilongwe district council raised concerns of these Refugees and Asylum seekers and has  called for them to go back to Dzaleka Refugees   Camp in Dowa  before police and enforcement agencies  intervenes.

Meanwhile, the Lilongwe  district council   has said in its letter that it will carry out sensitization through different platforms to encourage for voluntary return.

“We will be carrying out sensitization through public address system and  other platforms to encourage for voluntary return or face the repercussions as per the  last public notice that was issued by ministry of   Homeland security on the subject matter” reads the Notice.

Malawi’s ministry of Homeland security in May 2023 embarked on a mission to relocate all the refugees and asylum seekers to designated camps.

The enforcing order demanded all refugees living in urban and rural areas without proper permits.

An estimated 8, 000 refugees have lived in Malawi’s rural and urban areas for a considerable time.
